Lee Hyori

Do you personally upload all these pics you post to ImageShack and ImageAvenue? If so, that's a lot of work, especially just for an NT post

Someone has to do it, I guess.
Very proud to say that I've been in love with Hyori probably before anyone else on this board. Fin.K.L. was my !$$@ in middle school.
Originally Posted by VIXIV

Do you personally upload all these pics you post to ImageShack and ImageAvenue? If so, that's a lot of work, especially just for an NT post

Someone has to do it, I guess.

Yeah, either theres an easy way, or you have TOO much time on your hands...
I copy and paste all of these from other boards. I use to credit my posts, but after a while I said the hell with it.

BTW, my avy is of Melyssa Grace.
not a big fan of Chinese chicks but she is very cute. Hopefully she cops a Brazilian down there tho.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Never seen that before

I think she's Korean. I remember some YouTube vid with her and Jessica Alba that was posted some time last year
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Very proud to say that I've been in love with Hyori probably before anyone else on this board. Fin.K.L. was my !$$@ in middle school.

no hate, but were you one of those dudes dancin to k-pop vids too?

and yeah, good subject for the illmaticsoulchild image dump
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Shorty is by far the baddest Chinawoman ever.
Originally Posted by MaZA4eVeR14

not a big fan of Chinese chicks but she is very cute. Hopefully she cops a Brazilian down there tho.

she's Korean.

thanks for the pics. my browser almost died.
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