Let me get this straight: So according to the Bible


Sep 2, 2008
we are all products of incest?

The bible over the years have made millions of people buy bull. Get it?! BUY BULL?!?! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEE
Makes sense. According to natural selection we're all related... big whoop... it doesn't matter what book you read, billions came from either1 or 2 individuals.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Makes sense. According to natural selection we're all related... big whoop... it doesn't matter what book you read, billions came from either 1 or 2 individuals.
How did you come up with that theory? Just wondering what part you read to interpret that.
Originally Posted by duke4005

How did you come up with that theory? Just wondering what part you read to interpret that.
The part were Adam and Eve had kids, and their kids had kids, so I would assumed the kids screwed each other. Unless they did their parents too
Holy #+#$ i was gonna make this thread 2 days ago. thanks for posting.
According to the Bible, Cain left and went to Nod, a neighboring land already inhabited by a group of people, and married a woman and had children. I have readit explained that the human race was "pure" at this time, i.e. no birth defects. Adam and Eve were told to populate the Earth, and had many childrenafter Cain and Abel, and Cain married either a sister or niece. The reason incest is wrong, looked down on, sick, perverted, whatever, is because a person ofcertain parents and family has a pre-disposition to certain defects, genetically, and when two people of the same "family", with the same defects,get together, that defect becomes a dominant gene and comes to fruition. At this time, like it said where I just read, the human race had no genetic defectsbecause it was new.
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by duke4005

How did you come up with that theory? Just wondering what part you read to interpret that.
The part were Adam and Eve had kids, and their kids had kids, so I would assumed the kids screwed each other. Unless they did their parents too
they did.

I mean in reality that's pretty much how it worked...
How was it already inhabited if Adam and Eve were supposedly the only people on Earth?

And what about them Dinosaurs

And you're just realizing now that there are things in the Bible that aren't logical?
Originally Posted by early90s

How was it already inhabited if Adam and Eve were supposedly the only people on Earth?

And what about them Dinosaurs

That's the whole controversy. The Bible says humans came from Adam and Eve, but scientists have a totally different theory, which is Evolution and NaturalSelection.
i ALWAYS thought about this....

unless there was more ppl we dont know about for Cain/Abel to have reproduced with.
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