Let me get this straight: So according to the Bible

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Watch this turn into a Creationism vs. Evolution debate.
Don't mind if I do...

I like to believe in what I call Evolutionary Creationism which is creation-by-way-of-evolution. If God is brilliant enough to know the afters prior to thebefores, I'm sure he could craft a self sustaining system of creation and adaption and let it snowball into the many species and creatures that arepresent today. He sparked it with the Big Bang, once he created the Primordial Atom. The world was created in 7 "days" in the sense that"day" can also mean "era" as in "back in my day". So I assume that 70 percent of the bible is really metaphorical and symbolicand 30 percent is misconstrued and tampered quotes and images. It contains NO absolutetruth whatsoever, and neither does any other religious book. But they do contain the keys to unlock absolute truth. They're all filled with partial truths, riddles, and metaphors. Where they differin is in the traditions and conventions of the people that wrote them; things like saying no to pork or fasting for Lent. Where they are alike, lies the slimpossiblity to deduce some absolute truth. Ifyou're good, you can triangulate absolutetruth by analyzing and learning theological wisdom from multiple sources.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

never use this but

why do you think they say we are all brothers and sisters?
So you feel comfortable knowing that you are going to have FORNICATE and have babies with your RELATIVE?!?
be careful of what you speak heathens! ephesians c.12 v.69: thou who mocketh the true believer shall be of feeble mind. let pestilence and death met thouenemies and doom all to an eternity of everlasting woe!
I have an idea, but it's all relative to what I've learned and experienced. So because of that, I don't preach it. You can learn it but itcan't be taught. I learned that from reading Siddhartha. But by definition absolute truth is whatever is an indisputable fact. I'm not talking about all the subjective beliefs wetake as facts, but whatever truth is out there that is the ABSOLUTE, honest, irrefutable truth -- whatever that may be. Part of that truthcould be that God's real name is Bob and Christians, Muslims, and Jews ALL got it wrong. Part of that truth may or may not support details in theBible (or Qu'aran..... or Newsweek... or whatever else you're reading these days) Who knows? Nobody living, that's for certain. Even the Pope isgoing off of glorified he-say-she-say. We're all ignorant of absolute truth so the most you can do is seek it and have faith that at the end of your life,whatever you have come to believe is the absolute truth, actually is.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I have an idea, but it's all relative to what I've learned and experienced. So because of that, I don't preach it. You can learn it but it can't be taught. I learned that from reading Siddhartha. But by definition absolute truth is whatever is an indisputable fact. I'm not talking about all the subjective beliefs we take as facts, but whatever truth is out there that is the ABSOLUTE, honest, irrefutable truth -- whatever that may be. Part of that truth could be that God's real name is Bob and Christians, Muslims, and Jews ALL got it wrong. Part of that truth may or may not support details in the Bible (or Qu'aran..... or Newsweek... or whatever else you're reading these days) Who knows? Nobody living, that's for certain. Even the Pope is going off of glorified he-say-she-say. We're all ignorant of absolute truth so the most you can do is seek it and have faith that at the end of your life, whatever you have come to believe is the absolute truth, actually is.

That was actually a trick question.
I figured it was, but since I really believe this stuff (and I think my views would help a lot of people feel comfortable with balancing faith and intellect)you KNOW I had my explanation ready to fire if somebody questioned me... you gotta be ready in these religious talks man..
I mean... when your species consists of just you and another, your choices are kind of light. Personally i'd be more willing to accept incest thanbestiality.
I think the proper way to acknowledge all this is to say that we all hold our own beliefs to be true. We have to stand by what you believe and what you havebeen taught. If you can find it diificult to believe then it is. But if you believe that it is true, and willing to stand by it. The hell with it. On anothernote to address the OP...i really wish that we didnt look down on it. cause i got some cousins...i would love to tap. And i mean that. And we all are relatedif you believe in the bible anyway cause apprently adam and eve were the first people i think. I believe that the bible is a control mechanism anyway used bywhite european to control slaves, and other people. Basically war tactics, control thier minds, and you control everything else. Ready for shots? yes i am
... he didn't even use the qualifiers. He coulda easily slid with " I mean, if they weren't my cousins and all" cause we all know atleast one relative that's attractive but he said "and I mean that." like... damn homie
I'm dying cuz I got some VISCOUSLY bad relatives but I just can't seem to agree with dude on that one
.. like, I get my rocks off thinking"my boy parts and your girl parts go together for a reason". I just can't wrap my mind around that reason involving my cousin
. Dude be on one apparently
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'm dying cuz I got some VISCOUSLY bad relatives but I just can't seem to agree with dude on that one
.. like, I get my rocks off thinking "my boy parts and your girl parts go together for a reason". I just can't wrap my mind around that reason involving my cousin
. Dude be on one apparently

, I have contemplated it.
Originally Posted by early90s

How was it already inhabited if Adam and Eve were supposedly the only people on Earth?

And what about them Dinosaurs

i've often wondered about this too...and lol@ "what about them dinosaurs"
but i've heard several theories, one being that it was believed that God put a set of Adam's and Eve's on every continent
frankly, i think a lot of things that were intended to be in the bible got cut out or were forgotten. i mean keep in mind the bible is the only real tie wehave to that prehistoric time period(whenever it occurred) it's like trying to play "telephone" over thousands of years, things are bound to endup misconstrued at some point. i dont think God will fault us for what we have no true way of knowing.
at the end of the day it's about your faith.
^That's basically what I believe in a nutshell so I don't buy into the details, just the concepts and abstract wisdoms.
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