Let me get this straight: So according to the Bible

Originally Posted by i love nikes

$$%% that stupid book, it's all +%%$#%%#.

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by Equaztion

Dinosaurs are the handiwork of the devil.
I don't get it.... I thought he was burnin
What he is saying is that the devil planted dinosaur fossils on earth so we would question god
Well that's just silly IMO. A better question would be if mammals are more sophisticated physiologically than most reptiles, what would make youthink we came first anyway? The problem occurs when you have to come to accept that due to wanting man to be justified as the dominant species on the planet,the church allowed certain passages to be omitted from further publications of "The Word of God". It's hard to champion brain power as the trumpcard when there may have been animals with physical attributes far superior to ours. Even today, there are better animal than mankind. Bats flyblindly because they can echo locate, much like Daredevil. I could go for days on the super powers that animals posses, but I won't. I'll just saythis, dinosaurs DID exist. Earlier man may not have been able to detect their past presence obviously, but they DID exist. The devil didn't burybones to sway us from the truth. Man buried truth to sway us towards the devil. Just as we used to think the universe revolved around Earth, it's that sameignorance, that same self centered perspective that would make us think Man is better than any other animal because of some divine ordinance.
Destroyed by a fire and heatwaves....

Oh looky what we have here, the sun is coming down.
a book full of fantasy and fictional fairytales

I can't believe so many people follow religion.......it was created by man to make money and conquer people
Okay let me stop being a comedian.

There is no beast that has more intrinsic capabilities than a human not even outright even how we are today. Point blank.

I have two theory's but i will say dinosaurs are a test of faith.

1. Dinosaur like creatures was created alongside man similiar to a leviathan... The bible doesn't list every single creature including there the sevendays.
2. Humans have a state of amnesia which is remnant due to some people experiencing deja vu, esp, gut feeling or clairvoyance, prodigious savants in which weshall never know or understand our own body's in the time being or the past and where we came from. Not really answer but a cause.
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kidsthese days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
I don't know if its a fact but my grandma told me the amount of melanin and adaptive traits in our body's changes due to our surroundings.

Everybody was black though... like its Funny how the media portrays David as white and Solomon pitch black...then all the pictures of Jesus.

Yeah, brainwashing.
While I agree that our intrinsic capabilities are limitless, the fact that we have a dummied down understanding of our own mental ability is more than enoughfor me to assume we are not trumping wildlife right now. Think about it. We even teach our children to neglect their innate abilities. Quick, how manysenses are there?! Wrong answer. We don't even stop to realize how complicated our own body is, to the point where we laugh at the reality of it when itbecomes a joke on family guy (i.e. God's comment about the trash floating in the wind
). Damn shame. If we stopped limiting ourselves and excepted thefact that everything Mr. Glass said on Unbreakable is basically true, then I would believe we were the dominantspecies of Earth. Right now, I kinda think cockroaches are. Consider what they can do with such limited resources. Small bodies mean less nutrients arerequired to survive. They populate and live EVERYWHERE, but do so in balance, not parasitically, like humans (word to Agent Smith). On top of that, they cansurvive nuclear fall out, climate change, and almost anything.
Well the way science explains it, "we all have a common mother." So I guess the bull you speak of is no different with scientific explanations.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kids these days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
Where did you hear this from?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kids these days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
Where did you hear this from?

Huh? Are you serious? I thought this was common knowledge that Man originated in Africa....
Yes that what the bible states. Adam and Eve's children (had others besides Caine and Able) populated the earth until the great flood. Noah's familywere the only survivors of the flood so we are all descendants of Noah.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kids these days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
In the bible I dont believe black people were mentioned...but what do I know i dont read that thang...
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kids these days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
In the bible I dont believe black people were mentioned...but what do I know i dont read that thang...

are you guys serious right now? naahh.....you HAVE to be joking....
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

So where did black people and Chinese come from...

Slow up.

What the deuce? Screw the Chinese part... you do know that EVERYBODY came from Black people right? What the hell are they teaching...er umm.. brainwashing kids these days? I thought everyone knew that and that those that didn't only pretended not to.
In the bible I dont believe black people were mentioned...but what do I know i dont read that thang...

are you guys serious right now? naahh.....you HAVE to be joking....
read the story of the tower of babel...it explains how and why we have different races and ethnicities.....
God said everything he wanted to say in the exact manner he wanted to say it, not one word is where another word should be.

The ten commandments is not the ten suggestions.

If i were Job sitting in heaven and my story was interpreted as symbolic after i went through all that i'd be exasperated.

You can read Aesop's Fable's for that. Three little piggy's or something.

Even though all that will save not you even you don't believe in Jesus its a recipe to what God intended for you.
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