Let me get this straight: So according to the Bible

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Watch this turn into a Creationism vs. Evolution debate.
Don't mind if I do...

I like to believe in what I call Evolutionary Creationism which is creation-by-way-of-evolution. If God is brilliant enough to know the afters prior to the befores, I'm sure he could craft a self sustaining system of creation and adaption and let it snowball into the many species and creatures that are present today. He sparked it with the Big Bang, once he created the Primordial Atom. The world was created in 7 "days" in the sense that "day" can also mean "era" as in "back in my day". So I assume that 70 percent of the bible is really metaphorical and symbolic and 30 percent is misconstrued and tampered quotes and images. It contains NO absolute truth whatsoever, and neither does any other religious book. But they do contain the keys to unlock absolute truth. They're all filled with partial truths, riddles, and metaphors. Where they differ in is in the traditions and conventions of the people that wrote them; things like saying no to pork or fasting for Lent. Where they are alike, lies the slim possiblity to deduce some absolute truth. If you're good, you can triangulate absolute truth by analyzing and learning theological wisdom from multiple sources.
Triangulating absolute truth?
Originally Posted by rtz13

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Watch this turn into a Creationism vs. Evolution debate.
Don't mind if I do...

I like to believe in what I call Evolutionary Creationism which is creation-by-way-of-evolution. If God is brilliant enough to know the afters prior to the befores, I'm sure he could craft a self sustaining system of creation and adaption and let it snowball into the many species and creatures that are present today. He sparked it with the Big Bang, once he created the Primordial Atom. The world was created in 7 "days" in the sense that "day" can also mean "era" as in "back in my day". So I assume that 70 percent of the bible is really metaphorical and symbolic and 30 percent is misconstrued and tampered quotes and images. It contains NO absolute truth whatsoever, and neither does any other religious book. But they do contain the keys to unlock absolute truth. They're all filled with partial truths, riddles, and metaphors. Where they differ in is in the traditions and conventions of the people that wrote them; things like saying no to pork or fasting for Lent. Where they are alike, lies the slim possiblity to deduce some absolute truth. If you're good, you can triangulate absolute truth by analyzing and learning theological wisdom from multiple sources.
Triangulating absolute truth?

Care to explain the rollin smileys or is that just what you do when you can't formulate a decent rebuttal?

God said everything he wanted to say in the exact manner he wanted to say it,
No doubt. It's the people who've since had direct influence over the message He left for us that aren't to be trusted.
oh god. I just cant understand why people want to try to change folks minds??

leave it at that, enjoy your days while you have them. stop worrying about if this is right, or should i do this, or will i be forgiven for this...JUST BEHAPPY the best way you see fit....
and a great multitude...will be decieved...

they will run...wanting to die, but cant.

they will beg for mountains to be thrown upon them.

but they will not find death...

in thee end...

every head shall raise.....

and every knee shall bow...

and we will all confess that jesus is lord......

whether in our lifetime or not....this WILL happen.....

ive had every reason to believe in god...MIRACLES, signs, and confirmation have all came from him....
Originally Posted by derryj3

oh god. I just cant understand why people want to try to change folks minds??

leave it at that, enjoy your days while you have them. stop worrying about if this is right, or should i do this, or will i be forgiven for this...JUST BE HAPPY the best way you see fit....
point...and i believe this is where wars arise from. People fighting and arguing over who is right and who is wrong. As long as what you believehelps you to live a better life and you can do so with a clear mind...the hell with what others or some book says. Cause in reality we are all just walkingblindly on our very own pre-disposed concept of truth. Allow the other man to have his beliefs, dont focus on what makes you different, but put your energy onwhat you have in common, and agree to disagree on the other things.

And for the record i am not Dominican, and the comment about the cousin i wouldnt do my cousins, but hell yeah i got some cousins i look at and say "damnif we wasn't", and half of you all in here have had the same thought. Espically family reunion times when the ones you never talk to or have seencome.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

ive had every reason to believe in god...MIRACLES, signs, and confirmation have all came from him....
......which contradicts free will, the basis of Christianity, but please, what miracles, signs and confirmation from "him" have you experienced?
please explain how this contradicts free will...iv seen people cured of aids pretty much on the spot, iv prayed about something (whether certainpeople in my life were for me) and the next day it was confirmed...."HE" said i stand at the door an knock....it is us who have to let him in...hespeaks to us all the time, but you have to listen......all he wants is a relationship with his people/children....for those who have children..how would youfeel if they never acknowledged yu...if they never spoke to or listened to yu..how would that make yu feel...
.................but im not here to argue or condemn anybody....im here merely to tell yu.....

jesus didnt even come to condemn people....he merely came for all of us, to save us..
Derry, I tried that before and its just shortchanging existance, a gateway of forming bad mindset and callous character which could bring forth acts of theflesh.

'Happy' dont equate to salvation yet the godly man is happy in whatever situation he is placed because it comes from above.

I believe God gave us a choice to serve him, you can't expect God to bless a sinner but if you follow in his path and instructions x and z will happen. Sinners are included in God's divine plan its just your going to need cool water and air conditioner on that day when the clock stops tickin.

Take the lame man for example he asked for forgiveness and Jesus performed miracles in order to show us that all things are possible through him.
Originally Posted by Equaztion

Derry, I tried that before and its just shortchanging existance, a gateway of forming bad mindset and callous character which could bring forth acts of the flesh.

'Happy' dont equate to salvation yet the godly man is happy in whatever situation he is placed because it comes from above.

I believe God gave us a choice to serve him, you can't expect God to bless a sinner but if you follow in his path and instructions x and z will happen. Sinners are included in God's divine plan its just your going to need cool water and air conditioner on that day when the clock stops tickin.

and the worst thing is....you will remember all that was EVER said to yu about god.....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

please explain how this contradicts free will...iv seen people cured of aids pretty much on the spot, iv prayed about something (whether certain people in my life were for me) and the next day it was confirmed...."HE" said i stand at the door an knock....it is us who have to let him in...he speaks to us all the time, but you have to listen......all he wants is a relationship with his people/children....for those who have children..how would you feel if they never acknowledged yu...if they never spoke to or listened to yu..how would that make yu feel...

check it, true free will contradicts divine intervention.

that's about as far as im going to go, because you actually claim to have seen AIDS cured "pretty much on the spot"

and you've prayed for things that absolutely happened the next day due to "god"

so frankly, i doubt you will understand logic and reason, therefore, i'll "bless" you with the first sentence in this response
like i said....im not here to argue soooooo ill keep this short

god lets us choose...whatever we want...even sinners prosper, but they will be cut down as grass that has grown too long.
hes not going to force hiself upon anyone...its just much better to believe and be under his covenant so he may shield and can intervene in things that willhappen to yu...

in a nut shell he has the power to intervene in things that are going to happen to yu because of your CHOICES, he is waaaaay more likely to intervene if yustay under his covenant and pursue a relationship with him....

that is all about that....if yu dont get it then oh well
Care to explain the rollin smileys or is that just what you do when you can't formulate a decent rebuttal?

God said everything he wanted to say in the exact manner he wanted to say it,
No doubt. It's the people who've since had direct influence over the message He left for us that aren't to be trusted.

very true
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

please explain how this contradicts free will...iv seen people cured of aids pretty much on the spot, iv prayed about something (whether certain people in my life were for me) and the next day it was confirmed...."HE" said i stand at the door an knock....it is us who have to let him in...he speaks to us all the time, but you have to listen......all he wants is a relationship with his people/children....for those who have children..how would you feel if they never acknowledged yu...if they never spoke to or listened to yu..how would that make yu feel...

check it, true free will contradicts divine intervention.

that's about as far as im going to go, because you actually claim to have seen AIDS cured "pretty much on the spot"

and you've prayed for things that absolutely happened the next day due to "god"

so frankly, i doubt you will understand logic and reason, therefore, i'll "bless" you with the first sentence in this response.


you know what?

i came at you wrong.

look, free will means we are responsible for our actions.

now, if i get hit by a car tomorrow, saying "oh, god had a plan, he wanted keenan, so he took him"

that's BS.....because now, i don't have free will, i don't have a choice, god has predetermined my lifespan...

predetermination=the opposite of free will

ANY, and i mean ANY physical interaction with god contradicts an idea of free will, and you believe because of faith...

free will= god created us, and said "go on"....

aint no "miracles" aint no "speaking to god" aint no "he stepped in with his plan"

none of that...

not if you christian, unless, somehow, your sect doesn't believe in free will...

so the drunk driver that hit my little sister and ended her life at 6 years old was sent by god to enact his plan?


but seriously, the whole "ive seen aids pretty much cured on the spot" makes you look real ridiculous, i wouldn't go around sharing that gem with everyone in an attempt to "prove" your faith....

i never said that proved my faith....that MY REASON for believing....so really it shouldnt matter to yu
iv known for people been in car crashes and the only thing that I BELIEVE saved them was the name JESUS...

they were in a crash the telephone pole was falling (if yu will) and the man i know (not saying his name) said JESUS that all he said....and the pole stoppedfalling...it froze right there in it spot....it was tilted just like / that......it should have fell but it didnt......

no bodies full life is pre-determined.....we all have CHOICES....if we want GOD to intervene he will...which is why we pray and and ask god to forgive us ofsins......

but....like i said

a multitude will be decieved..
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

please explain how this contradicts free will...iv seen people cured of aids pretty much on the spot, iv prayed about something (whether certain people in my life were for me) and the next day it was confirmed...."HE" said i stand at the door an knock....it is us who have to let him in...he speaks to us all the time, but you have to listen......all he wants is a relationship with his people/children....for those who have children..how would you feel if they never acknowledged yu...if they never spoke to or listened to yu..how would that make yu feel...

check it, true free will contradicts divine intervention.

that's about as far as im going to go, because you actually claim to have seen AIDS cured "pretty much on the spot"

and you've prayed for things that absolutely happened the next day due to "god"

so frankly, i doubt you will understand logic and reason, therefore, i'll "bless" you with the first sentence in this response.


you know what?

i came at you wrong.

look, free will means we are responsible for our actions.

now, if i get hit by a car tomorrow, saying "oh, god had a plan, he wanted keenan, so he took him"

that's BS.....because now, i don't have free will, i don't have a choice, god has predetermined my lifespan...

predetermination=the opposite of free will

ANY, and i mean ANY physical interaction with god contradicts an idea of free will, and you believe because of faith...

free will= god created us, and said "go on"....

aint no "miracles" aint no "speaking to god" aint no "he stepped in with his plan"

none of that...

not if you christian, unless, somehow, your sect doesn't believe in free will...

so the drunk driver that hit my little sister and ended her life at 6 years old was sent by god to enact his plan?


but seriously, the whole "ive seen aids pretty much cured on the spot" makes you look real ridiculous, i wouldn't go around sharing that gem with everyone in an attempt to "prove" your faith....

i never said that proved my faith....that MY REASON for believing....so really it shouldnt matter to yu
iv known for people been in car crashes and the only thing that I BELIEVE saved them was the name JESUS...

they were in a crash the telephone pole was falling (if yu will) and the man i know (not saying his name) said JESUS that all he said....and the pole stopped falling...it froze right there in it spot....it was tilted just like / that......it should have fell but it didnt......

no bodies full life is pre-determined.....we all have CHOICES....if we want GOD to intervene he will...which is why we pray and and ask god to forgive us of sins......

but....like i said

a multitude will be decieved..
one more thing......thats not something i would just randomly share, (not yu) but some people actually do want to get to know god, and this issomething i would tell them....thats what he showed and has done for me.....the word(bible) is for people who believe and want to believe...as the basis of itis faith...it really isnt for the people who have no intention on believeing...
last sentence is rong bruh...

its based on faith......read the bible all the way through then talk to me

but your right im done too...

goodday sir
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

its just much better to believe and be under his covenant so he may shield and can intervene in things that will happen to yu...

in a nut shell he has the power to intervene in things that are going to happen to yu because of your CHOICES, he is waaaaay more likely to intervene if yu stay under his covenant and pursue a relationship with him....

no, i don't "get it" because it doesn't make sense.

"you make your own choices, but he makes some of them for you too....."

was god responsible for impairing the drunk driver to the point he hit and killed my 6 year old sister?


and conversely, he's not responsible for the things you pray for which end up happening....

nor is he responsible for "curing aids pretty much on the spot"

he's not responsible for anything that happens on this planet...




the god you are describing would have stepped in and "saved" adam and eve, right?

in reality, you like to think god is there to save you and get you out of pickles, pretty much, god is guiding your life on autopilot, you aren't responsible for your actions, because you don't stray from what "god wants" or "gods plan"

but really, if god even exists as you believe, he has NO CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE OR ACTIONS

i mean, besides you fearing him so much you don't do anything outside of the "rules"

if free will doesnt contradict divine intervention, why wont god just "show himself" and convince everyone of his existence?

the answer?

because, that would take free will away from human beings, rendering them "controlled". they would believe in god for reasons other than faith, and there would be no "choice" in the matter...

seriously, im done with this.

go read up on some Aristotle...

divine intervention is good for one thing, subtracting plausibility.....

i just wnana know how you can choose to ignore the very principal your religion is based on; free will

Damn... I co-sign that. Very good points.
if yuy dont believe and have FAITH (which is what our religion is based on) then you wont understand...

and again i say...a great multitude will be decieved...

you keep thinking humans are responsible for everything....you cannot do anything with out him...but he has mercy on us all...

dont respond back please....im done talking about this

your not going to believe...and i will choose to believe...end of story.....good day
not even going to reply to all the other stuff

when yu say higher power im assuming your talking about god in the bible...please correct me if im rong

but how can yu believe and god and NOT believe he intervenes, when it clearly explains in the old testament time after time about how he intervenes...???

like i said if yu dont believe in JESUS/GOD as being the most high let me know and correct me..
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol, so a guy is planning on blowing up a church, with the parishioners inside...

god intervenes to stop him, right?

i mean, if he's out here freezing poles for people, he'd surely stop the bombing of a church?

why didn't he stop this:

Church Shooting

or this:
The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing was a racially motivated terrorist attack on September 15, 1963 by members of a Ku Klux Klan group in Birmingham, Alabama in the United States. The bombing of the African-American church resulted in the deaths of four girls. Although city leaders had reached a settlement in May with demonstrators and started to integrate public places, not everyone agreed with ending segregation. Other acts of violence followed the settlement. The bombing increased support for people working for civil rights. It marked a turning point in the U.S. civil-rights movement of the mid-20th century and contributed to support for passage of civil rights legislation in 1964.

i mean, the victims were IN CHURCH, praying/praising god AT THE TIME OF THEIR MURDERS

oh, wait, it was "gods plan", nevermind, he "let" this stuff happen, even though he could have and does step in sometimes....



THIS IS SATAN....has little to do with god....and even CHURCHES arent perfect....yu know nothing about that particular church..what kinda people were apart ofit or nothing...people will CLAIM his name..doesnt mean they KNOW him....
who said he would intervene in everything.....lol i surely didnt

just because he doesnt doesnt mean he cant....

yu might wanna read....the story of the tower of babel...even the story of noah showed how he intervened in human lives.....

now if yu believe in god...believe it all....

if yu dont believe in GOD thats another story and i will leave yu be....because like i said all i can do is tell yu..
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

It's hard to champion brain power as the trump card when there may have been animals with physical attributes far superior to ours. Even today, there are better animal than mankind.

stop it.

Man buried truth to sway us towards the devil. Just as we used to think the universe revolved around Earth, it's that same ignorance, that same self centered perspective that would make us think Man is better than any other animal because of some divine ordinance.
@ the first sentence

@the second....

homie, it aint divine, we're better than animals because of

a.) spoken/written language....

b.) "sophisticated" society...

c.) we eat those.....

if eek the cat is so #@!@+*@ great, why he getting chopped up and served in "Chinese Restaurant No. 1" so often?

a. I'll give you that bec aue it goes under brain power... plus I'd be a hypocrite to type any disagreements

b. Nice quotation marks. Ant and Bee colonies do a much morfe efficient job and every one eats.
c. they eat us.. we just use domestication against them.
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