Let's do the age old question: How many 5th graders do you think you can take down?

I can knock out about 15 before my hands are all swollen and bruised, then I'd have to start kicking/kneeing/elbowing those lil wanksters.
Somewhere between 20-30. Then the tiredness would kick in and they would all kick my ***
Ima say between 19-26 little kids, they don't want war with the God. But they'll catch me eventually. Before they do though, Ima catch a few with the left jab right hook.

Old heads? Ima say like 40/50 straight drop kicks and punches to they frail *** throats. Dat right cross mean :pimp:
100 + for both. A straight jab to the face and the kid is done. Old dudes are too slow I could easily take out a few and retreat to catch my breath then repeat
Mr wang style throat chops n neck snaps.
Fifth grader....yea I would be a baby killin machine that day. I couldn't do it to the seniors tho..not 1.
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