Letter to a Simp (aka 75% of NT males) vol. FriendzOWNED

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

this has happened to me once when i was talkin to this shortee about 3 years older than me, and for some reason she let me book her and all, but when we started chillin...she started to look at me like a younger brother, or just some real cool dude around the way. then i knew we was on friends status when she kept refering to me as "my ninja" alllll of the time
....then while i was begining to lose interest in her, i started to crush her 38 year old hair stylist that always used to flirt with me everytime she was over the crib...

so i didnt lose really...just missed out on one of many...

.....get in where you fit in
Females know when a guy likes them so they take advantage of that and if they aren't interested they friend zone them. Never gas up a chick, that will onlygive her that intuition that she has the upper hand and use you to her advantage
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Females know when a guy likes them so they take advantage of that and if they aren't interested they friend zone them. Never gas up a chick, that will only give her that intuition that she has the upper hand and use you to her advantage
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NT'ers will NEVER fully grasp those words.[/color]
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Females know when a guy likes them so they take advantage of that and if they aren't interested they friend zone them. Never gas up a chick, that will only give her that intuition that she has the upper hand and use you to her advantage

but some folks like to be extra polite in the begining, but know how to knock that intuition out in the first round....and still come out on top
sounds like it was written to this guy

Originally Posted by I done walked in here looking like the MF simp of the year

So, I have been friends with a girl for about seven months. Withholding drawn-out details, we have both been through the same terrible situation in life and because of that, being the only friend either of us had who could relate, brought us very very close. I was taken with her within a couple of months and I told her a little while later when she became single. She seemed very happy about the whole thing and then gave me the whole "I feel the same way but it's not a good time because we both have so much %#!! going on" speech. I guess that was back in January or February, don't remember.

If this seems familiar it's because I've posted about this once before, before the current situation arose.

Anyway, so since then we've remained just as close if not closer, but never progressed anywhere. She told me whenever the subject arose that she felt the same way but it wasn't a good time for it. And I accepted it, because I wanted to be with her just that much.

And now I've learned she'd been lying to me for months about the way she felt, without some agenda to boot...she just lied to me about it. And on top of it, I find that out because I learned that she and another guy we know (who has known her longer than I and has always given me an inferiority complex) are now official as of last week. I found this all out because he made a remark about how much @%++@#$ they'd soon be doing - classy, right? Anyway, yeah - she kept the entire thing from me, even telling me she felt the same way as me a WEEK before I found out everything...I've been completely honest with this woman for the better part of a year, never lied to her, misled her...she says she's been honest with me regarding everything but this...but that doesn't even matter. I feel so hurt and betrayed by this. I've not spoken more than a few words to her since I found out, and I am torn between wanting to salvage our friendship and wanting to curse her for betraying my trust, especially when she was well aware of what has been going on in my life and how emotionally sensitive it's left me. If she'd been honest about the whole thing, I could have accepted it, moved on...but to have been lied to about something so delicate by someone I trusted so much has really left me angry. I can't go more than a couple of hours without thinking about her and how she loves this guy and not me and lied to me about it and it's leaving me drained, angry, and tired.

Originally Posted by MOEree5e

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Females know when a guy likes them so they take advantage of that and if they aren't interested they friend zone them. Never gas up a chick, that will only give her that intuition that she has the upper hand and use you to her advantage

but some folks like to be extra polite in the begining, but know how to knock that intuition out in the first round....and still come out on top
The counter to this is to treat a woman like dirt in the beginning so when you're wreckless with her she can't fall back on that "ohyou dont treat me the way you use to" line
Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

sounds like it was written to this guy

Originally Posted by I done walked in here looking like the MF simp of the year

So, I have been friends with a girl for about seven months. Withholding drawn-out details, we have both been through the same terrible situation in life and because of that, being the only friend either of us had who could relate, brought us very very close. I was taken with her within a couple of months and I told her a little while later when she became single. She seemed very happy about the whole thing and then gave me the whole "I feel the same way but it's not a good time because we both have so much %#!! going on" speech. I guess that was back in January or February, don't remember.

If this seems familiar it's because I've posted about this once before, before the current situation arose.

Anyway, so since then we've remained just as close if not closer, but never progressed anywhere. She told me whenever the subject arose that she felt the same way but it wasn't a good time for it. And I accepted it, because I wanted to be with her just that much.

And now I've learned she'd been lying to me for months about the way she felt, without some agenda to boot...she just lied to me about it. And on top of it, I find that out because I learned that she and another guy we know (who has known her longer than I and has always given me an inferiority complex) are now official as of last week. I found this all out because he made a remark about how much @%++@#$ they'd soon be doing - classy, right? Anyway, yeah - she kept the entire thing from me, even telling me she felt the same way as me a WEEK before I found out everything...I've been completely honest with this woman for the better part of a year, never lied to her, misled her...she says she's been honest with me regarding everything but this...but that doesn't even matter. I feel so hurt and betrayed by this. I've not spoken more than a few words to her since I found out, and I am torn between wanting to salvage our friendship and wanting to curse her for betraying my trust, especially when she was well aware of what has been going on in my life and how emotionally sensitive it's left me. If she'd been honest about the whole thing, I could have accepted it, moved on...but to have been lied to about something so delicate by someone I trusted so much has really left me angry. I can't go more than a couple of hours without thinking about her and how she loves this guy and not me and lied to me about it and it's leaving me drained, angry, and tired.


Wow. What a #@*%@. And the girl is, too.
Originally Posted by mFury

Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

sounds like it was written to this guy

Originally Posted by I done walked in here looking like the MF simp of the year

So, I have been friends with a girl for about seven months. Withholding drawn-out details, we have both been through the same terrible situation in life and because of that, being the only friend either of us had who could relate, brought us very very close. I was taken with her within a couple of months and I told her a little while later when she became single. She seemed very happy about the whole thing and then gave me the whole "I feel the same way but it's not a good time because we both have so much %#!! going on" speech. I guess that was back in January or February, don't remember.

If this seems familiar it's because I've posted about this once before, before the current situation arose.

Anyway, so since then we've remained just as close if not closer, but never progressed anywhere. She told me whenever the subject arose that she felt the same way but it wasn't a good time for it. And I accepted it, because I wanted to be with her just that much.

And now I've learned she'd been lying to me for months about the way she felt, without some agenda to boot...she just lied to me about it. And on top of it, I find that out because I learned that she and another guy we know (who has known her longer than I and has always given me an inferiority complex) are now official as of last week. I found this all out because he made a remark about how much @%++@#$ they'd soon be doing - classy, right? Anyway, yeah - she kept the entire thing from me, even telling me she felt the same way as me a WEEK before I found out everything...I've been completely honest with this woman for the better part of a year, never lied to her, misled her...she says she's been honest with me regarding everything but this...but that doesn't even matter. I feel so hurt and betrayed by this. I've not spoken more than a few words to her since I found out, and I am torn between wanting to salvage our friendship and wanting to curse her for betraying my trust, especially when she was well aware of what has been going on in my life and how emotionally sensitive it's left me. If she'd been honest about the whole thing, I could have accepted it, moved on...but to have been lied to about something so delicate by someone I trusted so much has really left me angry. I can't go more than a couple of hours without thinking about her and how she loves this guy and not me and lied to me about it and it's leaving me drained, angry, and tired.


Wow. What a #@*%@. And the girl is, too.

just another nice guy that finished dead last....
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

...but what about the dudes who know they're friend zoned from the get, then have the audacity to get butthurt when they start to crush on you & the female is left to remind them that their friendship was platonic?

what then? our we the bad guys in that situation, too?
no maam. this is more dedicated to these suckers who are falling for the okie doke to these chicks.

but generally if a dude tells you he was feeling you at some point and you get him to do things you're helping to perpetuate this cycle. they think youractions are contrary to your words. not saying it's right, but just how it is.
"nice" dudes gotta learn how to be 75% cut throat. I stayed gettin FriendZoned in my early years.. word to my "homegirl" coming over whenmy mama was gone so we could play Nba2k4
. I thought I could get itpoppin by being her friend.. but I learned around 06 that the less friends yall were before your pursuit = a higher probabilty of getting the girl.
and for all the simps on here.. STOP IT, you have no idea how hard the guy thats smashing your homegirl has to work to make sure your hating doesn't work.
at simp %%$ dudes

I treat all my female friends just like how I treat my male acquaintances . There are no late night convos and chances are I dont give a *#%% about yourrelationships.

And shorty best believe that she will be hooking me up with some of her friends
All ya'll saying you have no platonic friends don't see the big pic. One is my business partner, we both knew from jump it wasn't that ride. Thesecond is her friend. The third is actually my "little sister". They scout girls for me and give me good advice from a female POV.

You need females like this to keep it real with you. I don't even bother trying to be friends with a chick if I'm interested. Its more like"Let's kick it and chill and see where it heads." I tell em from jump I cut losses early and they always complain about but its my life.

The worst case of FZ I ever had was in soph year of college. MY HS principals daughter was a BIG JO and I was "friends" with her. I aint really havefeelings for her besides friendship and she knew I had a girl. She went away to college and came thru one day to chill after she musta left some dudes crib. SoI'm pressing on her kissing and !@@...she was like stop so I'm like huh...took me mad left field..then she was like "Am U gonna rape me?" Istopped and from then, I lost touch with her. Smh
me in my younger, less-experienced years.

Never again *shakes fist at sky*


I'm not going to lie, I simped on this girl hard back in HS. I was 16, and everything about this girl was
, and I got friend zoned early.

It was bad,

Then she hooked up with my best friend,
. Cool, whatever, no bigdeal. I ended up hooking up with her best friend (Not out of spite, at a party things just got heated
, she dropped the "I always had a crush on you" line, and it was on
), after that she gave me the "I can't believe you hooked upwith my best friend stink eye",
Damn, that was back in 98-99(
). Never again, it is funny when I see my boys or some of my coworkersgoing through the simp/friend zone
I don't know, simping is genetic for some folk. It's the only way they know how to interact with women. I feel they're better served playing thatrole than creating some personality that isn't genuine to them. It might make finding a partner that much more difficult, but at least she'd like youfor who you are and not how well you play the dating/courting games.
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