LG Voyager OR Sidekick LX

Oct 5, 2007
Well Im currently doing the 2 phones thing with an SK3 and some crappy Verizon phone, and I think its bout time to get one phone. Im a heavy texter. Whichphone in your opinion is better and why?
Get the LX...Don't really have a reason, but I've seen both of them and I like the LX better. I have a SK3 right now, and I think its making me alittle bias. lol
ima big texter too and wanted to get the voyager but realize its not even worth its price i think its real over price

but i still havent got a phone yet but im thinking of getting a moto Q 9mm
Sidekick LX.
Slightly biased. I've had LX for a week, I could have had voyager, and I've tried it because my dad has it.
Get the LX for heavy texting.
Just so you know, the Sidekicks has the best keyboard of all the QWERTY phones and $20 a month Sidekick plan >>> Verizon's plan.
I got the Voyager and I must say

Voyager > all

Use bitpim to put ringtones on it. The browser is not the best but its very nice. The look and the Haptic Feedback attracts the chicks. Plus your on the TheNetwork.
Originally Posted by BaronDavis5

Voyager is garbage, if you are considering a voyager then just get an iphone.
true that!!!! i was all in the hype but i researched more into the voyager and the big thing about the phon is its stupid touch screen and i heard itsnot that good and thats lg first touch screen phone so id stay away
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

word, if its in your budget step it up to either a curve or an HTC
word. Just Mogul/Touch it with the SERO plan and you'll be very happy
my friend got the voyager for christmas and he sold it 2 days ago and went and got the iphone.
I think that if you text ...definatley the skLX..the voyager is a multimedia phone which would cost too much probably with all the minutes ur gonna use..I havea SKLX that i pay 30 a month for unlimited data plan and its perfect. I never used it as a phone so I cant help you there.
lol, some crappy verizon phone? IMO, it's the best phone Verizon currently carries. Use it before you judge it. Dummies.
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