Lil Mama Speaks.........Update on Pg.6 Diddy/Alicia Keys Reactions

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

BTW, I deleted all her music on my Ipod.

What a statement.
Originally Posted by DR813

come on y'all. I know what did was she dumb and idiotic, but she just got caught up in the moment, and she let that get the best of her. She made a mistake and she apologized.

Come'on fam, This would have been a little more accepable if Nas or some other NYC native got up there....But lil mama?...She knew GOOD AND WELL she had NObusiness being up there with Alicia and Jay...
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Ok I missed this whole thing someone school me on what happened.

Lil Mama Decided to bring her irrelevant self on stage during the latter part of Jay-Z's VMA performance...making herself look more foolish than she didbefore this incident occured...
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I kinda hope Hov "Ethers" her in an upcoming Radio Spot...Shes not worth a few Bars...
A 40 year old man ethering a 17 yr old female would be lame.

I'd laugh...and so would you... So drop the morals and lets be real for a sec'....
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I kinda hope Hov "Ethers" her in an upcoming Radio Spot...Shes not worth a few Bars...
A 40 year old man ethering a 17 yr old female would be lame.

Seriously. As stupid as she was, she didn't mean any harm. And besides, I think she's pretty much done enough damage to herself a this point...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I kinda hope Hov "Ethers" her in an upcoming Radio Spot...Shes not worth a few Bars...
A 40 year old man ethering a 17 yr old female would be lame.

I'd laugh...and so would you... So drop the morals and lets be real for a sec'.... would be lame.
what? there will be no ether, not even a mention, lil mama isnt worth a bar or a breath, hell not even some ink on a pad, jay is way too busy for all that,like they said he flew to cali and now flying to london

god dam, this is the same guy who "retired"
What is this i hear about Jay being upset with Beyonce for letting Taylor Swift give here speech something to the effect of she wasnt being faithful.
Originally Posted by dnycemodel

Enjoy yourself from the audience heffa. I from Dallas just like Kenyon Martin and Deron William, that dont mean im gonna run out on the court and jack up a three.

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