Lil' Wayne's Blog: "The Cowboys Suck" "LenDale's little fat self ran 80 yards"

Jan 3, 2004
"THE COWBOYS SUCK"[/h1] [h2]With his son's birth imminent, the rapper blogs on Canseco, the Rays, the Boys and Chris Paul.[/h2] [h2]NFL[/h2]
You know what I want to talk about? Why is everyone in the NFL getting injured this year? Seriously injured. You got Rodney Harrison gone. You got Tom Brady done. How does that happen on the same team? That's just devastating. And now Tony Romo's out? Come on. What is going on?

Poor Dallas. And poor T.O. He's gonna quit. He takes a loss differently than anyone on that team. I think he has nightmares about losing or something, because he looks like he's about to cry after every game they lose. You see him over there on the sidelines sitting by himself just pouting like a little kid. Remember last year? "That's my quarterback, man." I love when any sports channel just brings that clip back for no reason. They always bring it back for nothing, just out of the blue"That's my quarterback, man." T.O. is an amazing talent but he's definitely a situation. But that's another difference between the old days and now. Back then there's no way you play football and then go cry on TV.

It ain't Brad Johnson's fault. Everything is falling apart. I think Brad came into a bad situation. To tell you the truth I think the team sucks. I think everybody is playing terribly right now in Dallas. Or at least they're not playing to the potential that we know they can play to. I don't think it's all on Brad Johnson even though he was terrible too.

But not everybody is underachieving. People better start watching out for the Packers. Aaron Rodgers is going to the Pro Bowl this season. Mark my words.

This has just been a crazy year, though. I mean, you got New England, Dallas and San Diego having bad seasons and what is happening to Peyton Manning? I hope he's not getting old. I mean I hope he's not physically going down hill because Peyton is the best at his position, and he's out there throwing interceptions at the goal line? Come on. I'm hoping that's just some rare thing and he's not falling off.

The Super Bowl is going to be verrry interesting. It's gonna be two teams that we do not expect to be in there. It's gonna be like how it is in baseball this year with the Phillies and the Rays. You got all these shocking things happening to teams that were supposed to be good, and then you got Tennessee undefeated, even without Vince Young. Chris Johnson, are you serious? They've got that two running back thing going on, and I'm a big on the ground guy. I don't like teams that pass too much because I think a pass is always a chance. I like to be sure, and I think a running offense is more sure of what they're going to do. When you've got that two-headed snake like the Titans do with Chris and LenDale White it's difficult to stop. Did you see LenDale's touchdown this weekend? His little fat self ran 80 yards. They put the timer on SportsCenter and it took him like six seconds, but he made it and that's what matters. That guy is funny.

He was the guy who didn't make it on 4th and short versus Texas in the national championship in 2006. That still hurts, man. I had money on USC in that game and I dread talking about it. That really was painful.

lol. i still have my doubts that Lendale actually ran that whole 80 yards. havent seen him go for more than 15 yards.
a) youre late

b) you were a little too pressed to post abouta team that beat your team

and 3. erin rogers likes men
That's funny because this @!$%% Lendale was definitely fiending to see the boy Wayne last night.

So was the Freak and Keith Bulluck. Bulluck was getting ready to body a cop
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

a) youre late

b) you were a little too pressed to post abouta team that beat your team

and 3. erin rogers likes men


BTW... do you ever realize that some people actually post from a non-objective standpoint on this board sometimes? I know its something you're incapable ofbut, others are.

get a laugh and move on... its LIL WAYNE were talking about here, do you really take his opinion on the NFL that seriously?
lol ... i dunno what movie it was but ive been doin a,b, 3 for years ... actually in teh movie i thik it was 1,2, c ... lol
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

"THE COWBOYS SUCK"[/h1] [h2]With his son's birth imminent, the rapper blogs on Canseco, the Rays, the Boys and Chris Paul.[/h2] [h2]NFL[/h2]
You know what I want to talk about? Why is everyone in the NFL getting injured this year? Seriously injured. You got Rodney Harrison gone. You got Tom Brady done. How does that happen on the same team? That's just devastating. And now Tony Romo's out? Come on. What is going on?

Poor Dallas. And poor T.O. He's gonna quit. He takes a loss differently than anyone on that team. I think he has nightmares about losing or something, because he looks like he's about to cry after every game they lose. You see him over there on the sidelines sitting by himself just pouting like a little kid. Remember last year? "That's my quarterback, man." I love when any sports channel just brings that clip back for no reason. They always bring it back for nothing, just out of the blue"That's my quarterback, man." T.O. is an amazing talent but he's definitely a situation. But that's another difference between the old days and now. Back then there's no way you play football and then go cry on TV.

It ain't Brad Johnson's fault. Everything is falling apart. I think Brad came into a bad situation. To tell you the truth I think the team sucks. I think everybody is playing terribly right now in Dallas. Or at least they're not playing to the potential that we know they can play to. I don't think it's all on Brad Johnson even though he was terrible too.

This just makes me hate Lil Wayne Even More. He Needs To Suck It.
It was...take off your fan club issue Weezy all-over print see-through onesie with the crotch snaps, put down the cup of lean, and realize...that $#!+ wasgarbage...wack sauce...musical butt mud. There's like 2 good songs on that whole jawn. Don't be mad cuz your boy fell off.

BTW... do you ever realize that some people actually post from a non-objective standpoint on this board sometimes? I know its something you're incapable of but, others are.

get a laugh and move on... its LIL WAYNE were talking about here, do you really take his opinion on the NFL that seriously?
Originally Posted by c0dyboy2222

a b 3 what a idiot then he tried to cover it up by saying he was it in a movie
He's not covering it up.... it was in a movie, I'm just having a brain fart thinking what movie it was in
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