lobotomybeats - NTers names I've been saying wrong this whole time

I honestly thought it was LOB to my beats.

Like he was throwing a lob, an alley oop or something lmao, and he was a producer or really enjoyed music. lol I really don't even read NT usernames anymore. Way to many people on this board, dudes be remembering what so and so said 8 years ago and stuff
Shocked that so many people were reading Lobo to my beats. Crazy how the mind works.
Yea, I was reading Lobo to my beats, thinking , what kinda name is that?
But I know why I do it. I read from the end to the beginning, when I get something I dont recognize.
Like if you give me a list, I wil look at the last thing first and work my way up ( not how I prioritize, jsut how I see somethings. And no, not how I read books)

Still dont see how you get Ian from I Yen. I sounds like 'Eye' a majority of the time. I in the name Ian make and "E" sound, so E Yen would have been more
appropriate/ effective. But whatever, its NT.

my name pronounced: HaTaGha Dezins ( silent g)
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Yea, I was reading Lobo to my beats, thinking , what kinda name is that?
But I know why I do it. I read from the end to the beginning, when I get something I dont recognize.
Like if you give me a list, I wil look at the last thing first and work my way up ( not how I prioritize, jsut how I see somethings. And no, not how I read books)

Still dont see how you get Ian from I Yen. I sounds like 'Eye' a majority of the time. I in the name Ian make and "E" sound, so E Yen would have been more
appropriate/ effective. But whatever, its NT.

my name pronounced: HaTaGha Dezins ( silent g)

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lobotomybeats is somewhere :smh: his head thinking he should've known better than to use a word like lobotomy amongst NTers :lol:

Probably gonna come through with some funny gifs or ps pics to make this thread salvageable.
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It's lobotomy-beats...

Not lobo to my beats.

:wow: :wow:

Another one I just found


Helium Clinton!


Until i saw what OP posted, I used to always refer to dude as "Helium Lincecum." Now that I see that it's "Helium Clinton," he'll still be "Helium Lincecum."

Until i saw what OP posted, I used to always refer to dude as "Helium Lincecum." Now that I see that it's "Helium Clinton," he'll still be "Helium Lincecum."

HAHA I thought the same thing too

I thought it was Helium C. Linton

Mycoldyourdone....... :wow: damn I thought homie was recently recovering from a cold when making the name.

Ive also always read it as lobo to my beats

I swore HeLiumcLinton was Heimlich Linton for years until he was arguing something in some thread that pissed me off,
I actually read his name that time and was like :wow:

and iyen is Eye-Yen always and forever

Yall hilarious man :lol: I think I explained before but I had a pair of glasses from the brand Helium and looked at my TV and Hilary Clinton was on. This the formation of heLiumcLinton
Those who said they just can't see why people would read it any way other than "lobotomy beats", cool that's fine.

But for those who think it's serious enough to call people out/make assumptions about intelligence over it is just ridiculous.

They rate intelligence by screenname deciphering where you're from?

Funny how you fall back like it's me not letting it go when that's essentially what people like you have been doing in this thread. "People saw something differently and that's not ok" mentality.

Yep, they reaching....

I try to read the internet as competent as I can but with all the "H3y GuYz K3wL" crap I pretty much just skim through lol. If homie spelled his name LobotomyBeats it wouldn't be an issue. Or hell, maybe an underscore or SPACE BAR .
Those who said they just can't see why people would read it any way other than "lobotomy beats", cool that's fine.

But for those who think it's serious enough to call people out/make assumptions about intelligence over it is just ridiculous.

They rate intelligence by screenname deciphering where you're from?

Funny how you fall back like it's me not letting it go when that's essentially what people like you have been doing in this thread. "People saw something differently and that's not ok" mentality.

Yep, they reaching....

I try to read the internet as competent as I can but with all the "H3y GuYz K3wL" crap I pretty much just skim through lol. If homie spelled his name LobotomyBeats it wouldn't be an issue. Or hell, maybe an underscore or SPACE BAR .
He the one seeing lobo to my instead of lobotomy but they the ones reaching
He the one seeing lobo to my instead of lobotomy but they the ones reaching
You ever done a crossword puzzle and find a few smaller words that end up actually being one bigger word? It's exactly like that. I didn't realize it at first, but eventually I and others got it.

Again, it's not that serious. The only reaching being done was in an effort to start an argument over how smart dudes are like that's actually a correlation.
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Yea, I was reading Lobo to my beats, thinking , what kinda name is that?
But I know why I do it. I read from the end to the beginning, when I get something I dont recognize.
Like if you give me a list, I wil look at the last thing first and work my way up ( not how I prioritize, jsut how I see somethings. And no, not how I read books)

Still dont see how you get Ian from I Yen. I sounds like 'Eye' a majority of the time. I in the name Ian make and "E" sound, so E Yen would have been more
appropriate/ effective. But whatever, its NT.

my name pronounced: HaTaGha Dezins ( silent g)
i live in cali. I in spanish is said as e. Si what i did there?
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Honestly, I didn't know method man was short for methodical management until we switched to the new platform
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