lobotomybeats - NTers names I've been saying wrong this whole time

Ive met a couple of niketalkers and majority of them call me

DJ A-ward

Its simply AWARD
WATER is an acronym 
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WATER is an acronym 
Why are you such a troll? :rofl:
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I always read it as "lolo to my beats" 

idk sounds catchier in my head 
This was a much better discussion when it came up organically in the instant classic, "So I went to Target today" thread, as you already know RF.

How you gonna out Lobo To My Beats for all the cats that were still happily pronouncing it wrong :smh:
I'm not budging on lobo to my beats. :lol:

Lobotomy beats makes zero sense. Like none. Not ever.

Just about any verb, ______ to my beats, actually makes a little sense. Always thought the lobo was some new dance the kids were on. :lol:

I also think New Mexico State or Lobos SC when I see lobo. :lol:
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This was a much better discussion when it came up organically in the instant classic, "So I went to Target today" thread, as you already know RF.

How you gonna out Lobo To My Beats for all the cats that were still happily pronouncing it wrong :smh:
it wouldve been much better if dudes weren't in here trying to shame folks for mispronouncing it...

I put some folks on heliumClinton... And I got put on mycoldyourdone and iYen, so everything turned out better than expected.

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