no more?

When was the last one?
Some of you seem to think that it's only a small percentage of users who are responsible for the seemingly inevitable disaster that emerges from every PYPthread in recent memory and that, as a result, we shouldn't "punish" everyone for the actions of a few.

I have news for you: if you participated in those threads, you are partly to blame for the PYP ban.

Why? Many - if not most - of you sat around and encouraged the flames. You laughed at it, which only gave trolls the attention they so desperately craved,and, worse, you quoted it - which just creates that much more work for the staff. If someone posts an insult and we want to get rid of it, we not only have todelete that post, but every single quote as well. You guys make those insults a hundred times worse by replicating and encouraging them.

Even if you don't laugh or quote, you don't REPORT them either. You take no responsibility for the content of the thread, do NOTHING to keep it civil,and then cry when it gets taken away from you.

Perhaps if you showed some responsibility, that wouldn't be the case.

If we're going to loan you a club, hotel ballroom, or park to hold an event and you totally trash the place - why on earth are we going to let you do thesame thing again and again?

Try going to a public park and telling the ranger "We want to have a 24 hour bonfire... but we're all gonna be drunk and high, so you'll need tomake sure there are rangers on hand the entire time to make sure it doesn't get out of control." See how eager they are to accommodate you.

We're not babysitters; we're not butlers. We're not here to wait on you hand and foot, clean up after you, and wipe your rear ends after youdefecate in the middle of our floor.

If you want a PYP, it's YOUR responsibility to make it work - and you've blown every single opportunity you've been given to date. The staff hasworked hard to clean up every single PYP you've started - but we've been just about the ONLY ones working. If you're not going to do your fairshare then it's just not going to happen.

because NT has become the disney channel of the internet
The rules have prohibited insults and profanity long before you got here.

The great irony of it is that people still seem to think that these standards make the board more childish. Quite the contrary. Picture somebody who cursesconstantly even when in polite company, insults everyone, beasts over the female form like he's never seen a woman before, boasts about his weed/alcoholintake, and does his damnedest to imitate a commercial rap persona. Does that sound like someone who's MATURE or someone who's decidedly IMMATURE?

If anything, the rules attempt to force sophomoric teens to stop acting like kids and handle themselves in a respectful way.

The next time I get a complaint about the rules being too "childish" from someone over the age of 26, it'll be the first.
im not readin Meth's post thats too much so ima jus keep it movin

bye guise
Originally Posted by Method Man

Some of you seem to think that it's only a small percentage of users who are responsible for the seemingly inevitable disaster that emerges from every PYP thread in recent memory and that, as a result, we shouldn't "punish" everyone for the actions of a few.

I have news for you: if you participated in those threads, you are partly to blame for the PYP ban.

Why? Many - if not most - of you sat around and encouraged the flames. You laughed at it, which only gave trolls the attention they so desperately craved, and, worse, you quoted it - which just creates that much more work for the staff. If someone posts an insult and we want to get rid of it, we not only have to delete that post, but every single quote as well. You guys make those insults a hundred times worse by replicating and encouraging them.

Even if you don't laugh or quote, you don't REPORT them either. You take no responsibility for the content of the thread, do NOTHING to keep it civil, and then cry when it gets taken away from you.

Perhaps if you showed some responsibility, that wouldn't be the case.

If we're going to loan you a club, hotel ballroom, or park to hold an event and you totally trash the place - why on earth are we going to let you do the same thing again and again?

Try going to a public park and telling the ranger "We want to have a 24 hour bonfire... but we're all gonna be drunk and high, so you'll need to make sure there are rangers on hand the entire time to make sure it doesn't get out of control." See how eager they are to accommodate you.

We're not babysitters; we're not butlers. We're not here to wait on you hand and foot, clean up after you, and wipe your rear ends after you defecate in the middle of our floor.

If you want a PYP, it's YOUR responsibility to make it work - and you've blown every single opportunity you've been given to date. The staff has worked hard to clean up every single PYP you've started - but we've been just about the ONLY ones working. If you're not going to do your fair share then it's just not going to happen.

because NT has become the disney channel of the internet
The rules have prohibited insults and profanity long before you got here.

The great irony of it is that people still seem to think that these standards make the board more childish. Quite the contrary. Picture somebody who curses constantly even when in polite company, insults everyone, beasts over the female form like he's never seen a woman before, boasts about his weed/alcohol intake, and does his damnedest to imitate a commercial rap persona. Does that sound like someone who's MATURE or someone who's decidedly IMMATURE?

If anything, the rules attempt to force sophomoric teens to stop acting like kids and handle themselves in a respectful way.

The next time I get a complaint about the rules being too "childish" from someone over the age of 26, it'll be the first.

Half the people crying for it back don't even care for the being able tosee pictures, the humor in the thread is what made it special. You guys cant manage the task of cleaning up the messy work of "immature" posters thanjust say that. The fun in the pyp thread was watching individuals try to have fun while on a tight rope with the rules. What makes a person immature? What iswrong with immaturity? So you cant go out for a night of drinking, have fun and talk about it and not be immature? Beasting? It's going to happen itdoesn't take a genius to figure out why. It's a billion guys on this site, and a handful of girls so yeah they get the attention. But the great thingis when you log off of NT, and take a step out the door, the women outnumber the men there and its a different story. Joking on others? It's all good funand has nothing to do about immaturityity, people's butt cheeks are clencehd way too tight these days.... wait for it... Who wants to go online and try toact like they are in the company of their boss or a customer at work? The majority of people judging by everything you just posted ENJOYED it. The old argumentwas that people that just want to post their pictures shouldn't have to be the butt of the joke, if thats the case those handful can get their own pyp forall that amtters. It IS like the disney channel. fortunately a good show will come on every now and then... hannah montanna

tldr; methodman just said the majority of those in pyp encourages the jokes therefore the majority understand and enjoy it so whats the problem?
the word immaturity is definitely overused, and i'd like to see it removed from everyones vocab. judging maturity based on humor or actions (without thereasoning behind the action) is stupid.
NT - for ages 4 and up
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Method Man

Some of you seem to think that it's only a small percentage of users who are responsible for the seemingly inevitable disaster that emerges from every PYP thread in recent memory and that, as a result, we shouldn't "punish" everyone for the actions of a few.

I have news for you: if you participated in those threads, you are partly to blame for the PYP ban.

Why? Many - if not most - of you sat around and encouraged the flames. You laughed at it, which only gave trolls the attention they so desperately craved, and, worse, you quoted it - which just creates that much more work for the staff. If someone posts an insult and we want to get rid of it, we not only have to delete that post, but every single quote as well. You guys make those insults a hundred times worse by replicating and encouraging them.

Even if you don't laugh or quote, you don't REPORT them either. You take no responsibility for the content of the thread, do NOTHING to keep it civil, and then cry when it gets taken away from you.

Perhaps if you showed some responsibility, that wouldn't be the case.

If we're going to loan you a club, hotel ballroom, or park to hold an event and you totally trash the place - why on earth are we going to let you do the same thing again and again?

Try going to a public park and telling the ranger "We want to have a 24 hour bonfire... but we're all gonna be drunk and high, so you'll need to make sure there are rangers on hand the entire time to make sure it doesn't get out of control." See how eager they are to accommodate you.

We're not babysitters; we're not butlers. We're not here to wait on you hand and foot, clean up after you, and wipe your rear ends after you defecate in the middle of our floor.

If you want a PYP, it's YOUR responsibility to make it work - and you've blown every single opportunity you've been given to date. The staff has worked hard to clean up every single PYP you've started - but we've been just about the ONLY ones working. If you're not going to do your fair share then it's just not going to happen.

because NT has become the disney channel of the internet
The rules have prohibited insults and profanity long before you got here.

The great irony of it is that people still seem to think that these standards make the board more childish. Quite the contrary. Picture somebody who curses constantly even when in polite company, insults everyone, beasts over the female form like he's never seen a woman before, boasts about his weed/alcohol intake, and does his damnedest to imitate a commercial rap persona. Does that sound like someone who's MATURE or someone who's decidedly IMMATURE?

If anything, the rules attempt to force sophomoric teens to stop acting like kids and handle themselves in a respectful way.

The next time I get a complaint about the rules being too "childish" from someone over the age of 26, it'll be the first.
Half the people crying for it back don't even care for the being able to see pictures, the humor in the thread is what made it special. You guys cant manage the task of cleaning up the messy work of "immature" posters than just say that. The fun in the pyp thread was watching individuals try to have fun while on a tight rope with the rules. What makes a person immature? What is wrong with immaturity? So you cant go out for a night of drinking, have fun and talk about it and not be immature? Beasting? It's going to happen it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. It's a billion guys on this site, and a handful of girls so yeah they get the attention. But the great thing is when you log off of NT, and take a step out the door, the women outnumber the men there and its a different story. Joking on others? It's all good fun and has nothing to do about immaturityity, people's butt cheeks are clencehd way too tight these days.... wait for it... Who wants to go online and try to act like they are in the company of their boss or a customer at work? The majority of people judging by everything you just posted ENJOYED it. The old argument was that people that just want to post their pictures shouldn't have to be the butt of the joke, if thats the case those handful can get their own pyp for all that amtters. It IS like the disney channel. fortunately a good show will come on every now and then... hannah montanna

"If it's mo than 5 lines..."
Originally Posted by Method Man

Some of you seem to think that it's only a small percentage of users who are responsible for the seemingly inevitable disaster that emerges from every PYP thread in recent memory and that, as a result, we shouldn't "punish" everyone for the actions of a few.

I have news for you: if you participated in those threads, you are partly to blame for the PYP ban.

Why? Many - if not most - of you sat around and encouraged the flames. You laughed at it, which only gave trolls the attention they so desperately craved, and, worse, you quoted it - which just creates that much more work for the staff. If someone posts an insult and we want to get rid of it, we not only have to delete that post, but every single quote as well. You guys make those insults a hundred times worse by replicating and encouraging them.

Even if you don't laugh or quote, you don't REPORT them either. You take no responsibility for the content of the thread, do NOTHING to keep it civil, and then cry when it gets taken away from you.

Perhaps if you showed some responsibility, that wouldn't be the case.

If we're going to loan you a club, hotel ballroom, or park to hold an event and you totally trash the place - why on earth are we going to let you do the same thing again and again?

Try going to a public park and telling the ranger "We want to have a 24 hour bonfire... but we're all gonna be drunk and high, so you'll need to make sure there are rangers on hand the entire time to make sure it doesn't get out of control." See how eager they are to accommodate you.

We're not babysitters; we're not butlers. We're not here to wait on you hand and foot, clean up after you, and wipe your rear ends after you defecate in the middle of our floor.

If you want a PYP, it's YOUR responsibility to make it work - and you've blown every single opportunity you've been given to date. The staff has worked hard to clean up every single PYP you've started - but we've been just about the ONLY ones working. If you're not going to do your fair share then it's just not going to happen.

because NT has become the disney channel of the internet
The rules have prohibited insults and profanity long before you got here.

The great irony of it is that people still seem to think that these standards make the board more childish. Quite the contrary. Picture somebody who curses constantly even when in polite company, insults everyone, beasts over the female form like he's never seen a woman before, boasts about his weed/alcohol intake, and does his damnedest to imitate a commercial rap persona. Does that sound like someone who's MATURE or someone who's decidedly IMMATURE?

If anything, the rules attempt to force sophomoric teens to stop acting like kids and handle themselves in a respectful way.

The next time I get a complaint about the rules being too "childish" from someone over the age of 26, it'll be the first.

A large percentage of posts in general are immature. Will the general forum get "taken away" from us if this immaturity persists?
Originally Posted by Method Man

Some of you seem to think that it's only a small percentage of users who are responsible for the seemingly inevitable disaster that emerges from every PYP thread in recent memory and that, as a result, we shouldn't "punish" everyone for the actions of a few.

I have news for you: if you participated in those threads, you are partly to blame for the PYP ban.

Why? Many - if not most - of you sat around and encouraged the flames. You laughed at it, which only gave trolls the attention they so desperately craved, and, worse, you quoted it - which just creates that much more work for the staff. If someone posts an insult and we want to get rid of it, we not only have to delete that post, but every single quote as well. You guys make those insults a hundred times worse by replicating and encouraging them.

Even if you don't laugh or quote, you don't REPORT them either. You take no responsibility for the content of the thread, do NOTHING to keep it civil, and then cry when it gets taken away from you.

Perhaps if you showed some responsibility, that wouldn't be the case.

If we're going to loan you a club, hotel ballroom, or park to hold an event and you totally trash the place - why on earth are we going to let you do the same thing again and again?

Try going to a public park and telling the ranger "We want to have a 24 hour bonfire... but we're all gonna be drunk and high, so you'll need to make sure there are rangers on hand the entire time to make sure it doesn't get out of control." See how eager they are to accommodate you.

We're not babysitters; we're not butlers. We're not here to wait on you hand and foot, clean up after you, and wipe your rear ends after you defecate in the middle of our floor.

If you want a PYP, it's YOUR responsibility to make it work - and you've blown every single opportunity you've been given to date. The staff has worked hard to clean up every single PYP you've started - but we've been just about the ONLY ones working. If you're not going to do your fair share then it's just not going to happen.

because NT has become the disney channel of the internet
The rules have prohibited insults and profanity long before you got here.

The great irony of it is that people still seem to think that these standards make the board more childish. Quite the contrary. Picture somebody who curses constantly even when in polite company, insults everyone, beasts over the female form like he's never seen a woman before, boasts about his weed/alcohol intake, and does his damnedest to imitate a commercial rap persona. Does that sound like someone who's MATURE or someone who's decidedly IMMATURE?

If anything, the rules attempt to force sophomoric teens to stop acting like kids and handle themselves in a respectful way.

The next time I get a complaint about the rules being too "childish" from someone over the age of 26, it'll be the first.

Lol j/p. I dont want to be on your bad side.
imo ppl know what the pyp is all about. It's about jokes, most ppl don't really care if they get "flamed" they laugh and move on. They knowits all jokes but sometimes it does get out of hand but to ban it? ehh
A large percentage of posts in general are immature. Will the general forum get "taken away" from us if this immaturity persists?
You're confusing the issue. The PYP threads aren't banned because of immaturity, they're banned due to constant rule violations and acomplete lack of responsibility among thread participants.
The issue of immaturity was brought up to demonstrate the irony of complaining that the forum's "kid friendly" rules unduly restrict childishbehavior.
The old argument was that people that just want to post their pictures shouldn't have to be the butt of the joke, if thats the case those handful can get their own pyp for all that amtters
They did have a thread like that: it was called "post your picture." If you want to have a separate roast thread, go someplace else.

The rules here have ALWAYS prohibited disrespectful comments. That's not changing. Luckily, there are several billion other destinations on the web. Pick one and move on. Life's too short to waste whining about being unable to insult strangers on an internet message board for sneaker fans.
After someone posted that picture of Gunna getting his !%*% sucked I knew PYPs were dead.
Originally Posted by Method Man

A large percentage of posts in general are immature. Will the general forum get "taken away" from us if this immaturity persists?
You're confusing the issue. The PYP threads aren't banned because of immaturity, they're banned due to constant rule violations and a complete lack of responsibility among thread participants.
The issue of immaturity was brought up to demonstrate the irony of complaining that the forum's "kid friendly" rules unduly restrict childish behavior.
The old argument was that people that just want to post their pictures shouldn't have to be the butt of the joke, if thats the case those handful can get their own pyp for all that amtters
They did have a thread like that: it was called "post your picture." If you want to have a separate roast thread, go someplace else.

The rules here have ALWAYS prohibited disrespectful comments. That's not changing. Luckily, there are several billion other destinations on the web. Pick one and move on. Life's too short to waste whining about being unable to insult strangers on an internet message board for sneaker fans.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

Immature NT'ers can ruin just about EVERY thread, what makes PYP so different?

People start flaming others on another level and others probably get really offended.
Hairlines get involved then its just downhill from there
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