I am not trying to minimalize Klay Thompson. He is a good player. I just dont see him ever becoming a top 10 player.....or a superstar. And that is what Kevin Love is.

i definitely agree that klay is not as much a superstar like klove, yet. i do believe that he has the potential to become a much better ball handler who'll be able to create his own shot off the dribble as opposed to being one dimensional on offense. he's shown many times this season that he's capable of such, just needs to do so more consistently. keep in mind, he just finished his 3rd season, is barely 25, and hasn't reached his ceiling (however high that is is tbd)

we missed out on love, but doesn't mean it's the end of the world, this team is young and if myers is willing to build off of a core of klay and steph, i trust his foresight. 2015 has a lot of centers that may test FA, including deandre and vucevic, both dudes who could play the role tyson chandler played on the mavs the year they won

And how are we supposed to get one of those free agents with the way our team will be constructed at the time?

Curry will be making $11+ Million
Lee will be making $15.5 Million
Iguodala will be making just short of $12 Million
Bogut will be making $12 Million
Klay Thompson will need a new contract and based on what players like Chandler Parsons and Gordan Hayward are getting this offseason, Klay will be making at least $16 Million. I honestly think $16M could be a very modest projection too.

Assuming Klay makes $16M, that is roughly $66.5 Million committed to six players.

That is another reason why this trade would have been so perfect for us. Aside from getting Love to build around, we would rid ourselves of Lee's contract. We would have Love and roughly $10 Million to use to build the roster instead of Klay, Lee and no cap space.

Oh well time to move on.
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You're forgetting that the Warriors would have taken Martin in return. That's Love at $24 million and Martin at $7.
And Martin a perfect player off the bench with Barnes starting ...
Being a long time fan seeing the glory and drought days ; we were one player away this summer from being a title contender . We didn't even get that title contenders name in the run tmc days.. This is a very tough pill to swallow .. The only people that should be happy that klay stayed is the casual warrior fans and the groupie girls that love steph and klay .. It's almost like how the real & Adult wrestling fans Hate john cena and all the little casual / kids love him
And Martin a perfect player off the bench with Barnes starting ...
Being a long time fan seeing the glory and drought days ; we were one player away this summer from being a title contender . We didn't even get that title contenders name in the run tmc days.. This is a very tough pill to swallow .. The only people that should be happy that klay stayed is the casual warrior fans and the groupie girls that love steph and klay .. It's almost like how the real & Adult wrestling fans Hate john cena and all the little casual / kids love him

idk what to be more disappointed about, the fact that you think Harrison is ready to be our starting SG (especially with his subpar shooting percentages and ball handling) or that you're referring to klay fans as "casual." i think the former, moreso than the latter. you can call me a klay-stan if you want, but whatever, been following the USAMT a bit because of steph and klay, and it seems like he's trying to move beyond being just a spot up, catch-and-shoot perimeter player and is putting the ball on the floor more consistently.

dland said that Klay isn't capable of being an All-Star, but i firmly believe he will be, especially in a conference where there aren't many great 2 guards. the fact that the wolves considered him the linchpin in what they would be receiving for KLove says a lot.

and don't get me wrong, it's obvious that we'd be getting a solid big man that could spread the floor just as well as Klay, but all our issues and disgust with David Lee's lackluster interior defense would resurface by halfway thru the season.
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idk what to be more disappointed about, the fact that you think Harrison is ready to be our starting SG (especially with his subpar shooting percentages and ball handling) or that you're referring to klay fans as "casual." i think the former, moreso than the latter. you can call me a klay-stan if you want, but whatever, been following the USAMT a bit because of steph and klay, and it seems like he's trying to move beyond being just a spot up, catch-and-shoot perimeter player and is putting the ball on the floor more consistently.

dland said that Klay isn't capable of being an All-Star, but i firmly believe he will be, especially in a conference where there aren't many great 2 guards. the fact that the wolves considered him the linchpin in what they would be receiving for KLove says a lot.

and don't get me wrong, it's obvious that we'd be getting a solid big man that could spread the floor just as well as Klay, but all our issues and disgust with David Lee's lackluster interior defense would resurface by halfway thru the season.
Klay will never be an all star as much as I want him to fans won't vote for him and his stats and style of play won't appeal to fans to vote him in ... so you telling me we would have the same outcome if it was lee/bogut & love/bogut in the interior defense ? You must be out of your mind.. Love is the best rebounder in the game and you basically have TWO 7 footers clogging the lane that's tough and not soft like lee... And Barnes ceiling / upside is much higher than klays . he isn't getting the starting spot spoon fed like klay is.. Barnes can drive, spot up , post up defend and the guy is only 21 freaking years old.. Klay is 25 and been starting and can't do anything but be a predictable 2 guard . He's either going to shoot or do a crazy pull up but his main attribute is shrivel up into a ball when we need him most
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I can't see why Klay can't make an all-star team when guys like Mo Williams did.
Klay will never be an all star as much as I want him to fans won't vote for him and his stats and style of play won't appeal to fans to vote him in ... so you telling me we would have the same outcome if it was lee/bogut & love/bogut in the interior defense ? You must be out of your mind.. Love is the best rebounder in the game and you basically have TWO 7 footers clogging the lane that's tough and not soft like lee... And Barnes ceiling / upside is much higher than klays . he isn't getting the starting spot spoon fed like klay is.. Barnes can drive, spot up , post up defend and the guy is only 21 freaking years old.. Klay is 25 and been starting and can't do anything but be a predictable 2 guard . He's either going to shoot or do a crazy pull up but his main attribute is shrivel up into a ball when we need him most

the wolves had two 7 footers "clogging" the lane in love and pekovic and time and time again love got beat on switches and did about as well as Lee on picks -terrible. love's ability to get to loose balls and grab contested rebounds is nothing im trying to diminish, dude is no doubt one of the best but that doesn't mean his defense is close to good for a player his size. bringing him to GSW only means that bogut would again have to shoulder a majority of the interior defense. and what happens if *knock on wood* bogut is missing in the playoffs or limited? we're getting bounced out of the first round again. if we're going to throw a max contract at a post player, he better be able to play on both ends of the court.

and yes, harrison will get better with more seasons and hasnt reached his ceiling, but him starting next year? i must not be the only person who's "out of his mind." harrison is still way too hesitant on open spot ups, has a sloppy dribble in traffic, and forces up bad shots. of course this is expected as he didn't see starter minutes last year, but this leads me to believe he's still too raw to be in a starting line up.
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the wolves had two 7 footers "clogging" the lane in love and pekovic and time and time again love got beat on switches and did about as well as Lee on picks -terrible. love's ability to get to loose balls and grab contested rebounds is nothing im trying to diminish, dude is no doubt one of the best but that doesn't mean his defense is close to good for a player his size. bringing him to GSW only means that bogut would again have to shoulder a majority of the interior defense. and what happens if *knock on wood* bogut is missing in the playoffs or limited? we're getting bounced out of the first round again. if we're going to throw a max contract at a post player, he better be able to play on both ends of the court.

and yes, harrison will get better with more seasons and hasnt reached his ceiling, but him starting next year? i must not be the only person who's "out of his mind." harrison is still way too hesitant on open spot ups, has a sloppy dribble in traffic, and forces up bad shots. of course this is expected as he didn't see starter minutes last year, but this leads me to believe he's still too raw to be in a starting line up.
pek is a flat footed stiff bogut IS NOT
you don't think there are 6 guards in the west that'll make the ASG before clay?
Off the top, Curry, Harden, Lillard, Paul are guys I can see making every all star game for the next few years. Who else am I missing?
.....I respect your opinion, but I flat out disagree with you on this.  I think in 10 years, we are going to look back and say that this is the single biggest mistake the Warriors have made in our lifetimes. 

Not the Mitch Richmond trade.

Not the Chris Webber trade.

Not the David Lee signing (yes, even bigger than this.)

Not the copious amounts of blown first round picks.

But THIS decision to not part with Klay to get Kevin Love will be the biggest mistake ever.  Unless Klay turns into a perennial All Star (which I dont see happening), this decision will haunt our team.
I don't think Klay has finished tapping into his potential. He can be a regular 20-point per night scorer. He's a two-way player, morphing into one of the better perimeter defenders in the league.

In all seriousness, I don't rank Love as the best PF in the game. Does he play winning team basketball, and/or how much will his defense really improve in Cleveland? It could just be masked by LeBron and others who are more defensively-minded.

I'm with you on this.. Myers being too damn conservative is going to just leave us in the second round AT BEST ... the whole splash brothers campaign is bogus shooters come and go ... I mean come on insert Anthony morrow and he shoots as good if not better than klay .. You wanna start taking defensive liabilities? we'll stick Iggy in there on the best offensive player heck even Barnes defense isn't too shabby... Kevin love is an elite top 10 even top 5 player klay isn't top anything ..

I say not in ten years but in 5 the klay Stan's will regret .. And the real warrior fans that wanna win now already regret it
Anthony Morrow is a great shooter, close to Korver good. But that's disrespectful to say Klay only provides deep shooting. He's not purely a specialist, Thompson can score in various ways and he defends well. Klay's only 24 and has solid NBA pedigree. Not to mention his height and overall frame at the 2-guard position. Him and Steph can legitimately form the best backcourt in the NBA before Klay Thompson even turns 26.

besides an aging kobe and Harden, there aren't any two guards coming out of the western conference that are touching klay in terms of his ability to play defense as well as score from the perimeter and midrange. the dude has done nothing but improve each of his first three seasons, which i believe he will continue to do, so i could see klay becoming an all star down the line.
Gordon Hayward is comparable in the West, depending if you consider him a 2 or 3. Even bringing in the East, Klaymore has a legitimate chance to surpass DeRozan and Lance. If he hasn't already in your eyes.

Kobe ? Wesley Matthews? Parsons? Crawford ?
Chand plays the 3, and Wes is not better in any facet of the game than Klaymaker.
Kobe ? Wesley Matthews? Parsons? Crawford ?
Wouldn't be surprised if Klay happens to make one all star appearance over the last 3 guys within the next 4 years. I'm not saying he will, but he does have a decent chance IMO.
you don't think there are 6 guards in the west that'll make the ASG before clay?
Off the top, Curry, Harden, Lillard, Paul are guys I can see making every all star game for the next few years. Who else am I missing?
harden, curry, lillard, paul, westbrook

that's 5

goran, lawson, conley, parker, bryant

there's 3 on the bubble + 2 all-star veterans

then you have clay

and other considerable talents such as bledsoe, holiday, thomas, rubio, ellis 
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dland said that Klay isn't capable of being an All-Star, but i firmly believe he will be, especially in a conference where there aren't many great 2 guards.
I need to clarify. I didnt once state, nor did I mean, that Klay has no chance of being an All Star. I actually think he does have a good chance of becoming an All Star.

What I said and meant is that Klay had better become a perennial All Star. Not a "He has been an All Star before" kind of All Star. I mean a there should never even a debate about it kind of All Star. A yearly lock. A foregone conclusion that he will be on the team kind of All Star. Because that is what we passed on.

THat is what I need to see from Klay moving forward. Our front office essentially decided to treat him like that is already the case, so now he actually needs to play that way. Anything less than that, we made a huge mistake.
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I need to clarify. I didnt once state, nor did I mean, that Klay has no chance of being an All Star. I actually think he does have a good chance of becoming an All Star.

What I said and meant is that Klay had better become a perennial All Star. Not a "He has been an All Star before" kind of All Star. I mean a there should never even a debate about it kind of All Star. A yearly lock. A foregone conclusion that he will be on the team kind of All Star. Because that is what we passed on.

THat is what I need to see from Klay moving forward. Our front office essentially decided to treat him like that is already the case, so now he actually needs to play that way. Anything less than that, we made a huge mistake.

using all-star games as a measuring stick of a player's overall worth/value is flawed, especially when you consider fans will continually vote in Kobe, Wade, and Joe Johnson despite them being on the last legs of their careers and/or missing a majority of the season.

and lest we forget, David Lee is a TWO TIME ALL STAR!! if he played in the east, hell, he might be a bonafide perennial himself.

I need to clarify. I didnt once state, nor did I mean, that Klay has no chance of being an All Star. I actually think he does have a good chance of becoming an All Star.

What I said and meant is that Klay had better become a perennial All Star. Not a "He has been an All Star before" kind of All Star. I mean a there should never even a debate about it kind of All Star. A yearly lock. A foregone conclusion that he will be on the team kind of All Star. Because that is what we passed on.

THat is what I need to see from Klay moving forward. Our front office essentially decided to treat him like that is already the case, so now he actually needs to play that way. Anything less than that, we made a huge mistake.
using all-star games as a measuring stick of a player's overall worth/value is flawed
how many NBA champions in recent years can you name that had just one of this all star type of player?
how many NBA champions in recent years can you name that had just one of this all star type of player?

2011 mavs and about 10 years ago, there was a time in which the pistons and spurs were winning rings with only 1 all star.

and just wondering, do folks think that adding Kevin Love to our roster would have made us a finals' contender this year?
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