
Damnit, the Yankees are willing to give up Hughes, Leche, and another top prospect for Santana. On top of that they'll have to give him about a contract of$25 M a season over the next 6 seasons.

I honestly don't think it's worth it. As a Yankee fan, I would much rather trade Ian Kennedy than Hughes.

P.S. I need a Yankee sig, this Yuku thing keeps deleting it.
I don't know what to think of the Cesar signing, he is actually a Dodger player I used to like. The Cardinals are dropping the ball in the off seasonthough
I honestly don't think it's worth it. As a Yankee fan, I would much rather trade Ian Kennedy than Hughes.
Of course you would, because Kennedy isn't near the prospect Hughes or Chamberlain was...I don't see how anyone believed for a second theRedSox or Yankees would get Johan without giving up one of Ellsbury/Buchholz/Hughes. Why would the Twins trade him to either of them for a middle of therotation pitcher (Lester/Kennedy), an average CF (Coco/Melky), and prospects? The Twins were going to get a potential star out of the deal. If not, whywouldn't the keep him and just take the draft picks next offseason when he walked? Or at least hold out as long as possible and hope someone cracked?
Its just crazy that you have to give up the farm, and THEN sign dude to 150+ mil contract afterwards (in regards to Johan).....I would wait till FA, youdon't even know if he'll waive his no trade clause.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I honestly don't think it's worth it. As a Yankee fan, I would much rather trade Ian Kennedy than Hughes.
Of course you would, because Kennedy isn't near the prospect Hughes or Chamberlain was...I don't see how anyone believed for a second the RedSox or Yankees would get Johan without giving up one of Ellsbury/Buchholz/Hughes. Why would the Twins trade him to either of them for a middle of the rotation pitcher (Lester/Kennedy), an average CF (Coco/Melky), and prospects? The Twins were going to get a potential star out of the deal. If not, why wouldn't the keep him and just take the draft picks next offseason when he walked? Or at least hold out as long as possible and hope someone cracked?

Melky is not an average CF. He's only 23, has one of the best and most accurate arms in all of baseball (OF wise), he can play Left, Right, Center,he's developing patience and in a few years, he will be a top outfielder.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Its just crazy that you have to give up the farm, and THEN sign dude to 150+ mil contract afterwards (in regards to Johan).....I would wait till FA, you don't even know if he'll waive his no trade clause.

It's not just crazy, it's outrageous!!!

We're signing A-Rod for $314 M.

Posada for $52 M.

River for $45 M.

Abreu for $16 M.

We're still over paying Giambi and Mussina. And now we gonna give this guy our farm and future AND $150 M???
When i said top outfielder, I'm not talking about top 3 or top 5. I'm talking about top 10-20, which is great for a 25-26 year old.
Thank god, Mets havent lost their mind and decided to keep Jose. Jose is THE facilitator of our team. Look at the end of the season of the collapse. Once Josewas slacking the team was doing the same thing.

If I was the Yanks, I'd hope to god that Boston doesnt decide to include Bucholz or Ellesbury in their offers. If the Bosox do, say goodbye to Phil Hughes.
[h3]Johan Santana Rumors[/h3]UPDATE, 11-30-07 at 10pm: It's been decided: the Yanks will put Hughes in their offer. John Harper and Bill Madden feel that it was Brian Cashman who needed convincing. Cabrera remains in the package, which will be rounded out by an additional pitching prospect. This collection of youngsters apparently puts the Yankees in the lead for Santana.
So if Melky is going to the Twins Yankees will need a new Centerfielder i bet they sign Andruw Jones
I will go into deep depression if phil ends up getting traded. as long as the only pitching prospect is phil, i'll refrain from slitting my wrists but ifkennedy or even horne is involved, man, that will suck a whole lot. its not worth it, even for santana. our farm will still be very rich, but losing phil willhurt A LOT.

btw, how in the world did omar minaya trade lastings milledge for anything but a pitcher?? i would be pretty pissed if i was a mets fan. not even joe blanton?thats just crazy.
What do you mean "even Joe Blanton?"

Lastings Milledge has done nothing to hold that much value. And I'm not even an A's fan.
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

What do you mean "even Joe Blanton?"

Lastings Milledge has done nothing to hold that much value. And I'm not even an A's fan.

I dont mean straight up for Blanton, but part of a package. Everyone knows Beane was fond of Milledge so they couldve worked something out. I'm saying'even Blanton' because they dont have the pieces to get a santana, bedard or haren.
Ehhh, Beane wanted Milledge like 18 months ago, but right now? Dude was rejected this morning in a package.

Would I have traded him? No, b/c he hasn't even played a full season here, but the outfield is deep and we have up-and-comers in Gomez this year, and oneof the top outfielding prospects in Fernando Martinez coming in 2-3 years, there was no room for him, so they got what they could.

Church will surprise a lot of Mets fans, he will be serviceable for the next few years. he can easily his .280 and knock 30 homeruns, which would be greatproduction out of your # 7 hitter.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Ehhh, Beane wanted Milledge like 18 months ago, but right now? Dude was rejected this morning in a package.

Would I have traded him? No, b/c he hasn't even played a full season here, but the outfield is deep and we have up-and-comers in Gomez this year, and one of the top outfielding prospects in Fernando Martinez coming in 2-3 years, there was no room for him, so they got what they could.

Church will surprise a lot of Mets fans, he will be serviceable for the next few years. he can easily his .280 and knock 30 homeruns, which would be great production out of your # 7 hitter.
you're trying soooo hard to convince yourself that the mutts didn't get fleeced

nats outfield this year: pena, aj, thrilledge = bombs away/one of the best of's in baseball

pena, dukes, thrilledge = prospering talent overload

as long as we steer clear of patterson and rowand i'll be happy
Hope yall like Lastings..Dude to me was just a bit above average. We needed a solid hitter to replace Green or Alou in the lineup Plus yall dudes still SUCK.You'll still be behind us and the Phillies. Hell even behind ATL if their plans goes well
he can easily his .280 and knock 30 homeruns, which would be great production out of your # 7 hitter.
You think Church is gonna get 30 bombs? Maybe 20, but 30 seems a bit high...Even still, .280 and 20 out of the 7 hole isn't bad by anymeans...Gotta be better than Shawn Green or Moises Alou, right?

J Rain stays trying too damn hard...It's not just Mets fans that think Milledge's value was extremely low. It was. They could have traded that manfor almost anyone they wanted 12-18 months ago. I'm still surprised they couldn't find someone to offer more than Schneider/Church, though...

I'm actually very upset Jon Daniels couldn't manage to top that somehow...The Mets need pitching, you're telling me you couldn't have puttogether a package of Laird (basically Schneider except 3-4 years younger), and an arm, whether Padilla, Millwood, Benoit, whoever?
Mez....dont get too happy with Church. He will not be here much longer. Word is Baltimore wanted either Gomez or Church instead of Milledge for their pitcher.The deal would be Gomez/Church, Mulvey, prospect for Bedard.

There is no way in hell that Omar would trade Milledge for only Church, Schneider. Not in a million years. Omar just got his chips ready for the wintermeetings.
You think Church is gonna get 30 bombs? Maybe 20, but 30 seems a bit high...Even still, .280 and 20 out of the 7 hole isn't bad by any means...Gotta be better than Shawn Green or Moises Alou, right?

I can see him hitting 25 homeruns (I confused the numbers when I posted), but I more concerned about his RBI's more than anything. He hit 70+ in 140 games,if he plays a full season with all those bats in front of him (unlike the bums in DC), he could easily inflate those numbers (plus Shea is smaller than RFK).Of course its an upgrade from Green, but he had a nice little season last year, and Alou was a MONSTER when he was healthy, glad he's back for one moreyear.

you're trying soooo hard to convince yourself that the mutts didn't get fleeced

Its funny because between the Moss slurping and the Nats slurping, I already can tell who this is, your no more than a child who sucks any athlete dry that hasa 95 rating or above in Madden. You act like you traded for Barry Bonds or something. Thank god for the ignore feature.

Mez....dont get too happy with Church. He will not be here much longer. Word is Baltimore wanted either Gomez or Church instead of Milledge for their pitcher. The deal would be Gomez/Church, Mulvey, prospect for Bedard.

That's pretty much what I stated when the trade was first made yesterday (perhaps the players were taken because a trade was coming involving a team thatdid not want to trade DIRECTLY with the Nats.....ie Mets/Yanks, Baltimore/Nationals, etc), but I heard an offer yesterday was rejected. The Mets would have togive up a lot for a # 1 pitcher, and it looks like they may do that (and why not, Pedro is back healthy, time to win now right?).

Winter meetings didn't even start yet, so we shall see.


Also during the GM meetings it was reported that Omar offered Milledge Humber and Heillman for Bedard. The Orioles turned it down. They went on to say that perhaps Church is more of a player that the Orioles might be interested in.
[h4]Sabean: Florida's asking price for Cabrera unrealistic[/h4]
Saturday, Dec 1, 2007 8:54 am EST


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So there isn't much of a free agent market, but are some major league teams getting greedy? For the second day in a row, a MLB general manager called the demands for Florida Marlins third baseman Miguel Cabrera are unrealistic according to the Miami Herald.

''I hate to speak to somebody else's business, but you wonder if they really want to trade the player or if they absolutely, positively have to win the deal in such a one-sided fashion,'' San Francisco Giants general manager Brian Sabean said. ``Maybe they're not going to get something done. I don't know.''

Sabean's comments were made one day after Los Angeles Angels owner Arte Moreno said two potential trades for Cabrera fell through because the Marlins had raised their demands at the last minute. The Marlins are believed to have strong interest in the Giants' top two young pitchers, Matt Cain and Tim Lincecum, and would demand one or the other in a trade for Cabrera. But Sabean said he is reluctant to trade either one.

Source: Miami Herald

when even Sebean is calling u out, u know ur outta line
as much as i want cabrera (nh), i really dont wanna give up the future. kendrick and adenhart are the future and miggy might just be a 2 year rental. its notguaranteed that he'll stay after that
dicky v knows whats up
talking bout how the mets made a major mistake trading milledge during the unckentucky game
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