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The douche in me says yes do it but the good guy in me says HELL THE **** NAW, ****** IS CRAZY THESE DAYS!
If she's 30+ ready to give you some yambs in her back seat chances are she's done this before....

She ain't **** OP be smart use your other head...

No such thing as karma.

But.. don't do it. She only told you while you were in the moment, so the fault is not yours. Now that you know, it's just not a good look on you. Forget her as a person and think of yourself as a person. There's a book being written about you right now and you're the author. Go through with this and it will be a negative on you.
HOWEVA... A VERY large majority of guys in prison... If you ask them to tell you the story, a yamb is SOMEWHERE in the mix.

Men can move mountains over a woman, famb...

Women are creatures of emotion. One day either in an argument where shes mad or out of guilt she'll spill the beans to hubby and when that happens he's most likely going to try to press you. Not worth the potential problems over yambz when yambz come a dime a dozen.

all of this.

you're literally a wrong number text away from a Lifetime movie/world star video. please believe if she gets caught she's blaming every bit of the situation on you.
Imagine you are a hard working guy, breaks his back to provide for his family. Actually likes monogamy and being married. Then you find out some young buck has your wife D*ckmitized at the very gym you pay the membership for.
If you can answer that question honestly in your head and say you wouldn't trip, still don't do it.
If you can pull a 33 year old married woman, you can pull a 33 year old woman without baggage....
You might win a fist fight but I guarantee you won't win a gun fight...
The struggling family was already destroyed. Don't fool yourself. There is no straw that broke the camel's back in that situation.
Wow, this is the twisted reasoning you place on those saying to smash? :lol: :smh: Couldn't be more baseless since my parents been married for 20+ years

But I guess claiming these dudes come from broken homes and hate marriage is one way to rationalize it.

I was aiming my comment at a particular person and it was not you so you can stop crying me a river.
Dont do it OP. If you have any principals you'll end up regretting this.

How the hell can some of you tell him to smash a married woman? Even if he doesn't get p***y often, this is not the way to go.
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OP's gonna do it.

All logic tells him it's wrong. All logic tells him that he can get yambs from somewhere else.

But logic is often put to the side in the face of human attraction. He's more into her now than ever before. This is evidenced by him creating the thread now, rather than before when he'd just met someone to flirt with in the gym.

Attraction can make folks do ludicrous things. OP's mind was made up the minute he made this thread to gain some affirmation of his potential actions.

I hope it's worth it though. Playing a role in the inevitable destruction of a family.

What's truly sad is that the day will come where the OP, and many of you advocating that he goes through with it, will find someone you want so badly to trust and spend your lives with. But you'll always have that sense of mistrust in females that you yourself created.
OP's gonna do it.

All logic tells him it's wrong. All logic tells him that he can get yambs from somewhere else.

But logic is often put to the side in the face of human attraction. He's more into her now than ever before. This is evidenced by him creating the thread now, rather than before when he'd just met someone to flirt with in the gym.

Attraction can make folks do ludicrous things. OP's mind was made up the minute he made this thread to gain some affirmation of his potential actions.

I hope it's worth it though. Playing a role in the inevitable destruction of a family.

What's truly sad is that the day will come where the OP, and many of you advocating that he goes through with it, will find someone you want so badly to trust and spend your lives with. But you'll always have that sense of mistrust in females that you yourself created.
That's pussssssy power
She's the scum bag for allowing it to go that far. Beat it up but keep her at bay. If the walls start to close in just a little, abort. Pretty simple.
She's the scum bag for allowing it to go that far. Beat it up but keep her at bay. If the walls start to close in just a little, abort. Pretty simple.
Dang is it that simple? Do it op she doesn't know your routine.. The time you go to gym everyday or phone number. If stuff hits the fan you can just go to a new gym and get a new phone number right.
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She's the scum bag for allowing it to go that far. Beat it up but keep her at bay. If the walls start to close in just a little, abort. Pretty simple.
If you don't do it, another man will. 

It is not you ruining the relationship, it is her. 

It is that simple. 
Tryna get a ***** killed
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At the end of the day. All moral opinions aside the main question is this.

Is it worth the potential reprecussions and problems?
HOWEVA... A VERY large majority of guys in prison... If you ask them to tell you the story, a yamb is SOMEWHERE in the mix.

Men can move mountains over a woman, famb...

Women are creatures of emotion. One day either in an argument where shes mad or out of guilt she'll spill the beans to hubby and when that happens he's most likely going to try to press you. Not worth the potential problems over yambz when yambz come a dime a dozen.

all of this.

you're literally a wrong number text away from a Lifetime movie/world star video. please believe if she gets caught she's blaming every bit of the situation on you.
Thinking like this can go the same for crazy angry ex-bfs and stalkers.

You can get cut open over yambs by any unbalanced dude.

The struggling family was already destroyed. Don't fool yourself. There is no straw that broke the camel's back in that situation.
Wow, this is the twisted reasoning you place on those saying to smash? :lol: :smh: Couldn't be more baseless since my parents been married for 20+ years

But I guess claiming these dudes come from broken homes and hate marriage is one way to rationalize it.

I was aiming my comment at a particular person and it was not you so you can stop crying me a river.
Crying? :lol:

Messed up you'd bring a poster's personal upbringing in to his reasons for his opinion but hey maybe you know him.
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Just walk away and ignore her. She's a tramp anyway, being disrespectful like that... but oh well, that's life.
Do what you want young bruh.. There are far more important dilemmas that life will throw at u..
See her again. Give her some pimp *** one liner. Kiss her goodbye and tell her to go home that night knowing you'll never be more than a casual hello and goodbye. That way it won't be all awkward and you guys dont have to change your whole gym routine.

If she falls for you or gets creepy after that. RUN!
Only read the 1st page so no idea about updates but no matter what things were like and how it went down to that point, now that you know I wouldn't do it. It's only thing if it goes down without her telling you but is it worth it if it gets you in the middle of a marriage and causes bigger problems? Tons of other females out there.
I would never knowingly smash a married chick but in the situation OP was in I woulda smashed and dashed. Chick is mad foul tho.
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