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Let's make it clear...

If she never would've said anything... Smash away young blood...

But because you KNOW... Don't do it...

I've smanged chicks that had dudes... Did I know about it? Naw... Did I keep going?

See her again. Give her some pimp *** one liner. Kiss her goodbye and tell her to go home that night knowing you'll never be more than a casual hello and goodbye. That way it won't be all awkward and you guys dont have to change your whole gym routine.

If she falls for you or gets creepy after that. RUN!

lol, that's a good idea i sort of want to do that

As for the comments, why do all of you want me to get shot? like damn, every situation that i do go ahead, i'm either A. shot or B. stabbed in this thread.

Like i said i'll take it day by day
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If you have to ask you're not built for that life so keep your distance until they get divorced/separated.
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This "yolo" stuff is childish, have some morals like an adult. A real man would never mess with a married woman.
Nicely said a few posts into this thread.

Y'all dudes keep messing around and one day are going to have an angry husband put her and your brains on the headboard.
The way I see it you already kissed her right? Well she'll probably tell her husband and he'll probably be salty enough off just that. He probably sharpening da ax as we speak. So since you're a dead man anyway you might as well go out smashing .


REST IN ***** :evil:
Tryna get a ***** killed :smh:

Every situation is different but thier are certain guidelines that he needs to follow in order to do him correctly.

For example, not giving out any home or personal information that can get back to him, always use and discard yourself the condom, creep during the day not at night. It can causes suspicion, etc. like I said if OP feels any form of pressure on her part to make it more than it is,then simply abort.

Most importantly it cannot happen if both of them are not Mature enough.
Every situation is different but thier are certain guidelines that he needs to follow in order to do him correctly.

For example, not giving out any home or personal information that can get back to him, always use and discard yourself the condom, creep during the day not at night. It can causes suspicion, etc. like I said if OP feels any form of pressure on her part to make it more than it is,then simply abort.

Most importantly it cannot happen if both of them are not Mature enough.
or how bout find some other chick. You know how many yambs out there? Why mess with a married chick bruh?
The way I see it you already kissed her right? Well she'll probably tell her husband and he'll probably be salty enough off just that. He probably sharpening da ax as we speak. So since you're a dead man anyway you might as well go out smashing .


REST IN ***** :evil:
I will say this tho, I dated a older chick with a son and it was cool until she started brining me around her son who was like 9. Homie knew what was up I came thru :lol:
I will say this tho, I dated a older chick with a son and it was cool until she started brining me around her son who was like 9. Homie knew what was up I came thru
That's because you're not the first man she's brought home.
or how bout find some other chick. You know how many yambs out there? Why mess with a married chick bruh?

I'm speaking as if he wants to do it. Whether he does it or not is not my decision. Of course there's many women out there even at the same gym but that's not the question at hand.

Let him experience it carefully and confidently. It will at least serve as a learning experience.
go for it OP, if she's throwing that P at you with no dambs then you should hit with no dambs and creampie, **** it. 

just take the consequences when they come.
Take it from someone like me OP.

Don't do it. I made the stupidest decision ever at 19 years old in smashing a married woman, and sort of being at fault for breaking up a happy home.

It was definitely a scumbag move on my part, but I - like you, was very young and dumb and didn't properly weigh out the pros and cons of the situation at hand. And ofcourse the woman does have certain blame in it, but you're giving her every reason to do it.

It's one of the biggest regrets in my life. I'm 26 now. I wouldn't even think about engaging myself with a married woman.

Be willing to understand this too: A man will literally kill another man for his wife; and not think twice about it. Your life ain't worth those 5 minute yambs. Trust me.
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Dat contradiction.

:lol: sorry fellas but if im just about to put it in, there are very few things that would stop me (i.e. Aids or that monster) but had i known she was married before hand, it wouldnt have ever happened.
Take it from someone like me OP.

Don't do it. I made the stupidest decision ever at 19 years old in smashing a married woman, and sort of being at fault for breaking up a happy home.

It was definitely a scumbag move on my part, but I - like you, was very young and dumb and didn't properly weigh out the pros and cons of the situation at hand. And ofcourse the woman does have certain blame in it, but you're giving her every reason to do it.

It's one of the biggest regrets in my life. I'm 26 now. I wouldn't even think about engaging myself with a married woman.

Be willing to understand this too: A man will literally kill another man for his wife; and not think twice about it. Your life ain't worth those 5 minute yambs. Trust me.
The woman has the majority of the blame, not just "certain". I don't know how most men don't see this.

I can put it like this, if my gf lets Smush Parker run up in her, is the blame on him or on her? Dudes everyday give females every reason to smash and yet somehow they seem to walk a block without ******g every dude that tries to get at them. If anything this blame only gets magnified in a married situation.
The woman has the majority of the blame, not just "certain". I don't know how most men don't see this.

I guarantee when her husband tries to kill him it's not going to be no "but it was mostly her fault" especially if the husband finds out you knew she was married it's a reynolds wrap
The woman has the majority of the blame, not just "certain". I don't know how most men don't see this.

I can put it like this, if my gf lets Smush Parker run up in her, is the blame on him or on her? Dudes everyday give females every reason to smash and yet somehow they seem to walk a block without ******g every dude that tries to get at them. If anything this blame only gets magnified in a married situation.

The woman deserves a good chunk of the blame in most these scenarios. That's undeniable.

But to knowingly smash another mans wife is a chump sucker move no matter how you cut it. I'm emphasizing the knowingly part because a married chick is fully capable of putting a believable single act on.

Regarding the reaction part. I can't say how id react if I caught a woman I committed to and married, let move in my house, and possibly even have kids with cheating on me let alone walking in and catching it in the act. I think anyone no matter how alpha they try and portray themselves to be would be both shocked and enraged at that site and probably would react in ways a level headed person wouldn't act.

Even in cases where the husband is frail and soft. An enraged frail dude with a hurt ego who decides to get a strap or already has one is a dangerous individual.

Like I said before. I don't owe no married dude anything and I really could care less about his marriage because its not my problem. But if his wife threw the box at me Id pass because a nut isn't worth unnecessary problems.

The older you get the less tension and problems you want. Let alone problems you caused and could've easily avoided.
So if a married chick smashes 5 dudes who know she's married they're the sucka chumps?

In that situation is the angry violent husband expected to try and hurt/kill all 5 dudes now? This whole threat of violence while a possible consequence seems to be some bs some of yall dudes accept as the norm and it's usually directed at the wrong person.

I mean really what if your wife tricking off with a butch lesbian and you catch them in the act with the strap on and anal beads? What then?!
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