I agree, but is this his platform?  
As of 2000, 96.7% of Alabama residents age 5 and older speak English at home and 2.2% speak Spanish. German speakers make up only 0.4% of the population, French/French Creole at 0.3%, and Chinese at 0.1%.

what the hell is a wonly

and no I dont agree with shaunhillftw but what was the point of him showing making that commercial, to show that he attends weekly kkk meetings?
Makes sense to me. I know nothing about this guy but I already wish he were at least on the California ballot.

The United States, for whatever reason, is supposed to bend over backwards to accommodate anyone and everyone who wants to live in this country. I'm sorry, it does not, and should not work that way. We are fortunate enough to be in the luckiest 5% of the world's population and I am ridiculously grateful for that. For the people in the world who were not born in the United States, I think it is reasonable to ask that they learn English. Its no different than asking you to perform well in class and on SATs to get into Yale. Some people are born smarter than others so they have an advantage. But most of us had the opportunity to overcome our disadvantages. LeBron James is a foot taller than me; should I sue David Stern for making the hoop 10 feet tall? Or should I work on my dribbling, passing and shooting?

I understand that it is difficult enough to immigrate to the United States, so spare me. But it shouldn't be easy. If it were easy, there would be well-over a billion people living here speaking dozens of languages and I'd have to learn how to order a glass of water in four different languages. It puts a burden on the government and public servants to have to accommodate everyone. For example, when you check into a hospital they have a handful of people on staff who were hired, in part, because they speak Spanish or Cantonese, etc.
Well if we keep administering those tests in different languages. People who speak English wouldn't be able to get drivers licenses.

Originally Posted by TacC4

The United States, for whatever reason, is supposed to bend over backwards to accommodate anyone and everyone who wants to live in this country.
such as Spanish translations?
any other instances?
Originally Posted by TacC4

Makes sense to me. I know nothing about this guy but I already wish he were at least on the California ballot.

The United States, for whatever reason, is supposed to bend over backwards to accommodate anyone and everyone who wants to live in this country. I'm sorry, it does not, and should not work that way. We are fortunate enough to be in the luckiest 5% of the world's population and I am ridiculously grateful for that. For the people in the world who were not born in the United States, I think it is reasonable to ask that they learn English. Its no different than asking you to perform well in class and on SATs to get into Yale. Some people are born smarter than others so they have an advantage. But most of us had the opportunity to overcome our disadvantages. LeBron James is a foot taller than me; should I sue David Stern for making the hoop 10 feet tall? Or should I work on my dribbling, passing and shooting?

I understand that it is difficult enough to immigrate to the United States, so spare me. But it shouldn't be easy. If it were easy, there would be well-over a billion people living here speaking dozens of languages and I'd have to learn how to order a glass of water in four different languages. It puts a burden on the government and public servants to have to accommodate everyone. For example, when you check into a hospital they have a handful of people on staff who were hired, in part, because they speak Spanish or Cantonese, etc.

captain obvious

Everyone that comes to this country wants to learn english. Every single immigrant. If it were that easy to learn another language everyone would be bilingual by now. Especially english being a language with weird rules (compared to spanish)

closet racists
Originally Posted by wanksta23


said the guy who failed to realize that most non-English speaking Americans are employed by Republicans.
And, no, I'm not a Republican.

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
TacC4 wrote:
The United States, for whatever reason, is supposed to bend over backwards to accommodate anyone and everyone who wants to live in this country.

such as Spanish translations?
any other instances?

Mmmmm, you do realize that Spanish is not the only other language on government documents, right? So off the top of my head I would say Cantonese translations, French translations, Tagalog translations, German translations, Mandarin translations, Portuguese translations, etc.
Outside of that, police officers, firefighters, security personnel, etc. all must have someone on staff who speaks Spanish, Mandarin, etc., depending on the circumstances. All lot of these people spoke two languages before being hired but the government is still obligated to provide a)the personnel on staff and b)the foreign language training.

This extends to almost every private company whose operations are centered around consumer products. In the sphere of private enterprises, some of these companies are making a conscious decision to target their advertising at minorities, but not all of the resources they dedicate to foreign languages are done so voluntarily.

Teachers cannot communicate with parents because they do not share a common language. So if a child is struggling is school, it is unlikely that he/she will be successful in the long run. This places an indirect burden on the United States in the form of uneducated children who grow up to become uneducated adults. Not saying that doesn't happen with English-speaking children, but the problem is exacerbated by illiteracy. My girlfriend is considering dropping $600 on Rosetta Stone so that she can speak Spanish fluently enough to hold conferences with some of the parents of children in her class. How is that not a burden? And if its not a burden, shouldn't immigrants take on this burden themselves?

Outside of the obvious language accommodations, there are a number of public services that are provided to anyone in the United States, regardless of citizenship and native language. The Coast Guard is regularly sent to rescue refugees from Cuba. And even a Texas state trooper is unlikely to leave a sick/injured illegal immigrant in the Texas desert to die. Who do you think pays the bill for all of these activities? You think Thad Allen is sending an invoice to the Castro brothers?

I'm in favor of a massive overhaul of our health care system (still, because whatever happened in March was pretty pathetic) but don't act like health care reform wasn't directed at minorities. And don't act like most of the clauses weren't pushed back, time-wise, to make the bill look cheaper on the front-end.

You're incredibly naive if you think Americans are complaining over printing costs on driver's license exams. Accommodating "would-be" Americans is a multi-billion dollar venture. And I'm not the only American who is upset about having to press 1 for English and 2 for Spanish every time I call customer support.
When will people realize that only speaking one language actually puts our children and us at a disadvantage especially when it comes to competing with the world market. In many other countries it is the norm to grow up speaking and learning at least 2 different languages if not more.

Oh and it may save you money on printing the forms but then you're not generating the income from those applications so it could ends up costing the state of Alabama more than it saved. That could not fly here in CA at all.
JoseBronx wrote:

Everyone that comes to this country wants to learn english. Every single immigrant. If it were that easy to learn another language everyone would be bilingual by now. Especially english being a language with weird rules (compared to spanish)

closet racists

I would like to engage in a legitimate debate but if you just want to play the race card and ignore reality, that's cool w/me. I have plenty of things to do besides argue w/someone online...
You've met every single immigrant and can confirm that they want to learn English? And what steps have they taken to do so? Have they taken a single English class? Are they still taking English classes? Get out of here w/that nonsense. Captain Obvious says not everyone in this country wants to LEARN English, they just want to magically be able to speak English. There's a difference.

And, because you know me so well, you know that I'm a closet racist. Despite the fact that my girlfriend is Chinese, my best friend is black, I live with 2 Chinese and 1 Japanese and my step-dad is Filipino. But, you're right, I'm a closet racist. The fact that you casually throw around statements about me being a racist and this politician being a member of the KKK clearly indicate that you have some growing up to do. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a racist. I never said anything about race, neither did the guy from Alabama. If it were about race wouldn't I be saying "everyone should speak English, French or German?"

Get some facts and come back and see me. </Jim Calhoun>
Originally Posted by TacC4

JoseBronx wrote:

Everyone that comes to this country wants to learn english. Every single immigrant. If it were that easy to learn another language everyone would be bilingual by now. Especially english being a language with weird rules (compared to spanish)

closet racists
I would like to engage in a legitimate debate but if you just want to play the race card and ignore reality, that's cool w/me. I have plenty of things to do besides argue w/someone online...
You've met every single immigrant and can confirm that they want to learn English? And what steps have they taken to do so? Have they taken a single English class? Are they still taking English classes? Get out of here w/that nonsense. Captain Obvious says not everyone in this country wants to LEARN English, they just want to magically be able to speak English. There's a difference.

And, because you know me so well, you know that I'm a closet racist. Despite the fact that my girlfriend is Chinese, my best friend is black, I live with 2 Chinese and 1 Japanese and my step-dad is Filipino. But, you're right, I'm a closet racist. The fact that you casually throw around statements about me being a racist and this politician being a member of the KKK clearly indicate that you have some growing up to do. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a racist. I never said anything about race, neither did the guy from Alabama. If it were about race wouldn't I be saying "everyone should speak English, French or German?"

Get some facts and come back and see me. </Jim Calhoun>

Why is it that every racist person always tries to convince people that theyre not racist by talking to us about their friends from every corner of the globe?

Not saying that youre racist, just saying that I notice a lot of racist people tend to do this.
I actually believe that this law makes sense, not for financial reasons because unlike most of you racist dudes hiding behind "financial concerns" I think theres more to this country than money.
I just feel that if a person plans on driving on American roads, they need to be able to read the signs. It would be pretty hard to do this if they dont speak the language which these signs are written in.

Even if I lived in Alabama I wouldnt vote for this guy though because if this is the kind of +!@% hes trying to bring to the forefront of his state, chances are he is a closet racist and has a thing against hispanics.

And if youre upset about having to press 1 for english, youre way better off than most people in this country.
Is it the right of every American to be so damned lazy and petty in this country?
Serious question.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by TacC4

JoseBronx wrote:

Everyone that comes to this country wants to learn english. Every single immigrant. If it were that easy to learn another language everyone would be bilingual by now. Especially english being a language with weird rules (compared to spanish)

closet racists

And, because you know me so well, you know that I'm a closet racist. Despite the fact that my girlfriend is Chinese, my best friend is black, I live with 2 Chinese and 1 Japanese and my step-dad is Filipino. But, you're right, I'm a closet racist. The fact that you casually throw around statements about me being a racist and this politician being a member of the KKK clearly indicate that you have some growing up to do. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a racist. I never said anything about race, neither did the guy from Alabama. If it were about race wouldn't I be saying "everyone should speak English, French or German?"

Get some facts and come back and see me. </Jim Calhoun>
Why is it that every racist person always tries to convince people that theyre not racist by talking to us about their friends from every corner of the globe?

Not saying that youre racist, just saying that I notice a lot of racist people tend to do this.
I actually believe that this law makes sense, not for financial reasons because unlike most of you racist dudes hiding behind "financial concerns" I think theres more to this country than money.
I just feel that if a person plans on driving on American roads, they need to be able to read the signs. It would be pretty hard to do this if they dont speak the language which these signs are written in.

Even if I lived in Alabama I wouldnt vote for this guy though because if this is the kind of +!@% hes trying to bring to the forefront of his state, chances are he is a closet racist and has a thing against hispanics.

And if youre upset about having to press 1 for english, youre way better off than most people in this country.
Is it the right of every American to be so damned lazy and petty in this country?
Serious question.

I don't know why everyone brings up their friends to prove they aren't racist. I did it because I found the comment to be silly and the easiest way to disprove it was to list off some of my friends and family members. What does one do to disprove the fact that they are racist? If I go out and film myself helping an old black lady across the street a)it occurs after the claim about my prejudice, so its suspect b)its a one-time event and can be discredited as an anomaly and c)it could be misconstrued as me feeling like blacks aren't smart enough to walk on their own. If there's a more efficient way to prove that one is not racist, I'll do it. But the absurdity of a comment about someone's alleged racist beliefs w/o proof doesn't deserve much more than a one sentence rebuttal. To be fair, I also defending myself by juxtaposing my supposed racial prejudice and my unabashed language prejudice, but I still understand what you're getting at.
I agree w/what you're saying about legitimate reasons for making English the official language. I would actually go a step further and say that it would instill a sense of nationalism and would go a long way towards uniting this country. I'm not going to go Bush-post-9/11 on anyone or wear American flag boxers, but it would be nice to add another layer of unity when we've already got plenty of divisive issues. The counter to that argument is that America is the world's melting pot and we should celebrate the languages of the world. I have no problem celebrating cultures b/c its beneficial for everyone to understand the cultures of the world, and its usually done in a voluntary format so that people who wish to remain ignorant can opt out. But its frustrating to be put in a situation where language is an impediment to either party.
this country was founded by immigrants, developed by immigrants, and one of the reasons it became so great was the promise that if you came here and worked hard you can succeed. this new found xenophobia is going to seriously comeback to haunt us.

I'm not saying encouraging people to learn English shouldn't be encouraged, but discriminating against non English speakers is just counter productive and just a ploy to appeal to those who feel threatened by foreigners.

Also this is a majot detriment on the state level. English as the national language will never pass on the federal level. So all states are doing is creating an enviorment where you have a growing segment of your population that has been disenfranchised by passing laws like this on the state level. Does anyone seriously believe that people aren't going to keep coming to Georgia despite this law. The people in power should be looking for ways to incorporate non english speakers onto their society instead of ostrisizing them.

Like it or not, this country will become a nation of minorities in the near future. We need to embrace this for what it is, continue to encourage the best and brightest to come here, and continue to prosper as a nation.
This is wrong on so many levels...

-Whether you agree with what he said or not, what person runs a commercial about this?  This is your platform, really?
-West2East also pointed out how much money they'd actually be LOSING from applications.  O, and let's not forget the revenue they help generate (with respect to driving) for local economies- gas/cars/insurance/maintenance.
-If the applications are already translated, why in the hell would you not offer them?  It's like paying to have your menu translated to another language, and then removing said language.  It's a SUNK COST, this fool is putting up smokescreens on the idea that they'll "save money" ...that's preposterous.
-People act as if they're inconvenienced on a daily basis by someone who can't speak English, please 

-Not that it's possible, but do a Cost-Benefit Analysis and let me know how it turns out.  I'm pretty sure the slight cost of translating a few things is minuscule in relation to the benefits immigrants bring to this country (see point 2).
Originally Posted by TacC4

JoseBronx wrote:

Everyone that comes to this country wants to learn english. Every single immigrant. If it were that easy to learn another language everyone would be bilingual by now. Especially english being a language with weird rules (compared to spanish)

closet racists
I would like to engage in a legitimate debate but if you just want to play the race card and ignore reality, that's cool w/me. I have plenty of things to do besides argue w/someone online...
You've met every single immigrant and can confirm that they want to learn English? And what steps have they taken to do so? Have they taken a single English class? Are they still taking English classes? Get out of here w/that nonsense. Captain Obvious says not everyone in this country wants to LEARN English, they just want to magically be able to speak English. There's a difference.

And, because you know me so well, you know that I'm a closet racist. Despite the fact that my girlfriend is Chinese, my best friend is black, I live with 2 Chinese and 1 Japanese and my step-dad is Filipino. But, you're right, I'm a closet racist. The fact that you casually throw around statements about me being a racist and this politician being a member of the KKK clearly indicate that you have some growing up to do. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them a racist. I never said anything about race, neither did the guy from Alabama. If it were about race wouldn't I be saying "everyone should speak English, French or German?"

Get some facts and come back and see me. </Jim Calhoun>

again, how easy do you think it is to learn another language? just ask your girl thats about to drop $600 on rosetta stone. Immigrants have to bust their mass earning less then minimum wage just to "achieve that american dream", you honestly think they have time and patience to pick up a book or take a class to learn english. I can assure you tho, that EVERY single immigrant that comes into this country wants to learn english, EVERY SINGLE. EVERY SINGLE hispanic immigrant want a copy of ingles sin barreras.

You obviously have a think against hispanics or else it why it wouldnt be a burden to 1 for english or 2 para español.

Translation are a big financial issue?
There hundreds of other issues this country is going through, you and this guy running for governor think that translations are the cost of this economic recession? If anything , reaching out to other groups people (other then english speakers) would make more money.

Stop it son, this isnt about race?

Doesnt matter if you and tim james are 1/8 anything. If you think that a person who doesnt speak your language is a threat to you, and you feel that harrasment (the new arizona law) is a way to make thing right? Then theres a problem
"theres some damm racists on NT, i noticed in the "new Arizona law" thread... this is ridiculous... the whole notion of being illegal is preposterous, and language is just a communication tool, who cares what language they communicate in, as long as they are apt to drive...
Saying everyone in Alabama should know how to speak English and that driver's tests should only be administered in English is irrational for a list of reasons

1) America has no "official" language.
2) Specifying only English would not promote multi-linguism. In the job market today, it's VERY wise to know more than just English. That's why many Mexicans are actually learning English AND Mandarin in their schools now.
3) Expecting adults who immigrate from different countries to learn English quickly is ridiculous. The older you become, the harder it is for you to learn a new language completely. These people should not be allowed to drive now? As an adult, driving is a key part of transportation to jobs and other venues. Where does this leave those people?

And if you want to prove or disprove someone is a closet racist, have them take the Harvard Implicit Association Test. It shows you how biased you are against certain groups.

Here you go:

For those of you who feel strongly that this candidate is right, how about you take the proper test and learn something about yourselves =]
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