wth is going on?
Originally Posted by Her Sole

Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Her Sole

Yeah, and you probably dont get very good reception on your iphone while you're in walmart.

Have a great day at work best friend!!!!
i expect better comebacks out of you.

please dont disappoint me next time.

Oh, look whose back!?
your comebacks have severely declined in quality.
they NEVER work... I was a firm believer that in a sense, the right two people can make it work, but in the end it's just full of fail.
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Being on the phone with your girl all day on the phone gets old!!!!!!!!!!!....dont ever try it...see her as much as possible
I feel you man

glad thats over
they dont work man. we called it quits after we were apart from each other for a year and a half, she found a new man and is about to get married :/.
im in one at the moment and going 10 months strong, i live in houston TX and she lives in brenham TX so about a 45 min drive..(dont have a car) only 16 but itworks out pretty well..communication and trust is the key to relationships imo
im in one (2 hr drive away) for about 8 months. we see each other 1 or 2 times a week so its ok so far. i was with my current girl for a couple years when wewere younger. i had a great job come up and moved away a few years back. now things are cool. she wants to see me more but we text... lol she's callingright now
I was in one for a little over a year. its not for everybody I can tell you that. it was going good till she moved back home that's when the problemsstarted. will I do it again probably not.
It's worse when you were in a relationship and then she MOVES out of state...

Then you try sustaining that relationship and whatnot but you start getting all paranoid and +*+%
I don't think the stress is worth it
It can definitely work. You just have to stay focused on the long-term.

No short-term girl is worth the headache and heartache.

Here's a poem I wrote that may cheer you up OP.

Why should it matter if I'm near or far
Is my love measured by the mile
Will my heart wither if we're not close
I can still hold you without holding you
Kiss you without meeting your lips
Make you smile without seeing your face
You can feel my warm embrace
My warmth isn't confined to a place
It's in the spirit of what I have to give
It's for what I live
It wasn't founded on city limits
Distance does not have to be distant
It can be quite intimate
You shouldn't feel different
I'm just a text away
A phone call can heal all
Even if you don't see my face every day
Love will make a way
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