Looking back at MLB Predictions Vol. at the midway now

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

My dude We Get Live went ALL in!

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

If the Yankees switched rotations with either team you all would criticize them for something.

And serious question how come no one says the Rays should make Price a starter but i have to argue that the rotation is the best place for Joba?
Because everyone hates the Yankees. Everything we do is wrong. If we had the Rays rotation, people would say that we're not going anywhere cause we're too young. If we had the Red Sox rotation, they would say that Smoltz, and Wakefield are too old, and that Beckett will get hurt. Etc.
It's because you guys think u can BUY championships, that's all.

I really enjoyed watching you guys back from 96-00.... after that , when they started scooping up seemingly every big name FA that was out there to fill holes, it got annoying, that's all it is.

Trust me, Boston is hated too. Rays are doing it the right way
Who thinks they can "buy" championships?

The Yankees had holes in there rotation and first base going into this offseason. What should they do about it? Sign low level free agents and promote players that arent good enough? Or should they spend the money that they have to try and put the best product on the field.

If your Mets win the world series this year because of the impact K-Rod has on your team, then did you "buy" a world series?

you guys spent 1/2 billie.... nuff said
Good Stuff WE GET LIVE.

I feel you on the Marlins' prediction, they might be a little too young though to make noise.
Minor triceps injury as a junior in college in 2006 and shoulder tendinitis last year, which he came back from 3 months later and is something common in pitchers. Is that really a big history to worry about?
There's a reason Joba slipped as far as he did in the draft a couple years back... There were real concerns about his arm and conditioning...

Guys with the potential for 4 above-average to plus pitches don't go in supplemental rounds...
Price suffered an injury about as serious as Joba's last season, and yes Price did have his innings cap last year. Thats why he moved to the bullpen so he could finish around 125 innings, he'll likely pitch as many innings as Joba would this season.
Price was bumped to the bullpen because he was flat out too good to not have on the big team in some form or fashion to make an impact with theRays down the stretch... If they hadn't had 5 starters going good at the time, you can bet he'd have been in the rotation...
The Yankees are a billion dollar business and employ countless number a scouts and physicians that have analyzed Joba's arm and shoulder. Do you really think they would risk his arm if they didn't think he was healthy enough to handle it? I think i would take Brian Cashman and the Yankee front offices word for it.
Right, because Cash (and the front office) were so on the money in terms of scouting with Loaiza, Brown, Wright, & Pavano.

Cashman is notorious for his poor decisions when it comes to pitching. The pitching staffs that won those WS during the dynasty was inherited - the onlycontributions he made was Clemens and El Duque. He has gotten rid of more good pitchers than he's acquired.

I'm so sick and tired of Yankees fans acting like the organization can do no wrong, like every action and decision is justifiable.

And this is coming from a Yankees fan.
If your Mets win the world series this year because of the impact K-Rod has on your team, then did you "buy" a world series?

No lie though but you really can't compare the 2, especially the way this off-season went the Mets spent their money wisely and got bargains and completeda very nice trade, Yanks had to overspend and outbid everyone else to get 3 guys (1 of which didn't want to be a Yankee, they had to spend 20M extra andthrow a clause in there that would allow dude to walk 3 years in if he feels like it). Mets spend money but they SHOULD, they are not a small market team.

Cashman is notorious for his poor decisions when it comes to pitching. The pitching staffs that won those WS during the dynasty was inherited - the only contributions he made was Clemens and El Duque. He has gotten rid of more good pitchers than he's acquired.

Very true.

Price was bumped to the bullpen because he was flat out too good to not have on the big team in some form or fashion to make an impact with the Rays down the stretch... If they hadn't had 5 starters going good at the time, you can bet he'd have been in the rotation...

You sir are correct as well.
Originally Posted by WE GET LIVE

The Yankees are a billion dollar business and employ countless number a scouts and physicians that have analyzed Joba's arm and shoulder. Do you really think they would risk his arm if they didn't think he was healthy enough to handle it? I think i would take Brian Cashman and the Yankee front offices word for it.
Right, because Cash (and the front office) were so on the money in terms of scouting with Loaiza, Brown, Wright, & Pavano.

Cashman is notorious for his poor decisions when it comes to pitching. The pitching staffs that won those WS during the dynasty was inherited - the only contributions he made was Clemens and El Duque. He has gotten rid of more good pitchers than he's acquired.

I'm so sick and tired of Yankees fans acting like the organization can do no wrong, like every action and decision is justifiable.

And this is coming from a Yankees fan.
Do you know for sure that Cash made those moves? Because its well known he did not sign Wright or trade for Brown. Loaiza was acquired for JoseContreras (not a Cash signing) who was terrible here. How is that a loss?

Who are these good pitchers that he gave away?

Cashman took control in 2005 and since then the Yankees have dramatically improved there farm system. He has made some good moves but has made twice as manygood ones. He's not the best GM in the league but he is definitely top 10
Maybe we should just change the title to "AL East Discussion Thread"
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Minor triceps injury as a junior in college in 2006 and shoulder tendinitis last year, which he came back from 3 months later and is something common in pitchers. Is that really a big history to worry about?
There's a reason Joba slipped as far as he did in the draft a couple years back... There were real concerns about his arm and conditioning...

Guys with the potential for 4 above-average to plus pitches don't go in supplemental rounds...
Price suffered an injury about as serious as Joba's last season, and yes Price did have his innings cap last year. Thats why he moved to the bullpen so he could finish around 125 innings, he'll likely pitch as many innings as Joba would this season.
Price was bumped to the bullpen because he was flat out too good to not have on the big team in some form or fashion to make an impact with the Rays down the stretch... If they hadn't had 5 starters going good at the time, you can bet he'd have been in the rotation...

Yes I know the concerns about his arm injury and like I said it was a minor tricep injury, something that has bothered him since. From I read (I know itdoesn't have much credibility) but you do hear Joba is one of the hardest workers on the team.

Price was moved to the bullpen because he hit his innings limit. Do you think it was a coincidence he finished at 124 innings? He was a better choice to startthan Sonnanstine, Jackson and probably Kazmir who I think was injuried but I could be wrong.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

If your Mets win the world series this year because of the impact K-Rod has on your team, then did you "buy" a world series?

No lie though but you really can't compare the 2, especially the way this off-season went the Mets spent their money wisely and got bargains and completed a very nice trade, Yanks had to overspend and outbid everyone else to get 3 guys (1 of which didn't want to be a Yankee, they had to spend 20M extra and throw a clause in there that would allow dude to walk 3 years in if he feels like it). Mets spend money but they SHOULD, they are not a small market team.

Cashman is notorious for his poor decisions when it comes to pitching. The pitching staffs that won those WS during the dynasty was inherited - the only contributions he made was Clemens and El Duque. He has gotten rid of more good pitchers than he's acquired.

Very true.

Price was bumped to the bullpen because he was flat out too good to not have on the big team in some form or fashion to make an impact with the Rays down the stretch... If they hadn't had 5 starters going good at the time, you can bet he'd have been in the rotation...

You sir are correct as well.
CC wasnt coming at a bargain, and neither was Texeria. The Yankees had to pay what they did to land those two. Everyone else would have as well.CC also said that him wanting to stay on the west coast was bs, he might be lying but he might not be. Yes they overspent for Burnett who wasnt worth what theygave him.

And the Mets outbid everyone for K-Rod otherwise he wouldnt have signed with you. He did come at a great price but in all honesty how is that not buying aplayer? Why didnt they promote a player from withing to be there closer? Because just like the Yankees they didnt have anyone that was good enough to fill thatrole so they went out and spent more money than anyone else did on a reliever to get the best available player, the same thing the Yankees did. The Mets haveevery right to spend there money on who ever they want at any price.

And if someone could tell me how to quote multiple people in one reply so I dont have to waste all this space with my useless ramblings.
I'm gonna try and change the argument into another direction. I think the Yankees have the best team they've had in years, but it is definitely provenmore so than not, that a team will NOT win a WS by simply buying the best baseball players.

If you want to win a WS you have to build your team through the farm system, and I think the Yankees will realize this soon enough. They're just so scaredand reluctant to have a few losing seasons that they sacrifice millions and millions of dollars for just getting to the playoffs.

It's hard to think that this Yankees team will be any different, no matter who they picked up via free agency this year. The proof is in the pudding. Whenthey won their WS it was through developing the farm system and getting players that weren't superstars necessarily, but they fit into the chemistry of theteam. Now they just compile the players who have great numbers and throw caution to the wind when it comes to chemistry. That's a no no if you want to win.
And the Mets outbid everyone for K-Rod otherwise he wouldnt have signed with you. He did come at a great price but in all honesty how is that not buying a player? Why didnt they promote a player from withing to be there closer? Because just like the Yankees they didnt have anyone that was good enough to fill that role so they went out and spent more money than anyone else did on a reliever to get the best available player, the same thing the Yankees did. The Mets have every right to spend there money on who ever they want at any price.

You're 100% completely wrong though.

Mets didn't outbid anyone, shoot nobody even made an offer for K-Rod because the market for closers wasn't there, so the Mets played the waiting game,made a low offer, and K-Rod took it.

Of course CC was expensive but nobody even made an offer to the guy yet, Yankees outbid themselves playing hardball and once he said he wanted to pitch for aWest Coast team they had to up their original price by 20M (and dude STILL didn't even get an offer yet from anyone). I don't know how you can comparethe two scenarios. Mets weren't desperate, the Yankees were. Burnett is another example of a desperate move, a move that needed to be made (although he isan injury prone avg pitcher) but still a desperate one.

It's hard to think that this Yankees team will be any different, no matter who they picked up via free agency this year. The proof is in the pudding. When they won their WS it was through developing the farm system and getting players that weren't superstars necessarily, but they fit into the chemistry of the team. Now they just compile the players who have great numbers and throw caution to the wind when it comes to chemistry. That's a no no if you want to win.

Pretty much. The problem with the Yankees this whole decade is that everyone wants to be the man, and they have a right to feel that way because they are allhigh paid players. But you need defined roles and must be willing to sacrifice your personal stats to make the team better...Jeter is an example of that,Posada another, etc.
Do you know for sure that Cash made those moves? Because its well known he did not sign Wright or trade for Brown.
Look here and here (the spreadsheet).
Loaiza was acquired for Jose Contreras (not a Cash signing) who was terrible here. How is that a loss?
Damn, I don't know. Maybe going from a pitcher with a winning record and a 5.64 ERA to a pitcher with a losing record and an 8.50 ERA wouldconstitute as a loss.
Cashman took control in 2005 and since then the Yankees have dramatically improved there farm system. He has made some good moves but has made twice as many good ones. He's not the best GM in the league but he is definitely top 10
I'm not saying he's a bad GM. I'm saying that he makes mistakes and poor decisions just like any other GM, but Yankees fans never seemto acknowledge that.

And last I checked, Cash has been GM since '98.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

This thread went from homerism to Mets-Yankees-AL East talk.

Like I stated before, it's kinda my fault.

But I'm enjoying this
Originally Posted by WE GET LIVE

Do you know for sure that Cash made those moves? Because its well known he did not sign Wright or trade for Brown.
Look here and here (the spreadsheet).
Loaiza was acquired for Jose Contreras (not a Cash signing) who was terrible here. How is that a loss?
Damn, I don't know. Maybe going from a pitcher with a winning record and a 5.64 ERA to a pitcher with a losing record and an 8.50 ERA would constitute as a loss.
Cashman took control in 2005 and since then the Yankees have dramatically improved there farm system. He has made some good moves but has made twice as many good ones. He's not the best GM in the league but he is definitely top 10
I'm not saying he's a bad GM. I'm saying that he makes mistakes and poor decisions just like any other GM, but Yankees fans never seem to acknowledge that.

And last I checked, Cash has been GM since '98.

I know Cashman has held the title of General Manager since 1998, my point is that he did not have complete control of baseball operations. Many times George orhis baseball people would make moves without consulting Cashman. He did not sign Wright or Brown, other people in the organization made those moves withoutCashman having a say. When his contract was up in 2005 he demanded complete control of baseball operations and now has final say in all Yankee moves. Sincethat point there has been a complete change in how the approach everything.

Contreras was giving us nothing at the time and has 2 terrible games before he was traded. He could not beat good teams, Boston owned him when he was here.Loiaza had won the Cy Young the year before and there was some hope that Mel Stottlemyre would be able to fix whatever was wrong with him. What I'm sayingis Cashman has made some bad moves but to get on him about Jose Contreras for Esteban Loiaza?
Originally Posted by JPZx

So...how do you guys think Tim Linecum will do this year?

He will win about 15 games, which is a shame because he could probably win 25 if the Giants weren't so horrible on offense.
Originally Posted by JPZx

So...how do you guys think Tim Linecum will do this year?

Cy Young.

This thread has it all.
  • Predictions
  • Delusional people (Nats guy)
  • NL West talk
  • AL East vs AL Central
  • Yankees vs Red sox
  • Yankees vs Mets
  • Yankees vs Rays
  • Yankees vs MLB
And the newest addition to the list is....Get this..
  • Yankee Fans vs Yankee Fans
^ What I was thinking too. For a kid that was so young and inexperienced he did a hell of a job last year. I mean 18 wins with the Giants! The Giants!

They really didn't do much to improve their offense this off-season either. They signed Edgar Renteria who's fallen off and Juan Uribe who'soffensive numbers took a huge dip last year. If Linecum puts up similar numbers to 2008 I will be very impressed.

Imagine what he could get done on a contender
^ It's fitting that you got rid of the word 'contender' and put 'Yankees'
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