what happens with widmore now?!?! (and i'll bet anything.. widmore knows how to fly, if frank is dead)

and does widmore have any people left?!?
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

To me the biggest "nugget" of this episode came at the VERY end. When the sub sinks, there appears to be a bit of a letdown on the face of Flocke (as if he was expecting to be freed). Claire says "they're all dead?" Flocke says, "no" grabs the gun and leaves stating that he's going "to finish what he started."  I think this means he thinks all of the people on the sub died but he's realized that Sayid did not kill Desmond, so he's off to the well to finish him off. Thanks to Yid's heroics, Jack and crew know he's still alive too so they'll be on their way there as well. Flocke is in for a big surprise when he finds out that not all of the crew on the sub (the important ones anyway) did not die. Richard and Ben are still out there as well. I would assume the ultimate betrayal will come when Claire turns on Flocke when he needs her help.
Yes I too thought that he realized that Desmond was still alive and I like your prediction as well!

After that stunt on the sub, I can't see Claire doing that. In her head, they've messed her over twice.

I think Flocke realizes they are still alive for some reason.

Originally Posted by sole vintage


Good looks. sole vintage.
All I have to say is where the f are Richard, Ben, and Miles....

And if anyone watched the new clip on abc.com for next weeks episode...

"Every question I answer will just give you more questions"
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by sole vintage


Good looks. sole vintage.

Flocke and the head tilt. 

all season long.
I told my wife I was more upset with the fact that Lapidus might be dead than Jin and Sun.
Great episode.
I'm still hoping one of the final scenes will be Sawyer and Juliette running into each other at a coffee shop...

I liked that episode but it had such little emotional impact. How can the deaths of three major characters have left me feeling nothing? It was just far too rushed, even Michael's death on the boat let the camera linger for a few moments on him before his fate was sealed. This just happened suddenly - too many characters getting the same amount of screen time means they're all reduced to about three lines each.

It's quite annoying because this season so far has just meandered along not really doing much so as soon as things happen it's far too much to fit in that the 42 minute timeframe, the pointless bits could have been cut and the important bits lengthened. Still, hopefully the finale will have more breathing space now.

Originally Posted by Crook

I liked that episode but it had such little emotional impact. How can the deaths of three major characters have left me feeling nothing? It was just far too rushed, even Michael's death on the boat let the camera linger for a few moments on him before his fate was sealed. This just happened suddenly - too many characters getting the same amount of screen time means they're all reduced to about three lines each.

It's quite annoying because this season so far has just meandered along not really doing much so as soon as things happen it's far too much to fit in that the 42 minute timeframe, the pointless bits could have been cut and the important bits lengthened. Still, hopefully the finale will have more breathing space now.

We must not be watching the same show cause it was beautifully directed. The scene called for haste...a bomb was going off in a confined space that they could not escape.

I hope next week Walt is somehow thrown into the mix. Seeing the previews with Locke showing Walt how to play the "Game"gave me goosebumps.
I feel cheated by the writers.

They took 5 minutes to kill 3 characters that we've been watching for 6 years.

Couldn't they have shot the c4 through a chute instead of staring at it? Or put the c4 at the end of the sub, grab some oxygen tanks to prepare for escape?

Felt like the writers are killing characters just because the show is running out. Weak.
Originally Posted by MFTIOA

I feel cheated by the writers.

They took 5 minutes to kill 3 characters that we've been watching for 6 years.

Couldn't they have shot the c4 through a chute instead of staring at it? Or put the c4 at the end of the sub, grab some oxygen tanks to prepare for escape?

Felt like the writers are killing characters just because the show is running out. Weak.

And magically finding a way to save everyone isn't a cop out? I think its better the way they did it
How is shooting it out of a chute magical?

It's more magical how the c4 explosion didn't just kill them all.
saw this on DarkUFO yesterday.
no Walt?  Hell, even Vincent is on there

for someone who seemed so critical at the beginning of the show, they sure have swept him under the rug...


it's magical when they find it out of nowhere when they don't have anytime to do anything. And it wasn't that much C4. It was enough to kill anyone in the vicinity and cripple the sub. And Sayid being the only one on the sub (of the main characters) to be in the military was able to know what that amount of C4 would do.

Sacrificing a character who was supposedly "LOST" forever in darkness is much better than saving everyone with a "Look we found a chute!" That's just weak writing.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by Crook

I liked that episode but it had such little emotional impact. How can the deaths of three major characters have left me feeling nothing? It was just far too rushed, even Michael's death on the boat let the camera linger for a few moments on him before his fate was sealed. This just happened suddenly - too many characters getting the same amount of screen time means they're all reduced to about three lines each.

It's quite annoying because this season so far has just meandered along not really doing much so as soon as things happen it's far too much to fit in that the 42 minute timeframe, the pointless bits could have been cut and the important bits lengthened. Still, hopefully the finale will have more breathing space now.

We must not be watching the same show cause it was beautifully directed. The scene called for haste...a bomb was going off in a confined space that they could not escape.
I kinda get him, because some parts needed pilot, walkabout or the constant direction and instead they got midseason episode direction. But the second half of the ep was much better directed than the first.
This was a sad, but awesome episode! I think some way, Lapidus will pull through. I hope so, at least. He was/is that dude. Sucks Jin won't ever see his kid in person now.
got this from another site.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]i think Vincent died in the initial plane crash and MIB was pretending to be Vincent. Vincent was always helping the story move forward by finding people or things. He has not been seen this season because MIB is stuck in Locke's image. I thought of this while watching the Pilot recently, which shows Vincent leading Jack to the beach, and Vincent watching Jack, Kate, and Charlie as they head towards the cockpit.

that would be sick if he is vincent

oh and am i the only one who thought it was laughable that neither sun or jin mentioned their baby when she was dying? i mean cmon that's ridiculous. at least sun should have been like save yourself for our daughter
I think it is just weak writing when the writers see the conclusion of the show and realize that they have to get rid of the characters. Feels like a copout masked by a dramatic scene and some great acting.

Maybe I'm just butthurt that I followed this show on a weekly basis for 4-5 years and they killed off my beloved characters in a matter of minutes.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

got this from another site.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]i think Vincent died in the initial plane crash and MIB was pretending to be Vincent. Vincent was always helping the story move forward by finding people or things. He has not been seen this season because MIB is stuck in Locke's image. I thought of this while watching the Pilot recently, which shows Vincent leading Jack to the beach, and Vincent watching Jack, Kate, and Charlie as they head towards the cockpit.


Interesting, but then who was "piloting" Christian in the Mobisodes when he tells Vincent, "Go find my son"?
Originally Posted by MFTIOA

I think it is just weak writing when the writers see the conclusion of the show and realize that they have to get rid of the characters. Feels like a copout masked by a dramatic scene and some great acting.

Maybe I'm just butthurt that I followed this show on a weekly basis for 4-5 years and they killed off my beloved characters in a matter of minutes.

I understand but not everyone gets a "Charlie-esqe" ending and not everyone can be saved. I just feel bad for Jin and Sun's kid.
I IMBD the future episodes to see which characters would be on and I shouldnt have.

I think somehow the ALT and normal timelines will intertwine and we get Sun and Jin back. They seriously can't just leave little jinjin alone like that with Kate. Oh god no.

Originally Posted by MFTIOA

I feel cheated by the writers.

They took 5 minutes to kill 3 characters that we've been watching for 6 years.

Couldn't they have shot the c4 through a chute instead of staring at it? Or put the c4 at the end of the sub, grab some oxygen tanks to prepare for escape?

Felt like the writers are killing characters just because the show is running out. Weak.
What do you expect from these writers? 

So let me get this right... MIB can't kill the candidates individually, he needs them to be together?  Is that correct?

MIB walking around like the terminator... Bullets/missiles can't stop him but hey Jack can just easily push him in the water!?! 
Come on now!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by MFTIOA

I feel cheated by the writers.

They took 5 minutes to kill 3 characters that we've been watching for 6 years.

Couldn't they have shot the c4 through a chute instead of staring at it? Or put the c4 at the end of the sub, grab some oxygen tanks to prepare for escape?

Felt like the writers are killing characters just because the show is running out. Weak.
What do you expect from these writers? 

So let me get this right... MIB can't kill the candidates individually, he needs them to be together?  Is that correct?

MIB walking around like the terminator... Bullets/missiles can't stop him but hey Jack can just easily push him in the water!?! 
Come on now!

No he can't kill them at all if Jacob touched them. His plan was to put the bomb in Jack's bag and hope that someone else (in the shows case it was Sawyer) would tamper with it negating the Jacob effect. So he can't directly kill them. He needs a pawn to do it himself. So maybe he can't kill Desmond seeing as he asked Yid to do it
^ what's so farfetched about that? If you've watched the show for that long this shouldn't even be an issue.
he don't do anything to the candidates so he schemed and conned Jack into carrying the c4 into the place they'd all be.

at that comic.
So if he needs a pawn to kill them well why wait until the sub?  He had an army of recruits/Others from the temple who were all armed.  Flocke even said... it's good to see everyone back together.  So round em all up, and request his recruits to kill them all right? 

Oh wait Jin wasn't there he was kidnapped by Widmore.... how convenient. 
  I guess that was the reason why Jin was captured by Widmore prior to the reunion at Flocke's camp. 

WHY CAN'T THIS $*$%* KATE DIE ALREADY???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a great ep. I feel FLocke knows exactly who is alive and who isn't. If he was only talking about Desmond he would've known Sayid was lying form the beginning. I simply think he can't kill any of the candidates, thus that means Des is one too. If he was only talking about Des "He would've said something like "Only one left" to Claire. I think he just knows Jack and Hugo are alive, since it's Jack and Hugo is impervious to harm.

Anyway I didn't like how Sayid made the switch so fast in that situation. I wanted at least a reaction to him realizing that FLocke tricked them and was using Widmore's plan to kill them all. Homey just picked up the C4 and dipped. I just didn't feel the complete resolution to his character. The way FLocke tricked him takes me back to when Locke hit Yid over the head when he was trying to get that radio working and when he lied about blowing up the Flame.

Jin & Sun were done great tho. Really felt the love and his dedication to never leaving Sun again. I couldn't help but think about the parent-less child they left. Poor girl.

I'm eager to see Ben, Miles, and Richard again now. They lucked out with w/e they're doing

That bullet really should've went through Kate's head man
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