SOMEONE FILL ME IN!! I'm LOST right now....is MIB really dead?? I'm gonna agree with ChineyRoyal, Jacob seems less cool...
After seeing that episode...I say SCREW Jacob(no %%%$) and his punk #$% being able to leave the island... LET'S GO FLOCKE!!! Who's with me?
Originally Posted by bamez

So who saw that coming?

When their mother showed them the light and how important it was I figured it had something to do with the smoke monster's origins. I didn't see the Adam and Eve part coming though.
After seeing that episode...I say SCREW Jacob(no %*#%) and his punk #$% being able to leave the island... LET'S GO FLOCKE!!! Who's with me?
I don't know what to think of this episode. Very underwhelming to me, but I'm sure in a few hours many will think it was the greatest. I feel like the writers got real lazy, at this point I'm only interested about Desmond, the candidates and how the sideways timeline is gonna end up.

I could give two %!*!$ about Jacob at this point, this episode turned me off
Of course the dialogue is dry. MIB didn't even know what the hell a BOAT was how the hell is he supposed to spit off on the tongue?

Probably my least favorite episode of the season.
I liked this episode, thought it was pretty cool. But, again with the lack of answers (besides where Jacob and MIB came from, the light/water??, and Adam and Eve) I can see the hate about to come. Really interested to see how much stuff than can cram into the last 3 hours. Might watch this one again tonight.
Jacob's brother is dead but his death created the Smoke Monster... which in turn can take shape of other people. How, I don't know? This question brought up even more questions than answers? It's ridiculous.
Jacob's brother really is dead. It is just that "life energy" imitating him. The same as Flocke. I guess. I don't know.
After seeing that episode...I say SCREW Jacob(no +#+*) and his punk #$% being able to leave the island... LET'S GO FLOCKE!!! Who's with me?
Okay so this is what i got from tonights episode.

- The island contained a large abundance of "light" that is within all people
- People wouldn't know what to do with the light
- The light on the island is unnattainable by anyone, Jacob, MIB, their mother...etc.
- The mother, Jacob, and MIB are all murderers
- We know who adamn and eve are
- we know where those white/black pieces came from
- We know who made those wells/wheel contraption
- We know Jacob and MIB are brothers
- We know that little kid Flocke keeps seeing is a young version of jacob

Here's what we don't know

- If MIB died why is he still around in certain flashback sequences with him and jacob
- Why did the light go out and black smoke come out
- Who the hell the mother is and where did she come from
- What was the significance of the mother having to recite an incantation then pour some wine and have jacob drink it
- Is the present MIB jacobs brother or is it something else
- was the mother waiting this whole time for a baby to be born on the island so that it wasn't already corrupted
- Who was in charge before the mother
- Does there need to be a change in protector in order for the old protector to die...if so then how was jacob able to die by the hands of Ben
- Why is MIB the chosen one or special with the ability to see dead people

If this isn't the same Lost we've been watching for so many years idk man
I liked the episode, didn't LOVE it though. & I didn't like how they did the flashback to confirm it was Adam & Eve...
but anyway...TEAM FLOCKE.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Of course the dialogue is dry. MIB didn't even know what the hell a BOAT was how the hell is he supposed to spit off on the tongue?

Probably my least favorite episode of the season.
I was hoping she'd have something to say. Something on the nature of the island, or why she's there. Instead they just used that Lost empty dialogue.
Never would've thought the Richard episode would be a lot better than the Jacob and MIB episode.
toine2983 wrote:
Well, we now know how MIB became the Smoke Monster.


And who Adam and Eve were.

im not too sure about that

this episode was not good IMO and kinda encapsulated all my problems i have with this season in general. We're getting a lot of cool 'ideas' but the execution storytelling-wise has been subpar. Why has Desmond been in a well for like 5 episodes? unacceptable
i don't know where they are taking things.. they really need to come through next week..
I sympathized with MIB the second that crazy lady killed Claudia. This insane more powerful being-humans are inherently bad so they can die justification is unacceptable.

I wanted to call out Jacob before during his talk with Richard but it really all does just seem like it's a game to him, human lives are meaningless to him, and in the end he just wants to see who was right and who was wrong.

I'm not really buying the whole if MIB gets loose bad things are in store for the rest of the world. I'm interested to know if he's bought in to science(as if he thinks the wild *+%@ on the island can be explained in some empirical/quantum physics way) and all that due to his talk of the island just being an island and there being nothing special about it and it's not worth protecting or if he just said that cuz he was lying.

All in all it was a great but I wished this was 2 hrs too.
So basically the fake mother took Jacob and MIB, so they wouldn't be "contaminated" by man.

Is that why Aaron was so important in the beginning? Or am I just making something out of nothing.
The way I figure, one's good and one's evil, because one does as Mother says and one does as Mother did.
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