Its been real. 6 years man. 6 @#$%^&* years man. Beginning of 8th grade man. See yall in another thread.
I dont really get the last 5-10 minutes....maybe I need to up my theological game, but I feel dumbfounded....
Loved the ending with Jack's eye closing.

Would have liked to see Michael and Walt there, but it is what it is.
What the $#@% just happened? My brain hurts. I think I have a nosebleed. But for some reason. I really liked it.

New Boondocks is on, if your mind needs to cool down.
someone explain to me in a nutshell @!! just happened? my girls sittin here cryin and ive only seen 30 minutes of Lost in my life ... soooooooooooooo what happened? a brief synopsis of 1-6?


Everything I could of imagined and better. Went way above and beyond my expectations.
So the whole series was Jack's purgatory and the people (Locke, Kate, Hurley,etc) were helping him to make his way to heaven...and everyone died on the original Oceanic Flight 815....is that right???
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

No Walt or Mike tho? smh
my thoughts exactly... so many unanswered questions 

Well I assuming the alt world was....Purgatory. I guess a nod to that theory or the ending they had when LOST was just 1 season. And MY NEW THEORY on Mike. He's still stuck on island in whisper form. I want to see Hurley's reign on the island.

Why is his nickname Hurley? DAMMIT I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS!>>!R>!@%)@%I!#OT(!
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Was this all an entire symbolic series for the Catholic church or is it just me?
Nah don't think so. I think it was all faiths in general. Notice the menorah and buddah in the back room where Jack walked into at the end.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW



Everything I could of imagined and better. Went way above and beyond my expectations.
I agree. About to cry myself to sleep. Has not sunk in yet.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

I have no problem with that ending. It's solid and ambiguous at the same time.

Great show. Gonna miss it.
The last 20 mins or so are going to be open to A LOT of interpretation ...

All I can say is I liked it and I'm satisfied.

Lost >
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