So who was all in the church at the end? Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, Sayid, Shannon, Boone, Locke, Bernard, Rose, Hurley, Libby, Desmond, Penny, Jin, Sun, Charlie, Claire, and Christian? So basically (aside from Boone and Locke), if you weren't in a relationship then you weren't there?

Boone and Shannon shouldn't have been there, really. The Shannon/Sayid relationship was always awkward to me. Looks like they were the only ones available for the filming that day
I think that their souls were trapped on the island and their consciousness' were in the sideways reality. Everything that happened to them was real because their spirits/souls experienced it. We saw everything through Jack's eyes and the show took place through him but it was about all of them. To reunite their souls with their consciousness' and "move on" their conscious selves needed to remember and their souls needed to find closure.
here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.
Originally Posted by dunkairs

Originally Posted by truestt

Everything that happened on the Island was real.

They didn't die in the crash.

They all died at individual times (like Boone died after the plane fell on him way back when, Jack died in the bamboo, etc)...the line from Christian about "some die way before you, some long after" was about Hurley and Sawyer and the rest that we didn't see die...we didn't see their deaths, but at some point in history, they die.

The sideways was heaven's waiting room where they would all meet up again once they were all dead.
How can this be true?

A few epsiodes back Michael came and talked to Hurley and told him whoever dies on the island stays on the island. Am i mistaken of that?

Also how come Faraday(sp) wasn't invited to the ending?

Thought the ending of island scene was pretty good, not great just average. The ending of flash sideways was garbage. If they are all dead how are they interacting with other people in there life. Like Locke with his girlfriend.

How is it not possible? Michael did bad things. He was stuck on the island.
Originally Posted by dunkairs

Originally Posted by truestt

Everything that happened on the Island was real.

They didn't die in the crash.

They all died at individual times (like Boone died after the plane fell on him way back when, Jack died in the bamboo, etc)...the line from Christian about "some die way before you, some long after" was about Hurley and Sawyer and the rest that we didn't see die...we didn't see their deaths, but at some point in history, they die.

The sideways was heaven's waiting room where they would all meet up again once they were all dead.
How can this be true?

A few epsiodes back Michael came and talked to Hurley and told him whoever dies on the island stays on the island. Am i mistaken of that?

Also how come Faraday(sp) wasn't invited to the ending?

Thought the ending of island scene was pretty good, not great just average. The ending of flash sideways was garbage. If they are all dead how are they interacting with other people in there life. Like Locke with his girlfriend.

How is it not possible? Michael did bad things. He was stuck on the island.
Originally Posted by 360waves

Great ending, I am also wondering why Ben didn't want to join them. I was a bit confused at first but the sideways timeline was for the meeting point. They should put walt or mike in there but I guess mike is wondering the island. If Jack died before some others why did they wait for him to walk into the church? Was he not ready to move on? Was he harder to convince to move on?

Ben didnt want to join him because he had unfinished business. Unlike the others that found what they were looking for, Ben was technically still Lost. I can see Ben being in Limbo for a long time
Originally Posted by dunkairs

Originally Posted by truestt

Everything that happened on the Island was real.
They didn't die in the crash.
They all died at individual times (like Boone died after the plane fell on him way back when, Jack died in the bamboo, etc)...the line from Christian about "some die way before you, some long after" was about Hurley and Sawyer and the rest that we didn't see die...we didn't see their deaths, but at some point in history, they die.
The sideways was heaven's waiting room where they would all meet up again once they were all dead.
How can this be true?

A few epsiodes back Michael came and talked to Hurley and told him whoever dies on the island stays on the island. Am i mistaken of that?

Also how come Faraday(sp) wasn't invited to the ending?

Thought the ending of island scene was pretty good, not great just average. The ending of flash sideways was garbage. If they are all dead how are they interacting with other people in there life. Like Locke with his girlfriend.

No Michael said the people stuck on the island had unfinished business.

The sideways reality happens long after the island is finished with them.

What bothers me about the ending is there's no real explanation for why MIB turned into a smoke monster or for any of the other really fantastical things that happened on the island...  Are we supposed to just accept it all as "island magic"?  come on...

They sidestepped almost all the questions people had coming in.
I guess the people not in the church were people who couldn't move on yet

Ben needing to reconcile with his daughter
Micheal maybe needing to find walt or something

Ending got to me though, when jack closed his eye, i was like damn this thing is finally over.
Did ppl really miss the part where Christian basically says the FLASH SIDEWAYS WASN'T REAL. All of them died at some point and came together to create that world until they all remembered the most important part and ppl of their lives(the island and other losties) so they could all move on together.
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