Never watched an episode of Lost, but I understand the basic premise of the original plot. Plane crashes on an island and people survive and try to make it off the island. I know there is a ton more that goes into it, but thats the original idea...right?

After reading through the last few pages of this thread out of curiosity, I have a question. Am I to understand that the ending of the series left people thinking the entire thing was never really real to begin with?
Originally Posted by MzD650

I have a question. Am I to understand that the ending of the series left people thinking the entire thing was never really real to begin with?

No. It was all real.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by MzD650

I have a question. Am I to understand that the ending of the series left people thinking the entire thing was never really real to begin with?

No. It was all real.

So why the need to even write that it was real in that letter thing that someone posted?  Is there any possibility that SOMEONE could interpret the ending to signify that it wasnt real?
Mzd650. Watch the show at your own risk from the beginning. You won't really understand unless you watch.
Finally watched the finale.

For a series ending episode it was all it was supposed to be.
...I'm sticking to what I said eariler this season I think after episode 6...

Disregard the questions you may have...or the omitted plot devices...

It's obvious they chose the story direction as they went along. None of this was the plan.
i cant believe people are really saying we should just look at this like another sci-fi show/film, you guys that are saying this should be percieved as a star wars type show where the writers dont have to explain everything is dumb. This show takes place in our time period and our world, it makes sense to answer those mysteries because in this time period we dont exactly have smoke monsters, polar bears hangin around tropical islands, donkey wheels, kids with uniques powers, etc. Star wars is based in a ficitional world in a far distant future, there is not one mention of the planet earth in those films, so yes it makes sense for them to have the force and hovercrafts and for george lucas to not explain a damn thing.
Originally Posted by airjordan05

i cant believe people are really saying we should just look at this like another sci-fi show/film, you guys that are saying this should be percieved as a star wars type show where the writers dont have to explain everything is dumb. This show takes place in our time period and our world, it makes sense to answer those mysteries because in this time period we dont exactly have smoke monsters, polar bears hangin around tropical islands, donkey wheels, kids with uniques powers, etc. Star wars is based in a ficitional world in a far distant future, there is not one mention of the planet earth in those films, so yes it makes sense for them to have the force and hovercrafts and for george lucas to not explain a damn thing.
Come on.... you really want them to explain time travel??? Once the aspect of time travel was introduced the show shifted from a mystery genre to a total sci-fi fantasy. You're just going to have to have faith in the "magic" of the island. The polar bears were part of Dharma's experiments I think.
After thinking about the finale more, I like it more and more. A lot of time was put into character development, and I liked that they got the happy ending that they deserved, especially Jack.
I believe the writers had a framework from the very beginning and stuck to it. Think of it this way. When making a pitch to an actor
like they did to Matt Fox, they outlined the story arc from start to finish. They would still have the ability to play with the parts in the middle
and still end the story they originally said they would.

I agree that the mysteries brought up were distracting especially since their goal was that of character development. But we do have answers.
They just are not spelled out. 
The issue with Walt's specialness could have been touched on. Lets be reasonable the boy grew like 2 feet, like any normal kid might have a growth spurt. The problem was that within the story he was only missing like a week or so. 
Also it seemed that though he was special, they sent him away with his father on the boat and this was BEFORE he grew. Perhaps they wanted to
bring him back later. But like I said later for them was 2 years  by that time he grew.
Honestly though did you miss his character?
He was special. That was clear. He could do things that no other person could do. He highlighted the fact that there were special people out
there. And after he could not be used further that is all he was.  An example of a "special" person. Aaron being special means that he also may 
in the future exhibit similar special abilities. 

The writers said they had plans for Eko but he asked to leave. They had to make adjustments. But the story was about Jack. I highly doubt they
changed the entire story based on one side character.  Thats like throwing the baby out with the bath water. The story was the most important.
This was not like regular tv dramas that make new entire story lines at the beginning of every season. Like Heroes LOL. But that doesnt mean that
they are not allowed to make adjustment along the way. Actors quitting and writers strikes are unforseen things to deal with. Maybe if those things didnt happen we would actually have some more answers. It might have messed up there timetable. I always wondered why they each year the episode count went down. When other shows would have like 20-24 normally. Also if we had a full seasons, 5 and 6, we would have more answers to those little things. 17 and 18 episodes is not right.  

I think we have to also really take into account the creators of the show. What their inspirations were, their constant references to fantasy worlds like
Narnia, Oz, Star Wars. They wanted to create fantasy out what we consider real world. That there is a little mystery and magic in the world.
Being the society that we are there is no such thing as magic. The most incredulous things sometimes have the most mundane explanation.
That shouldnt invalidate the explanation though. They gave some "magical" explanations for some mysteries and some normal explanations for others.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

So wait when they do explain a mystery and yall don't like it it's weak but when they don't answer some question yall go in to a rage about how yall were cheated.
Exactly.....Answers were there for most of the stuff they are saying wasn't answered. The 2 main one's I see are....

Walt WAS special, just like Hurley could talk to dead people, Miles could find out their last thoughts, and Kate could look so good but yet I still hated her until the end. Walt was born like that. I'd be lying if I said before S6 I didn't want Walt to show in S6, but he didn't, Locke said he'd been through enough in S5 and we should have known that was the end of him. Dude hit puberty and grew 15 feet. He WAS special, just like the island really was because of the light in the center plugging "hell"It had a light in the center that "plugged" "hell".

The Dharma food drop was either a result of Ben and the Other's still operating as Dharma, or it could have been from Des STILL pushing Dharma's numbers in the computer.
Originally Posted by jc619er

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie


And again, LOST = Jack. They may not have necessarily promoted it in that way, but it started with Jack, ended with Jack, and was a WHOLE LOTTA Jack in between. If you broke it down to the basics.....it was basically the story of what got Jack to the "Sideways world" (what do we now call that?).....
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

i think sometimes people forget what it really means to 'tell a story'

After all the back and forth, I think this sums it up more than anything posted.....
The conclusion of the alternate reality reminded me of this movie I watched recently.  The movie was below average.

 Looking back at it, the alternate reality wasn't even necessary.  They could've left it out and focused more of them on the island.  The ending was blah to me.  They were spirits who were "Lost" and needed help realizing what they were and where they needed to go.  Nice happy Disney ending.
Good read I found from a writer about the show/finale. I think this is a great read for those who feel that the writers should have answered more questions. I agree with this writer 100% especially on his thoughts about what the island is exactly and where it came from and if it matters or not.

L O S T: An Explanation...
Hundreds of questions go unanswered, but hey…that’s what the extras on the Season 6 DVD are for. So here’s my overview wrap-up of the major themes and characters. See if you agree.

At the end of Season 5, Juliet sets off the atomic bomb. But when Season 6 starts, we eventually learn that the Losties apparently managed to survive that explosion on the island. I remember watching that and thinking, “Hmm…so we’re supposed to believe they all survived that blast? We’re supposed to believe that rather than killing them all, this explosion merely transported them to 2007 (island present)? Seems like quite a leap of faith, but whatever…
yeah, yeah the whole show not answering mysteries is allegorical to mankinds search for meaning....

or they just winged it after they wrote themselves into a corner. I personally think that is the case.
Spoiler [+]
Basically the opening scene in reverse, so they DID know what the final scene was going to be
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Alot of you need to chill with the unanswered @#$%.

Do I wish Lost answered some of the mysteries? yeah, but alot of stuff you guys are bringing up are ridiculous. "Who was the fake mother, who built the Egyptian statue, what is the light" etc.

Compare Lost to any other sci-fi tv series/movies. Do the Star Wars movies explain where Yoda came from? Before episode 3, did they explain how Obi-wan could return and talk to Luke as a ghost whenever he wanted? Hell they barely even explain what the force is. You can't expect answers to things like that because its sci-fi, its just SUPPOSED to be that way.

And anyone who watched from Season 1 knew EXACTLY why they were on the island. They showed all the main characters' lives being complete disasters back home through the flashbacks, but on the island they all had a purpose. I mean how much more obvious could they get
  the mysteries were just @#$% on the side. the entire show is about character development (Jack turning from science to faith, Sawyer from con artist to a "good guy", Ben from an evil dude to a good guy, etc)
Word, i just think things like this aren't for everybody.  You basically had different themes each season, but they brought it all together and wrapped it up perfectly where the island and the characters purpose there all made sense, yet these +*#+%% is willing to throw that all out because they didn't explain the painting in the psychiatrist's office and ##+% like that
. Walt? Walt? the mother %++!%+ grew 4ft taller, what you want them to do?  The hell is wrong with ya'll?
Originally Posted by DubA169

yeah, yeah the whole show not answering mysteries is allegorical to mankinds search for meaning....

or they just winged it after they wrote themselves into a corner. I personally think that is the case.

This dude can't "let go."
the show was a couple of days ago, of course i still want to talk about it. i'm sure i'll let go in a week or two.

i will remember the show for excellent character development and imo very poor writing and deception on the part of the writers. i cared about the crazy stuff going on with the island not the life and times of jack. it is what it is.

and i know some of you are pissed kate didn't get popped.
Can't really see how you can say excellent character development AND poor writing if you watched 6 season's of it. I can understand you being a little mad that they didn't answer some of the mythology if that was the main part you was into. But, you had just seem to be slamming the whole show in general.... however it's your opinion and you have EVERY right to it.

And again in the end LOST WAS basically Jack's story. The building of the temple's wasn't really relevant to him. They showed the people he interacted with.

In the Finale all hate for Kate disappeared for some reason... it might have been that dress....
But, if she would've got popped before then, I'd have been GREAT.
Those of you that liked the series finale really think this wasn't done on the fly?

I liked it but I really feel that seasons 4-6 was planned writing and development and seasons 1-3 wasn't.
I think the producers knew how much people thought Kate was useless and they decided to put her in that dress.
[Dave Chappelle]hmm hmmmm @#$%^[/Dave Chappelle]
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