Lowe's Newest Sales Associate - A robot Vol. Dey took our jerbs

thats not the point, though...
companies arent gonna take a cut in profit to pay people more to do the exact same **** they've been doing.
Unskilled, non physical labor is not gonna command livable wages... thats just not how America works.

That's not his point. He's saying a place CAN pay a higher wage, they just don't want to. I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just clarifying his position
people are upset that guys are asking for wage increases.... yet not upset that billion dollar corporations are doing better than ever, w/o improving their own businesses or helping the public out in any way. It's mind blowing to me that people are assuming that a wage increase demands for the company to raise prices on their product(it will inevitably happen because of corporate greed). However it isn't necessary AT ALL, the way people are reacting you would think that these companies would collapse if they agreed to these wages.
Bingo. A McDonald's can make enough to pay for one full time workers yearly income in a weekend easy.
what does a minimum wage, "crew member" do for McDonalds that should net them that type of salary tho?

Thats the reason mostly teenagers work the registers at McDs... 
thats not the point, though...
companies arent gonna take a cut in profit to pay people more to do the exact same **** they've been doing.
Unskilled, non physical labor is not gonna command livable wages... thats just not how America works.

Meanwhile, places like in n out, Costco are doing the exact opposite with a healthy bottomline and shareholders.
thats not the point, though...
companies arent gonna take a cut in profit to pay people more to do the exact same **** they've been doing.
Unskilled, non physical labor is not gonna command livable wages... thats just not how America works.
That's not his point. He's saying a place CAN pay a higher wage, they just don't want to. I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just clarifying his position
Of course. I'm just saying they wont... 

I'm not even sticking up for the CEO's and ****, I just know how corporate America is set up, its not gonna change...
thats not the point, though...
companies arent gonna take a cut in profit to pay people more to do the exact same **** they've been doing.
Unskilled, non physical labor is not gonna command livable wages... thats just not how America works.
Meanwhile, places like in n out, Costco are doing the exact opposite with a healthy bottomline and shareholders.
I said its not gonna command livable wages... not that theres no companies that will adequately compensate employees...
what does a minimum wage, "crew member" do for McDonalds that should net them that type of salary tho?
Thats the reason mostly teenagers work the registers at McDs... 

"Worth" of an employee is kinda subjective. I think people dismiss fast food workers because of their pay. Receptionists literally sit down and answer phones (imo far more "worthless") and they get paid a livable wage.
Of course. I'm just saying they wont... 
I'm not even sticking up for the CEO's and ****, I just know how corporate America is set up, its not gonna change...
that's not corporate America.

That's just business.

You try to pay your employees what their worth

I always equate salary to how many people CANT do your job.

Lebron makes millions because he can sell sneakers and win games and bring in ad revenue

Finance managers make cash because they bring in SO much money that doesn't require a ton of expenses.

Salesman are always paid more than people with similar employment levels because they bring in revenue

Anyone can flip burgers and run a cash register
thats not the point, though...
companies arent gonna take a cut in profit to pay people more to do the exact same **** they've been doing.
Unskilled, non physical labor is not gonna command livable wages... thats just not how America works.

That is the point tho... that's how america works just isn't suitable when the way america works is keep the rich happy and slowly erode 90% of it's citizens.
Especially if the company you work for has record profits. Employees must be doing something right and are "worth" something.
that's not corporate America.

That's just business.

You try to pay your employees what their worth

I always equate salary to how many people CANT do your job.

Lebron makes millions because he can sell sneakers and win games and bring in ad revenue

Finance managers make cash because they bring in SO much money that doesn't require a ton of expenses.

Salesman are always paid more than people with similar employment levels because they bring in revenue

Anyone can flip burgers and run a cash register

I see what your saying but it's not like there asking to be paid like execs... many of these people work a full 40 hours and Still have to use public assistance. Hell i wouldn't even care if they give them 10-12 (Which still is barely making it) but to tell someone they have to Live on 15K (BEFORE TAXES) is damn near slavery.

And while i do agree that many of these people should be trying to invest in becoming better or adding skills, what people tend to ignore is that it takes money & time to do these things. It's not like they can afford to miss hours or days.
Getting paid minimum wage should just be a motivator to further better yourself academically and/or skill wise to be able to get a job that isn't paying $8.

My parents came to this country with nothing. I saw my pops slave it through all my years as a kid just so we can have food on our table. Seeing that **** made me realize I have got to give a better opportunity to my kids and to my family. It inspired me to work harder and go to school. I wasn't gonna end up like that.

But most people just sit and pout and just blames others. "Look at how many billions McDonald's makes, pay me more." If yall were in the same position as these execs and CEOs yall wouldn't be giving everybody raises either just cuz your company is profitable. It's a business at the end of the day.
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Getting paid minimum wage should just be a motivator to further better yourself academically and/or skill wise to be able to get a job that isn't paying $8.

My parents came to this country with nothing. I saw my pops slave it through all my years as a kid just so we can have food on our table. Seeing that **** made me realize I have got to give a better opportunity to my kids and to my family. It inspired me to work harder and go to school. I wasn't gonna end up like that.

But most people just sit and pout and just blames others. "Look at how many billions McDonald's makes, pay me more." If yall were in the same position as these execs and CEOs yall wouldn't be giving everybody raises either just cuz your company is profitable. It's a business at the end of the day.
dudes are complacent with business running at record amounts of greed & thinking it's OK SMH.

Also i'm not sure when your parents came to this country... but assuming atleast 20+ years ago i would ask that you pick up some knowledge on just how much the job market has changed since.

1) School tuition is literally in some cases 100-200% more expensive then those days
2) The amount of blue collar jobs that once existed for parents who didn't have an opportunity to receive higher education are Long gone. their either outsourced to a country where they pay people scraps, taken by machinery, or dissolved completely.
3) the gap between the rich & the poor is at an all time high & companies are still doing more to widen the gap.

NT amazes me with it's inability to view things from someone else's perspective.

Many of these people getting minimum wage at MCd are in their 20's or 30's making at tops 15-20K a year. If you live by yourself, literally the missing of a couple hours on a paycheck can lead to you getting fired or even worse being evicted from your home. If someone has to work 40 hours to barely make ends meet... where do you think their going to get the expenses for school? For travel to said school? or even the credit to take out a student loan?

ya'll have got to start realizing that these issues aren't solely on the lowerclass & unfortunately people aren't gonna feel it until the Corporate greed starts eroding their middle class lifestyles (which is already on the way)
dudes are complacent with business running at record amounts of greed & thinking it's OK SMH.

Also i'm not sure when your parents came to this country... but assuming atleast 20+ years ago i would ask that you pick up some knowledge on just how much the job market has changed since.

1) School tuition is literally in some cases 100-200% more expensive then those days
2) The amount of blue collar jobs that once existed for parents who didn't have an opportunity to receive higher education are Long gone. their either outsourced to a country where they pay people scraps, taken by machinery, or dissolved completely.
3) the gap between the rich & the poor is at an all time high & companies are still doing more to widen the gap.

NT amazes me with it's inability to view things from someone else's perspective.

Many of these people getting minimum wage at MCd are in their 20's or 30's making at tops 15-20K a year. If you live by yourself, literally the missing of a couple hours on a paycheck can lead to you getting fired or even worse being evicted from your home. If someone has to work 40 hours to barely make ends meet... where do you think their going to get the expenses for school? For travel to said school? or even the credit to take out a student loan?

ya'll have got to start realizing that these issues aren't solely on the lowerclass & unfortunately people aren't gonna feel it until the Corporate greed starts eroding their middle class lifestyles (which is already on the way)
theres a ******** of scholarships out there for those type of situations...

my local community college has numerous certification courses that directly lead to jobs that pay over $15/hour.

At some point, people in their 20's and 30's need to be held accountable

for having no credentials to obtain employment outside of these ****** jobs.

Theres a reason that those workers dont/wont buck for raises, they know they'll get replaced.

Unskilled non physical labor workers have no leverage...  
dudes are complacent with business running at record amounts of greed & thinking it's OK SMH.

Also i'm not sure when your parents came to this country... but assuming atleast 20+ years ago i would ask that you pick up some knowledge on just how much the job market has changed since.

1) School tuition is literally in some cases 100-200% more expensive then those days
2) The amount of blue collar jobs that once existed for parents who didn't have an opportunity to receive higher education are Long gone. their either outsourced to a country where they pay people scraps, taken by machinery, or dissolved completely.
3) the gap between the rich & the poor is at an all time high & companies are still doing more to widen the gap.

NT amazes me with it's inability to view things from someone else's perspective.

Many of these people getting minimum wage at MCd are in their 20's or 30's making at tops 15-20K a year. If you live by yourself, literally the missing of a couple hours on a paycheck can lead to you getting fired or even worse being evicted from your home. If someone has to work 40 hours to barely make ends meet... where do you think their going to get the expenses for school? For travel to said school? or even the credit to take out a student loan?

ya'll have got to start realizing that these issues aren't solely on the lowerclass & unfortunately people aren't gonna feel it until the Corporate greed starts eroding their middle class lifestyles (which is already on the way)

View media item 1238169

Ha, going on the fourth decade of wage stagnation, terrible policies that lead us to failed "trickle down economics"so who has the leverage? It's not the worker.
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Coincidentally, I just came across this article on Yahoo...two things:


As a shift manager at a Burger King near Tampa, Fla., Anthony Moore earns $9 an hour, typically working 35 hours a week and taking home around $300 weekly.

“It’s very inadequate,” said Mr. Moore, 26, who supervises 10 workers. His rent is $600 a month, and he often falls behind on his lighting and water bills. A single father, he receives $164 a month in food stamps for his daughters, 5 and 2.

“Sometimes I ask, ‘Do I buy food or do I buy them clothes?’ ” Mr. Moore said. “If I made $20 an hour, I could actually live, instead of dreaming about living.”

Mr. Moore’s daughters receive health care through Medicaid, while he is uninsured because he cannot afford Burger King’s coverage, he said.


On a recent afternoon, Hampus Elofsson ended his 40-hour workweek at a Burger King and prepared for a movie and beer with friends. He had paid his rent and all his bills, stashed away some savings, yet still had money for nights out.

That is because he earns the equivalent of $20 an hour — the base wage for fast-food workers throughout Denmark and two and a half times what many fast-food workers earn in the United States.

“You can make a decent living here working in fast food,” said Mr. Elofsson, 24. “You don’t have to struggle to get by.”

With an eye to workers like Mr. Elofsson, some American labor activists and liberal scholars are posing a provocative question: If Danish chains can pay $20 an hour, why can’t those in the United States pay the $15 an hour that many fast-food workers have been clamoring for?


Man.... :smh:
Education this and that, look, I'm not downplaying the importance of an education BUT

1. Does not garuntee a job

2. Has lost its value due to over saturation

3. 4 years (more like 5 now) till you get one for a chance to work?

4. Puts you in further debt
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Also people tend to forget the consequences of corporate greed and how it trickles down and hurts everyone else.

Problems that i usually here spewed from the mouths of the middle class when speaking on low income usually stem from Taxes & the working class having to pay for this. except i never hear anyone dispute the severity of this problem stemming from those making the most. so i'm gonna try and set up an image of the trickle down effects "Just Business" has.

1) company X makes 20 Billion a year, rather then them paying the tax rate any regular citizens or smaller companies have to pay the government gives them a tax break of 30-50% off of the original tax rate.

2) company X could decide to use that money and distribute new jobs, raise the pay of their current workers who all had a hand in making that 20 billion. Instead they decide that only the top execs will be getting raises and not small proportions...... these execs will receive raises or bonuses of millions of dollars, "corporate" accounts will rise and the top brass has amazing real estate, plush offices, top notch flights etc etc all on behalf of the hundreds of millions that should have went towards taxes and helping to fund public problems.

3) since company X decided not to add any jobs or increase the pay of the lower class workers. Many citizens in that bracket now have to turn towards public assistance & programs just in order to keep a roof over there heads or a meal in their fridge.

4) some may have hit times that lost them their apartment, so rather then sitting around idle they commit a crime that lands them in jail. Jail on average cost 50K a year per inmate.

5) So while the execs on top of Company X get their earnings raised by millions & enjoy Luxury everything at the expense of their "business" which is all coming from the Hefty surplus they saw due to being taxed damn near half of what the general public is taxed.

6) These programs have to be held together, Jails continue to get built, affordable housing has to be built..... and WE all have to pay for this out of are already reduced salaries, & yet instead of blaming the literal reason we are paying more taxes ( The Corporations, with surpluses of 100's of millions of tax dollars that would be in the economy if Company X didn't receive huge tax breaks) We decide that we should blame the poor with little to no opportunity, more than we should blame the rich with ample opportunity and ability to improve the conditions for the poor, in change keeping taxes lower for the middle class and enabling the lower class to slowly get out of the hole & leaving behind their need for public programs.
Coincidentally, I just came across this article on Yahoo...two things:

As a shift manager at a Burger King near Tampa, Fla., Anthony Moore earns $9 an hour, typically working 35 hours a week and taking home around $300 weekly.

“It’s very inadequate,” said Mr. Moore, 26, who supervises 10 workers. His rent is $600 a month, and he often falls behind on his lighting and water bills. A single father, he receives $164 a month in food stamps for his daughters, 5 and 2.

“Sometimes I ask, ‘Do I buy food or do I buy them clothes?’ ” Mr. Moore said. “If I made $20 an hour, I could actually live, instead of dreaming about living.”

Mr. Moore’s daughters receive health care through Medicaid, while he is uninsured because he cannot afford Burger King’s coverage, he said.
On a recent afternoon, Hampus Elofsson ended his 40-hour workweek at a Burger King and prepared for a movie and beer with friends. He had paid his rent and all his bills, stashed away some savings, yet still had money for nights out.

That is because he earns the equivalent of $20 an hour — the base wage for fast-food workers throughout Denmark and two and a half times what many fast-food workers earn in the United States.

“You can make a decent living here working in fast food,” said Mr. Elofsson, 24. “You don’t have to struggle to get by.”

With an eye to workers like Mr. Elofsson, some American labor activists and liberal scholars are posing a provocative question: If Danish chains can pay $20 an hour, why can’t those in the United States pay the $15 an hour that many fast-food workers have been clamoring for?

 at being a supervisor making $9 an hr
Don't forget those places pay better, have benefits and mandatory vacation days.

It's cool though, we got freedom n stuff.
also where are these several scholarships that lead to 15$ an hour jobs? You AGAIN are ignoring the problem, yes those programs may train you to do a job... that has no effect on whether or not job's are actually available & gives 0 credence to the schedule of someone in that position. Many of these people are working 40 hours + if not working two jobs & some have children.

How do you insist on these people having time for these programs you speak of?
I'd also like to know how many full ride scholarships are just "out there". Just because you get a scholarship doesn't mean you're home free. Some scholarships just pay for books. Others even less
Another thing, who the hell is going to take pride in the work they're doing...ESPECIALLY a supervisor, when you're only netting about $1200 a month?

I mean, when you eat out, you have to put your faith in the people behind the scenes as far as being sanitary, etc....however, it makes you wonder about these fast food joints. Unbelievable.

Why hasn't this changed? Living wages should be a top priority of whoever is in office.
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