Lowe's Newest Sales Associate - A robot Vol. Dey took our jerbs

Which brings up a good point. Large companies refuse to pay higher wages so what happens? People get food stamps and other forms of government assistance. Where does this money come from? YOU. Seems like Yall rather pay to keep these families and people afloat yourselves

This is the root of the problem, people are so quick to let these companies off the hook, but the working class is supporting their work force with public assistance. Then they want to turn around and blame the victim for being "lazy". At what point does business need to be held accountable? They get tax breaks, with record profits.
It cost a lot of money to move, it's really not that simple. Your comment about communism is also laughable.

I never said it is easy to move. But should making a livable wage be an easy task for everyone no matter your location? I'm not exactly sure how that can work without creating more freeloaders and perpetuating laziness in the USA. Not sure about you, but I am of the belief that this country is full of lazy people based on my life experiences.

I don't disagree with the posters saying execs make too much money compared to employees. As a matter of fact, the MGM resorts is most likely ran that way. That does not change the fact that you can work your way to a decent living if you are motivated and willing to mobilize yourself. It is a great part of this country that I absolutely admire. I also admire the immigrants doing whatever they can to get into this country and work enough to live AND send money home.

I know my example of communism is extreme but so is the idea of handing money out.
Bruh, moving only isn't difficult for most people, it's impossible for some. Some people don't have enough money for the gas to relocate. say you do and have a job lined up, that's one month till you see a pay check out of them.

Money for a deposit plus first months rent. I mean there are a lot of factors
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Robots is a good thing and inevitable. Technology has always replaced jobs. Live with it.
Bruh, moving only isn't difficult for most people, it's impossible for some. Some people don't have enough money for the gas to relocate. say you do and have a job lined up, that's one month till you see a pay check out of them.

Money for a deposit plus first months rent. I mean there are a lot of factors

Of course there are a lot of factors, but to say its impossible is reaching. I understand if you have kids or elderly family members that you need to take care of, that can make it very very difficult. I just find it hard to find the sympathy in my heart for US residents when I'm interacting daily with immigrants that haven't seen their family for 10-15 years because they came here illegally and are working tirelessly to not only support themselves, but the family back home. If they can find a way to make it work (plus the effort of supporting their distant family), why can't we do the same thing with far less obstacle?
Bruh, moving only isn't difficult for most people, it's impossible for some. Some people don't have enough money for the gas to relocate. say you do and have a job lined up, that's one month till you see a pay check out of them.

Money for a deposit plus first months rent. I mean there are a lot of factors

Of course there are a lot of factors, but to say its impossible is reaching. I understand if you have kids or elderly family members that you need to take care of, that can make it very very difficult. I just find it hard to find the sympathy in my heart for US residents when I'm interacting daily with immigrants that haven't seen their family for 10-15 years because they came here illegally and are working tirelessly to not only support themselves, but the family back home. If they can find a way to make it work (plus the effort of supporting their distant family), why can't we do the same thing with far less obstacle?
Cuz we're lazy and feel entitled to things.
most homeless people live better lives in the streets here than the entire working class of some developing countries.

I'm done here, papitos.
Perhaps this will motivate people to challenge themselves more and fight for better jobs?...a lot of people are just content with living mediocre lives and barely making ends meet with a minimum wage salary...is a matter of time before robots take over those jobs man...people need to wake up.
Robots is a good thing and inevitable. Technology has always replaced jobs. Live with it.

Whether robots, or technology in general, is a good thing is debatable. The scientific developments in nuclear energy have given us the ability to power our lives with very little waste; they have also given us the ability to annihilate all living beings anywhere on Earth. Modern communications have made each of us more accessible, which has had a positive impact on our productivity even though it has reduced our sense of privacy.

Yes, technology has always replaced jobs, but there were always career change options for those who lost their jobs/careers to tech because automation was not a given in every industry. The issue that is not being addressed here is that as we push to automate the entire economy, the jobs that will be created with the advent of tech will not satisfy the demand. (ATMs, which replaced many human tellers, do not need as many technicians to maintain them. Few people will design them as it will be computer-assisted and the manufacturing process will be executed by robots with a couple of supervising teams). At the same time, we are gradually losing consumers (and gaining welfare recipients) as people no longer earn enough to afford anything beyond the mere necessities.

In the long run, the move towards complete automation is not going to be sustainable, especially if we expect the traditional work-reward structure of society to continue to exist because the number of jobs will be significantly reduced, and the existing ones will pay a lot less because of increased competition among potential workers.

I think its technology controlling us. In most companies it's that way for the worker anyway. I'm a technician I service automated machines at mostly banks. They replace a teller. That's how we sell this machine to them, less employees and less health insurance, job training etc...

Out of all the banks, stores what have you that I service in my area there could have been hundreds of positions available for folks. But instead I have a job, as well as mostly other folks in other countries making the majority of the product.

This is how technology works, its why it has been so popular. Owners have been wanting to replace workers since the day they had to hire them.

As a technician the pay is very low. After taxes and insurance I average $450 a week, with just 3% in 401k. Even though it takes a year to get trained on all products we service and really get to know the job. The work load can be impossible to meet at times and no one is caring. Everything we do, the numbers we have to meet are all recorded in Metrics. Metrics doesn't care about different scenarios like a person could. It also makes management more distant. We have this jet fast way of escalating a problem but when it happens no one really knows whats going on. The guy at the bottom turns into a broken record (me) reporting to tons of people about that one problem. So why do we document anything? Why do I have to spend 15 minutes typing into a tiny screen a resolution - close out the call before I walk out the door - when no one bothers to look at whats being documented.

Oh wait I know why, its when you aren't performing the way they want you to. I hate not being trusted and overworked. Its raise time lets see what Metrics says about (me) as of course every service area, operator, and environment is the same and every type of equipment is as well....yeah ******

Ok so the way we close out our service calls is automated now, before it was hand written and phoned in. That created jobs, but now this eliminated a ton in this company since software is now handling all of the customers invoices instead having people in offices do the paper work. Good for trees bad for those people.

So working for a company that sells a product to eliminate the need for more employees created jobs correct? Nope we needed to eliminate employees ourselves right I mean who doesn't want to save money and speed up productivity. So we did and continue to do so, I think 400 employees lost their jobs then. We also even use to have more techs per city.

20 years ago you could make more money in this company than now doing what I do, it even use to have a factory in a small town here in the good ol USA!

Now I do more than a tech did 20 years ago...and those older machines are the easiest to work on as long as you can get the parts...they didn't have to do a ton of calls a day and they weren't overwhelmed and stressed out, oh and did I mention THAT I COULD OF MADE MORE MONEY 20 YEARS AGO DOING THIS SAME JOB!!!!! Really I've talked to plenty who have been in this company and seen the many of negative changes.

Wake up people, like everything else technology needs a speed limit. But it doesn't have one because the wealthy these days have not enjoyed life more than ever.

Its easier for the wealthy to become richer than ever before, its easier for employers to spy or judge a worker based on just numbers than ever before. But its harder for the worker to get anywhere I'm sure than ever before.

So there you go I have the skills, I work with new and older automated systems, I still get trained on new equipment time to time, and I have watched the potential jobs taking from others while providing me more work and no more pay.

Sweat really needs to earn more money than it has been lately. And we really aren't as advanced as we sell ourselves to be. Its only cool because OUR societies, so call, need it.

I start to truly believe that the human race was infected and bred with another close culture many many years ago, whos only purpose was to multiply and consume. And we now all come from that.

I got mine Jack, so screw you.

First comment on the following article:
Robots is a good thing and inevitable. Technology has always replaced jobs. Live with it.
and what happens when our infrastructure and power supply/sources fail, what will your robots be good for then?
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Of course there are a lot of factors, but to say its impossible is reaching. I understand if you have kids or elderly family members that you need to take care of, that can make it very very difficult. I just find it hard to find the sympathy in my heart for US residents when I'm interacting daily with immigrants that haven't seen their family for 10-15 years because they came here illegally and are working tirelessly to not only support themselves, but the family back home. If they can find a way to make it work (plus the effort of supporting their distant family), why can't we do the same thing with far less obstacle?
I completely agree BUT you're speaking about a completely different topic
No,I'm referring to a minimum income that everyone receives whether you're unemployed or make 1 million+ a year,everyone receives the same amount.

This just might be the most terrible idea I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this board. You guys still live under the idea that your government owes you something, or rich people owe you something, or your job owes you something...for nothing. Nobody in this world owes you ANYTHING unless you earn it. That something for nothing mentality is the number one destroyer of the American worker.

No you don't deserve a basic living wage just because you're alive. The hell? You EARN it. Your job ain't paying you enough? Get a second. That ain't working, get a third. Not able to see your kids? Find a better paying job so you don't have to work multiple ones. Have no skills? Get certified in something tangible. Can't afford it, FASFA, or some kind of scholarship. Can't look up scholarships because you have no computer? Local library. Oh your local library is ****. Drive to a better one. No car? Take a bus.

This whole entitlement attitude some of you have needs to stop. It's counterproductive.
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I think everyone should receive a guaranteed basic income regardless of employment status,enough each year for necessities....

people who don't know how money is really "created" would probably be against this.
No,I'm referring to a minimum income that everyone receives whether you're unemployed or make 1 million+ a year,everyone receives the same amount.

This just might be the most terrible idea I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this board. You guys still live under the idea that your government owes you something, or rich people owe you something, or your job owes you something...for nothing. Nobody in this world owes you ANYTHING unless you earn it. That something for nothing mentality is the number one destroyer of the American worker.

No you don't deserve a basic living wage just because you're alive. The hell? You EARN it. Your job ain't paying you enough? Get a second. That ain't working, get a third. Not able to see your kids? Find a better paying job so you don't have to work multiple ones. Have no skills? Get certified in something tangible. Can't afford it, FASFA, or some kind of scholarship. Can't look up scholarships because you have no computer? Local library. Oh your local library is ****. Drive to a better one. No car? Take a bus.

This whole entitlement attitude some of you have needs to stop. It's counterproductive.

sorry fam, but while you do have a point and the pursuit of happiness was a good movie, most of the wealth in this world is still inherited. You're proselytizing the Protestant work ethic mantra, which is America's glue in maintaining the status quo for the rich, and dont eem know it.
Most of the wealth in this worled is inherited?

That article seems to disagree.

And at the end of the day, if someone inherited their wealth. Cool, lucky them. But for us non trust funders, we have to work and earn our way. NOBODY owes you anything.

Not quite.

From the study:

"We define wealth as inherited when the founder of the company associated with a current billionaire’s wealth is a relative of the founder, except in cases where the current billionaire’s inheritance was only a single store or factory. All other wealth is considered self-made."

Just what exactly is "self-made"? A person who started with absolutely nothing? Can it be a privileged kid who had all the love and support growing up along with the resources to start their own business, go to med school etc.?
Oh we're changing definitions now?

Self made - started with less, attained more by your own labor.
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No,I'm referring to a minimum income that everyone receives whether you're unemployed or make 1 million+ a year,everyone receives the same amount.

This just might be the most terrible idea I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this board. You guys still live under the idea that your government owes you something, or rich people owe you something, or your job owes you something...for nothing. Nobody in this world owes you ANYTHING unless you earn it. That something for nothing mentality is the number one destroyer of the American worker.

No you don't deserve a basic living wage just because you're alive. The hell? You EARN it. Your job ain't paying you enough? Get a second. That ain't working, get a third. Not able to see your kids? Find a better paying job so you don't have to work multiple ones. Have no skills? Get certified in something tangible. Can't afford it, FASFA, or some kind of scholarship. Can't look up scholarships because you have no computer? Local library. Oh your local library is ****. Drive to a better one. No car? Take a bus.

This whole entitlement attitude some of you have needs to stop. It's counterproductive.

BS and more BS.

The American worker is probably the most hardworking laborer (in terms of hours spent on or around the job) in the Western world.

The reality is that in 2013, 75% of the million jobs created were low pay and part-time, without any benefits.

Meanwhile, the median houselhold income has been decreasing since the official end of the recession
http://economy.money.cnn.com/2013/08/22/economy-income/?iid=EL (income progression)
http://money.cnn.com/2013/09/17/news/economy/poverty-income/ (income progression and poverty level)

At the same time, corporations have been recording record profits (and are expected to grow)

Of the first ten sectors with the most growth (as of 2012), only 1 occupation paid above the median household income (Registered Nurse); 4 of them had an income between 24k and 40k; and the rest (5) earned less than 24k.

Somebody isn't getting their fair share. Americans go to work no matter how sick, pregnant, or tired they are. Americans put work above anything else, and all they ask in return is proper compensation for their skills AND time. That's not being entitled.
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Perhaps this will motivate people to challenge themselves more and fight for better jobs?...a lot of people are just content with living mediocre lives and barely making ends meet with a minimum wage salary...is a matter of time before robots take over those jobs man...people need to wake up.
But people are more worried about getting tats on their face, wearing new jordans, and wanting to live alone and have spending money. Sorry buddy, that's not gonna happen with your minimum wage job.
Errbody on that I worked hard and made it, so you should be able to make it because I did mentality
Errbody on that I worked hard and made it, so you should be able to make it because I did mentality
Everybody's scenario is different, but it just seems a lot of people are sitting back and crying about it.

Minimum wage should be enough to be minimal living wage? But where do you draw the line? Some people have different priorities as to how they spend their money and how. Some may think their housing is important. Some think food is more important. Others think having enough money to go out is more important.

So where would you draw the line?
Everybody's scenario is different, but it just seems a lot of people are sitting back and crying about it.

Minimum wage should be enough to be minimal living wage? But where do you draw the line? Some people have different priorities as to how they spend their money and how. Some may think their housing is important. Some think food is more important. Others think having enough money to go out is more important.

So where would you draw the line?
You calculate the cost of living in said area; housing/ food / commute. These are the essential cost for the labor force. You have a council that evaluates the shift annually and you act accordingly. Numbers don't lie and this would be the ideal way to establish a successful sustainable living wage. Now to address your "different people have different priorities" comment. How people spend their earnings isn't the topic nor the concern for implementing a living wage. There will always be irresponsible people, but on a larger scale this would take a lot of people above the poverty line, which is where this current minimum wage pay has people.
Errbody on that I worked hard and made it, so you should be able to make it because I did mentality

I've worked min wage jobs in my 20s. Nobody owed me nothing.

Mindset is everything but everybody doesn't have that.
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