Macho Man Dead - Pg 12 | WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/22 Pg 23 - Orton vs Christian, Cena vs Miz

Oct 15, 2000

Last night was TNA aka Impact Wrestling's aka The Same Old **** Sacrifice PPV.  The show wasn't good.  Hopefully this was the end of the "TNA Era" and the "Impact Wrestling Era" will begin with tonight's TV tapings.  We'll see.  Unless TNA really overhauls their product, the name change and shoving the 'Wrestling Matters' catchphrase down our throats more than 'WWE Universe' it will make absolutely zero change in the ratings and buyrates.  I'm really hoping for the best, but I have a feeling I'll read tonight's spoilers for Thursday's show and just roll my eyes.

~Mexican America (Hernandez and Anarquia w/ Sarita and Rosita) d Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal). The crowd was hot for the opener, but it wasn't very good.  Lots of outside interference from Sarita and Rosita until Hernandez got the win.

~Jeff and Karen cut a promo where Karen said she injured her foot and couldn't compete tonight.  Foley (The Network) came out and said that he knew Karen wasn't injured and she would wrestle tonight, because Wrestling Matters.  Karen threw a fit and threw her walking boot at Foley.  Overall, it was an entertaining segment.

~Brian Kendrick d Robbie E. I have no memory of this match.

~Mickie James d Madison Rayne to retain the Knockouts Title and Tara is now free from Madison.  Two ref bumps.  Tara took the loaded glove from Madison and knocked her out to help Mickie get the win.

~Kazarian d Max Buck to retain the X Title.  The match was fine, but I don't care about Max Buck.

~Crimson d Abyss.  Match went way too long.

~Beer Money d Matt Hardy and Chris Harris.  Crowd did not react for Storm vs Harris like TNA probably thought they would.  It didn't help that Harris was out of shape and showed zero charisma.  Not up to the quality of a normal Beer Money match because Harris brought the match down.  Probably the end for Harris.

~Tommy Dreamer d AJ Styles.  Bully Ray interfered to help Dreamer get the win to set up Styles vs Bully at Slamiversary next month.  Dreamer was awful.

~Kurt Angle and Chyna d Jeff and Karen Jarrett.  They kept Chyna's involvement to a minimum which was good.  Probably the match of the night which really isn't saying much.  Chyna used a Pedigree on Karen during the match.  The finish was Chyna and Angle locking on stereo ankle locks on the Jarretts.

~Sting d Rob Van Dam to retain the TNA Title.  They tried but it wasn't very good.  Mr. Kennedy was on commentary and only took away from the match by being terribly annoying.  Next month is Sting vs Kennedy which can't possibly be good.

The Angle/Jarrett match was the best of the show, and it was only a pretty good match.  I didn't have high expectations for this show, so I won't say it's disappointing, but it certainly wasn't a good show.  Like I said, I really hope this Impact Wrestling rebranding actually means something and we start to see a new direction tonight.

Tonight is the go home Raw for this Sunday's Over The Limit PPV.  To be honest, I completely forgot WWE had a PPV in six days.  That's not a good thing when someone who even watches TNA PPVs forgets that WWE has a PPV.  And with the card they have for the show, the buyrate is going to be abysmal.

The Miz won a triple threat match over Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio after Alex Riley interfered to help Miz get the win.  I am so, so, so tired of Alex Riley.  He takes so much away from The Miz's character and credibility.  Please just send him back down to FCW for a year or two and get him away from The Miz.  I thought it was all over when he was drafted to Smackdown, but he didn't even appear on Smackdown once before being right back on Raw with Miz.  After the match, John Cena came out and announced the stipulation for their match at Over The Limit.  He said there would be no pinfalls, no countouts, no disqualifications, no submissions (huh???) because they would have an 'I QUIT' match.  Like I said earlier, I can't see anyone getting excited for this match, especially since we all know Cena never quits... never gives up.

Earlier in the night, Alex Riley wanted to prove his worth to The Miz, so the camera followed him, and followed him, and followed him as he made his way from backstage to the arena.  He called out Cena.  Cena promptly came out and squashed him.  Like I said, Riley is such a geek and does nothing to help get Miz over.  Dump this loser.

R-Truth was the star of last week's Raw.  He came out and cut a promo on Miz, Del Rio, and Mysterio to open the show, running all of them down.  Some parts are a little stupid, like when he kept talking about injuring John Morrison and him having to eat hospital food, but for the most part it was good.  The anonymous GM ruled that Truth wasn't worthy of being in the match to earn a title shot which drove Truth crazy.  To end the show, Truth jumped Mysterio from behind after the triple threat match to set up a match between the two for Over The Limit.

With Miz/Cena and Mysterio/Truth, Del Rio seems to be left out in the cold for a match this Sunday.

The other "big" match this Sunday is yet another Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler match.  This program should have been over at WrestleMania, and now they're still going two months later.  This needs to be the absolute final blowoff this Sunday.  The only problem is, what do they do with the two of them after the program?  They can't go back to just working together as announcers or the whole thing seems ridiculous.  You can't have Cole stay in the Cole Mine because that implies the program is still going.  We'll see what happens.

Back to the segment from last week, while I was semi-entertained at the time, looking back at it, Michael Cole cut an absolutely sleezy promo referring to Lawler's recently deceased mother.  (And not only that, he did it again on Smackdown.)  Cole was not getting good heel heat here.  He was getting please shut up and go away heat.  Anyway, Lawler eventually got to Cole later in the night and used his tie to choke Cole through the hole in the Cole Mine while Cole made goofy faces.

Eve was the latest to get laid out by Kharma last week.  Eve actually tried to attack her, but Kharma caught her with a clothesline and then hit the Implant Buster.  Once again, Kelly Kelly looked on in horror but was able to escape.  My guess is that Gail Kim gets laid out tonight.

Lastly, we have the latest episode of Tough Enough at 8pm.  As usual, please do not post spoilers of the results until tomorrow morning as I and others do not catch Tough Enough until after Raw.  The teaser on says that there is a serious injury to one of the contestants tonight.  Injuries aside, Christina and AJ are in big trouble tonight.

Last night was TNA aka Impact Wrestling's aka The Same Old **** Sacrifice PPV.  The show wasn't good.  Hopefully this was the end of the "TNA Era" and the "Impact Wrestling Era" will begin with tonight's TV tapings.  We'll see.  Unless TNA really overhauls their product, the name change and shoving the 'Wrestling Matters' catchphrase down our throats more than 'WWE Universe' it will make absolutely zero change in the ratings and buyrates.  I'm really hoping for the best, but I have a feeling I'll read tonight's spoilers for Thursday's show and just roll my eyes.

~Mexican America (Hernandez and Anarquia w/ Sarita and Rosita) d Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal). The crowd was hot for the opener, but it wasn't very good.  Lots of outside interference from Sarita and Rosita until Hernandez got the win.

~Jeff and Karen cut a promo where Karen said she injured her foot and couldn't compete tonight.  Foley (The Network) came out and said that he knew Karen wasn't injured and she would wrestle tonight, because Wrestling Matters.  Karen threw a fit and threw her walking boot at Foley.  Overall, it was an entertaining segment.

~Brian Kendrick d Robbie E. I have no memory of this match.

~Mickie James d Madison Rayne to retain the Knockouts Title and Tara is now free from Madison.  Two ref bumps.  Tara took the loaded glove from Madison and knocked her out to help Mickie get the win.

~Kazarian d Max Buck to retain the X Title.  The match was fine, but I don't care about Max Buck.

~Crimson d Abyss.  Match went way too long.

~Beer Money d Matt Hardy and Chris Harris.  Crowd did not react for Storm vs Harris like TNA probably thought they would.  It didn't help that Harris was out of shape and showed zero charisma.  Not up to the quality of a normal Beer Money match because Harris brought the match down.  Probably the end for Harris.

~Tommy Dreamer d AJ Styles.  Bully Ray interfered to help Dreamer get the win to set up Styles vs Bully at Slamiversary next month.  Dreamer was awful.

~Kurt Angle and Chyna d Jeff and Karen Jarrett.  They kept Chyna's involvement to a minimum which was good.  Probably the match of the night which really isn't saying much.  Chyna used a Pedigree on Karen during the match.  The finish was Chyna and Angle locking on stereo ankle locks on the Jarretts.

~Sting d Rob Van Dam to retain the TNA Title.  They tried but it wasn't very good.  Mr. Kennedy was on commentary and only took away from the match by being terribly annoying.  Next month is Sting vs Kennedy which can't possibly be good.

The Angle/Jarrett match was the best of the show, and it was only a pretty good match.  I didn't have high expectations for this show, so I won't say it's disappointing, but it certainly wasn't a good show.  Like I said, I really hope this Impact Wrestling rebranding actually means something and we start to see a new direction tonight.

Tonight is the go home Raw for this Sunday's Over The Limit PPV.  To be honest, I completely forgot WWE had a PPV in six days.  That's not a good thing when someone who even watches TNA PPVs forgets that WWE has a PPV.  And with the card they have for the show, the buyrate is going to be abysmal.

The Miz won a triple threat match over Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio after Alex Riley interfered to help Miz get the win.  I am so, so, so tired of Alex Riley.  He takes so much away from The Miz's character and credibility.  Please just send him back down to FCW for a year or two and get him away from The Miz.  I thought it was all over when he was drafted to Smackdown, but he didn't even appear on Smackdown once before being right back on Raw with Miz.  After the match, John Cena came out and announced the stipulation for their match at Over The Limit.  He said there would be no pinfalls, no countouts, no disqualifications, no submissions (huh???) because they would have an 'I QUIT' match.  Like I said earlier, I can't see anyone getting excited for this match, especially since we all know Cena never quits... never gives up.

Earlier in the night, Alex Riley wanted to prove his worth to The Miz, so the camera followed him, and followed him, and followed him as he made his way from backstage to the arena.  He called out Cena.  Cena promptly came out and squashed him.  Like I said, Riley is such a geek and does nothing to help get Miz over.  Dump this loser.

R-Truth was the star of last week's Raw.  He came out and cut a promo on Miz, Del Rio, and Mysterio to open the show, running all of them down.  Some parts are a little stupid, like when he kept talking about injuring John Morrison and him having to eat hospital food, but for the most part it was good.  The anonymous GM ruled that Truth wasn't worthy of being in the match to earn a title shot which drove Truth crazy.  To end the show, Truth jumped Mysterio from behind after the triple threat match to set up a match between the two for Over The Limit.

With Miz/Cena and Mysterio/Truth, Del Rio seems to be left out in the cold for a match this Sunday.

The other "big" match this Sunday is yet another Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler match.  This program should have been over at WrestleMania, and now they're still going two months later.  This needs to be the absolute final blowoff this Sunday.  The only problem is, what do they do with the two of them after the program?  They can't go back to just working together as announcers or the whole thing seems ridiculous.  You can't have Cole stay in the Cole Mine because that implies the program is still going.  We'll see what happens.

Back to the segment from last week, while I was semi-entertained at the time, looking back at it, Michael Cole cut an absolutely sleezy promo referring to Lawler's recently deceased mother.  (And not only that, he did it again on Smackdown.)  Cole was not getting good heel heat here.  He was getting please shut up and go away heat.  Anyway, Lawler eventually got to Cole later in the night and used his tie to choke Cole through the hole in the Cole Mine while Cole made goofy faces.

Eve was the latest to get laid out by Kharma last week.  Eve actually tried to attack her, but Kharma caught her with a clothesline and then hit the Implant Buster.  Once again, Kelly Kelly looked on in horror but was able to escape.  My guess is that Gail Kim gets laid out tonight.

Lastly, we have the latest episode of Tough Enough at 8pm.  As usual, please do not post spoilers of the results until tomorrow morning as I and others do not catch Tough Enough until after Raw.  The teaser on says that there is a serious injury to one of the contestants tonight.  Injuries aside, Christina and AJ are in big trouble tonight.
--TNA and Scott Steiner are currently in a disagreement over money which will prevent Steiner from appearing on TV in the upcoming weeks.
--TNA and Scott Steiner are currently in a disagreement over money which will prevent Steiner from appearing on TV in the upcoming weeks.
do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers
do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

will watch TE and Raw, but i have a feeling Raw will be a stinker

My sentiments exactly.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

will watch TE and Raw, but i have a feeling Raw will be a stinker

My sentiments exactly.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers

always try JTV and go to the wrestling section they also show smackdown before it airs on Friday to
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers

remind me to hit u up tommorow
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers

always try JTV and go to the wrestling section they also show smackdown before it airs on Friday to
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

do any of yall know a site that shows raw the day after? im gonna be working tonight so im gonna miss it, and i wanna watch it tommarow and try to avoid spoilers

remind me to hit u up tommorow
WWE officials have plans to promote numerous developmental wrestlers to the main roster in the ensuing weeks. However, the only talent confirmed to be called up to the main roster at this time is NXT Season 3 contestant Maxine. She is scheduled to debut on the SmackDown brand at tomorrow night's television tapings in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Maxine, who's real name is Karlee Leilani Perez, has been in WWE's developmental system since June 2009. She's generally utilized in a speaking/managing capacity in Florida Championship Wrestling, as opposed to wrestling. She currently reigns as the General Manager of FCW, and manages Lucky Cannon.

Months ago, WWE planned to cut ties with a number of main roster performers after Wrestlemania, then calling up developmental talents to fill the undercard of the main rosters, with the idea that they could cut costs by using lower priced talent. There were rumblings late last week that the process would be starting shortly.
WWE officials have plans to promote numerous developmental wrestlers to the main roster in the ensuing weeks. However, the only talent confirmed to be called up to the main roster at this time is NXT Season 3 contestant Maxine. She is scheduled to debut on the SmackDown brand at tomorrow night's television tapings in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Maxine, who's real name is Karlee Leilani Perez, has been in WWE's developmental system since June 2009. She's generally utilized in a speaking/managing capacity in Florida Championship Wrestling, as opposed to wrestling. She currently reigns as the General Manager of FCW, and manages Lucky Cannon.

Months ago, WWE planned to cut ties with a number of main roster performers after Wrestlemania, then calling up developmental talents to fill the undercard of the main rosters, with the idea that they could cut costs by using lower priced talent. There were rumblings late last week that the process would be starting shortly.
TNA Invading WWE's Turf
--For now, the company is keeping the TNA name, as noted in the material sent yesterday.  They are promoting the "Wrestling Matters" them all across their platforms.  The company has also bought billboards all over Stamford with the "Wrestling Matters Again" tag line.  One is a block from WWE headquarters.
TNA Invading WWE's Turf
--For now, the company is keeping the TNA name, as noted in the material sent yesterday.  They are promoting the "Wrestling Matters" them all across their platforms.  The company has also bought billboards all over Stamford with the "Wrestling Matters Again" tag line.  One is a block from WWE headquarters.
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