Madden 10 Strategy, vol. Nano Blitzes

Sep 24, 2009
I see scattered threads on how to get better at Madden, notsomuch stick control, but defensive schemes, blitzes, def hot routes and such, so i wanted to make athread on how to get better on D (pause). Primarily, i need a good play that will shutdown the wildcat. Too many dudes exploit that formation. Discuss.
i stick to dime plays, two ss in the backfield and 5 db covering the midfield with 3 linemen
on running plays i stick to a 46 defense
man coverage and control one of your safeties to come down on the weak side in case they fake the handoff and run towards the weak side
Originally Posted by CasperJr

just all out blitzes if it isnt a QB running it point blank

Careful though, if you blitz from the right, and the run play is to the left, you're screwed...or vice versa.
Audible your S's to QB spy along with a LB or 2... CB's contain and send everyone else. Spread out your DL
4-3 defense
qb spy

thats the best option on stopping the wildact. Blitzing everyone will screw yourself over.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Just blitz every down and play man to man. I'm surprise this even works.

then i get beat on the slants. i tried qb contain, but that leaves the middle wide open. qb trap seems to be the best play for mobile qb's, since i getpressure on one side and qb spy with the other LB, so it keeps him in the pocket.
clamp double go always seems to work for me... 2 MLBs blitzing the middle and two outside blitzn ...i do usee the ravens tho so the run is pretty easy to stop
the perfect play is nickel cb blitz man, and spread your d lineman out, and control a safety and rush the middle with him, they'll lose 2-3 yards everytime they try it.
I like to run out of the 1-5-5 Nickel on defense, a lot of good blitzes and can hide schemes very well. I just have trouble with red zone scoring.
Dime in the pass.
Predator works surprisingly well against the run (I don't know why).
Word My Defense Has Been Lagging
How do you stop players that always pass to the running backs over and over again?
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I like to run out of the 1-5-5 Nickel on defense, a lot of good blitzes and can hide schemes very well. I just have trouble with red zone scoring.

yup, formation is nasty. plenty of ways to bring pressure, and solid coverage options too, especially since you can get away with man this year. I also lovethe 46, most people have a much harder time reading coverage in the 46.

@sundoobie - i usually just user a MLB that is supposed to blitz and user cover the back, unless he blocks in which case i try and get to the qb. you can alsouse flat zones, contain plays, or man, depending on the route hes running.
To stop the WC just play a 4-3 and send a double corner blitz, shift your lb's to whatever side the TE or FB is on and control either your end or tackle towhich side the play is being run. I promise this works
I stopped playing Madden when it became too hard and impractical to "cheese". I.E. using someone like Mike Vick 4 years ago to do all your runningplays in addition to his normal QB duties.

Like, you actually have to use offensive and defensive strategies now, coverage, etc. Too much work for a damn video game.

I just wanna blitz or throw the ball.

Someone tried doing those stupid plays on me yesterday with the Eagles. Had Vick runnin around like this was Madden 06. Consistently had him in 2nd and 20+ or3rd and 20+ yards to go for scrambling on every play. It's too easy to stop that now. Now you actually have to play football. Can't stand people likethat.

But on the defense tip, I run zone or zone blitz on every play. I play with the ******** so my offense and defense is not as aggressive as I would like it tobe.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I like to run out of the 1-5-5 Nickel on defense, a lot of good blitzes and can hide schemes very well. I just have trouble with red zone scoring.
My favorite D too, as for g-line d, works almost always for me.. goal line - flat sides i think its called (first play on the right in goallineformation. press covereage on the outsides.
to stop the wildcat i literally send everyone

3-4 corners blitz
then i blitz all the linebackers
finally, i control the fs to blitz up the middle because u can easily time the snap, based on the motion guy.. this usually #**$! their play up
the only dude not blitzing is the ss, playing deep
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