maids stealing your stuff

Originally Posted by babyteez

im illw1lliams girl. dont believe me ask him
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's gonna make it more fun[/color]
i feel ya. we flew through house keepers when i was younger because of that.
and you're pretty can i hold your hand
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Club29

Man, the jealousy in this thread is atrocious.

If his parents are doing well enough for themselves that they have a maid, then more power to them.

all these dudes upset over something as petty as some extra help around the house.

Come on now...
Not even that tho,
real talk...
girl acting like we can all relate to her situation... thinking "Hey let me ask NT what they do if when their maids steal things from them"

If her mom cant remember if she sold her things or if they were stolen.. then what happens if your blaming innocent people for your own carelessness?

She needs to have common sense and the obvious thing to do is first make sure that the things are missing and not misplaces/sold, and then you confront the maids about it. if you feel strongly that they stole it then you contact the authorities. Acting like NT has secret answers because we all have maids

then shortie an attention +%+#! saying she will post up pics . i mean im all for getting the pics, but be foreal. why you posting up pics on a sneaker website.. /rant
you are mad for no reason, go get laid bro
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Club29

Man, the jealousy in this thread is atrocious.

If his parents are doing well enough for themselves that they have a maid, then more power to them.

all these dudes upset over something as petty as some extra help around the house.

Come on now...
Not even that tho,
real talk...
girl acting like we can all relate to her situation... thinking "Hey let me ask NT what they do if when their maids steal things from them"

If her mom cant remember if she sold her things or if they were stolen.. then what happens if your blaming innocent people for your own carelessness?

She needs to have common sense and the obvious thing to do is first make sure that the things are missing and not misplaces/sold, and then you confront the maids about it. if you feel strongly that they stole it then you contact the authorities. Acting like NT has secret answers because we all have maids

then shortie an attention +%+#! saying she will post up pics . i mean im all for getting the pics, but be foreal. why you posting up pics on a sneaker website.. /rant
you are mad for no reason, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]go get laid bro[/color]
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Club29

Man, the jealousy in this thread is atrocious.

If his parents are doing well enough for themselves that they have a maid, then more power to them.

all these dudes upset over something as petty as some extra help around the house.

Come on now...
Not even that tho,
real talk...
girl acting like we can all relate to her situation... thinking "Hey let me ask NT what they do if when their maids steal things from them"

If her mom cant remember if she sold her things or if they were stolen.. then what happens if your blaming innocent people for your own carelessness?

She needs to have common sense and the obvious thing to do is first make sure that the things are missing and not misplaces/sold, and then you confront the maids about it. if you feel strongly that they stole it then you contact the authorities. Acting like NT has secret answers because we all have maids

then shortie an attention +%+#! saying she will post up pics . i mean im all for getting the pics, but be foreal. why you posting up pics on a sneaker website.. /rant
you are mad for no reason, go get laid bro

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Club29

Man, the jealousy in this thread is atrocious.

If his parents are doing well enough for themselves that they have a maid, then more power to them.

all these dudes upset over something as petty as some extra help around the house.

Come on now...
Not even that tho,
real talk...
girl acting like we can all relate to her situation... thinking "Hey let me ask NT what they do if when their maids steal things from them"

If her mom cant remember if she sold her things or if they were stolen.. then what happens if your blaming innocent people for your own carelessness?

She needs to have common sense and the obvious thing to do is first make sure that the things are missing and not misplaces/sold, and then you confront the maids about it. if you feel strongly that they stole it then you contact the authorities. Acting like NT has secret answers because we all have maids

then shortie an attention +%+#! saying she will post up pics . i mean im all for getting the pics, but be foreal. why you posting up pics on a sneaker website.. /rant
you are mad for no reason, go get laid bro
Mad how? I'm just not beasting over an internet girl like all ya. I do get laid, that has nothing to do with this.. maybe youuuu should getlaid..
dude home on a saturday night asking for pics of a girl who he never met.. and telling me i should get laid
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by Club29

Man, the jealousy in this thread is atrocious.

If his parents are doing well enough for themselves that they have a maid, then more power to them.

all these dudes upset over something as petty as some extra help around the house.

Come on now...
Not even that tho,
real talk...
girl acting like we can all relate to her situation... thinking "Hey let me ask NT what they do if when their maids steal things from them"

If her mom cant remember if she sold her things or if they were stolen.. then what happens if your blaming innocent people for your own carelessness?

She needs to have common sense and the obvious thing to do is first make sure that the things are missing and not misplaces/sold, and then you confront the maids about it. if you feel strongly that they stole it then you contact the authorities. Acting like NT has secret answers because we all have maids

then shortie an attention +%+#! saying she will post up pics . i mean im all for getting the pics, but be foreal. why you posting up pics on a sneaker website.. /rant
you are mad for no reason, go get laid bro
Mad how? I'm just not beasting over an internet girl like all ya. I don't get laid that has nothing to do with this.. maybe youuuu should get laid..
dude home on a saturday night asking for pics of a girl who he never met.. and telling me i should get laid
Here is what i would do in your situation.

Hire the same workers to clean. This time, set them up with lil valuables with cameras watching them. They might do it again. When you do? Stop them in theirtracks and threathen em with a lawsuit if they dont give you back the other might work.
Originally Posted by babyteez

on a happier note im gunna go live on ustream. dont go all national trucker(s) on me cuz i dont get down like that
oh yeaa its

You know how the truckers roll, why you gonna set yourself up for that if you not gonna go through
Nanny cam.

Your mom is an airhead. Clean your own house. You probably can't cook either
Women today.
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