MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
:rofl: Like you ignoring all the blaring inconsistencies brought up in the doc and what everyone is asking/bringing up in this thread.

That you Timidtebow?
I have not ignored them at all. Actually find them interesting and have said so. I think the police being sketchy is def a possibility. But I'll leave you all be. I have shared the entire story that I have stumbled upon. I see most people will hold on to the feeling the doc creates no matter what. That's fine, it's a good doc and I felt same way before I found more info. People want to believe the people in power are evil and root for the under dog. I get it. It's a good story and the police were probably sketchy. But the people who read everything that's available and still come in here and say they don't think Avery did it at all or even say someone else did are the same kind of people who believe in chemtrails. There is no changing their mind.
This gotta be Timidtebow's backup account. Same pretentious, " I'm greater than thou" smug attitude cuz "I'm somehow more enlightened from reddit posts and see the broader picture".

You guys are just dumb idiots that sucks up anything a documentary will feeds you, unlike me, who goes against the grain.


This troll must be jerking off from all the attention we're paying him.
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Naw I think TimidTebow actually changed his opinion after finishing the series
That's what a troll would want you to think

Saw how quick he changed his tone when people weren't biting on his troll attempts and just kept on posting 1 sentence meaningless commentaries.
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This gotta be Timidtebow's backup account. Same pretentious, " I'm greater than thou" smug attitude cuz "I'm somehow more enlightened from reddit posts and see the broader picture".
You guys are just dumb idiots that sucks up anything a documentary will feeds you, unlike me, who goes against the grain.


This troll must be jerking off from all the attention we're paying him.
this ain't me bro....
I assure you this is my account. Or maybe I made this in 2012 after planting bones in Avery's back yard,waiting to argue about this documentary 3 years later. I honestly 100% feel comfortable thinking Steve did it. And I think if anyone would look at all the evidence they would too. I have never said I know any secret or more info, I have just looked up stuff after the doc, which changed my opinion. Idk why that would mean" I'm better than you". Though a few people posting did come off as idiots, some have been reasonable and actually looked at more evidence. Just a few idiots.
I assure you this is my account. Or maybe I made this in 2012 after planting bones in Avery's back yard,waiting to argue about this documentary 3 years later. I honestly 100% feel comfortable thinking Steve did it. And I think if anyone would look at all the evidence they would too. I have never said I know any secret or more info, I have just looked up stuff after the doc, which changed my opinion. Idk why that would mean" I'm better than you". Though a few people posting did come off as idiots, some have been reasonable and actually looked at more evidence. Just a few idiots.
[emoji]128514[/emoji] steve is innocent you're trolling fam.
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Let's play a long for a moment.....

Maybe I missed it but were there any pictures of these "Shackles" that Mr. Avery purchased? Are we sure these shackles weren't just chains and things used to haul cars around since he does work/own a scrap yard? Zip ties and rope ain't gonna be used to hoist cars and car parts around. I think he might be needed some chains and so called "shackles"

DNA under the hood of the car? Well I mean the ************ did work/own a scrap yard. Maybe Teresa was having some mechanical troubles with her vehicle one of the times she was down there. They show him building ****. I'm sure he was mechanically inclined. If I'm a young woman and I'm having car troubles am I gonna stop at a mechanic before heading home or just let Mr. Avery hit me with a quick fixer upper as a favor after I just photographed his car before I head home.

Bleach on Brendans pants..... We all know that Steven doesn't own any undies... Working and owning a scrapyard i highly doubt he has a wardrobe of pearly white clothes. I'm not even sure I would be convinced Mr. Avery would ever have bleach in his home.

The phone calls. You've never let anyone ever make a phone call from any of your phones whether it be house or cell???

Also.... The key. Let me burn her purse and all it's contents but let me keep the key? For what? So he can go joyriding in her Rav 4?

Also... where do you keep your car keys? Usually on a key chain with your house keys and all that correct? Where were those?
Let's play a long for a moment.....

Maybe I missed it but were there any pictures of these "Shackles" that Mr. Avery purchased? Are we sure these shackles weren't just chains and things used to haul cars around since he does work/own a scrap yard? Zip ties and rope ain't gonna be used to hoist cars and car parts around. I think he might be needed some chains and so called "shackles"

DNA under the hood of the car? Well I mean the ************ did work/own a scrap yard. Maybe Teresa was having some mechanical troubles with her vehicle one of the times she was down there. They show him building ****. I'm sure he was mechanically inclined. If I'm a young woman and I'm having car troubles am I gonna stop at a mechanic before heading home or just let Mr. Avery hit me with a quick fixer upper as a favor after I just photographed his car before I head home.

Bleach on Brendans pants..... We all know that Steven doesn't own any undies... Working and owning a scrapyard i highly doubt he has a wardrobe of pearly white clothes. I'm not even sure I would be convinced Mr. Avery would ever have bleach in his home.

The phone calls. You've never let anyone ever make a phone call from any of your phones whether it be house or cell???

Also.... The key. Let me burn her purse and all it's contents but let me keep the key? For what? So he can go joyriding in her Rav 4?

Also... where do you keep your car keys? Usually on a key chain with your house keys and all that correct? Where were those?

Pictures ? No pictures I know of. But there were shackles found and in evidence. I think they were like sex toy type things...

The dna under the hood ... Yeah. I guess maybe he fixed her car ... That's pushing it though. Brendan gave them the info about him looking under the hood and if you look at the interview he wasn't asked about it.

Yes. We don't know who called from Avery's phone, though if I was using someone else's phone idk why I would hide the number. Using someone else's phone already hides me.

Key is suspicious for sure. Possible it was planted.

Brendan said Steve told him he wanted to crush the car however, maybe there was a reason he had to wait? I don't know why he would keep it.
I haven't seen anything specific about other keys, her purse and "contents " were in his burn barrel though. Not positive what all it had.

Also, I'm not playing a game or "trolling". Thanks for actually asking real questions and talking about the case.

If we're bringing up the shackles like it means anything lets

go even further back to when the story first broke when they 

said they used rope on her.  

Hell Idc how much additional evidence you choose to seek out.

Soon as it was reveled that this case had been tampered with 

by Law enforcement it should have deaded the whole thing. PERIOD.

A crime scene has obviously been tampered with.  Blood samples have obviously 

been tampered with.  Evidence in this case has been tampered with.  At what 

point does Law enforcement/the county/hell the state of Wisconsin have  to 

be held accountable for these things? 

Hell I can catch a case tomorrow and

let me in any way try to tamper with witnesses or evidence and thats additional 

charges ON ME! Seems like everyone has to be held accountable for their actions

unless you work for the government.  
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Doc was dope.
I won't say it was "fun" discussing it initially because that word doesn't fit but I did enjoy, discussing it.

I haven't enjoyed anything I've read in here today. This Doc has got people watching and talking though, and I think that's cool.

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Just finished the season :smh:

Steven has that will power to never give up and I applaud him for that. He is not a perfect man and he's owned up to his early mistakes but wow it all started with that cousin that had it out for him and was married to the sheriff back in 1985.

This is one of the few documentaries that I got emotionally invested in. When his Dean and Jeff found the vile of blood was tampered with I literally yelled **** YES and pumped my fist. Then the next episode starts with evidence or witnesses being excused or some ******** and that is when I realized this is not going to end well. Every time Steven or his representatives found a valid argument it was immediately shut down and they could never catch a break.

I am sure all the people who were involved in putting away Steven have been listed here and they all need to rot.
I'm baffled how he's still in jail. Hopefully this documentary will cause someone to look in to his case.

No blood in the house or garage, but it was the crime scene?

There's so much reasonable doubt.

The fact that they cut off Brendan's confession video :smh:
^ not arguing that point. A lot of possible shady things happened. Conviction on murder after it all seems hard to believe.

- rope was said to be used to tie her up after they took her off the bed btw. But yes. Both have been reported.

Found some other forums for ppl who really want to get into the weeds on the case.

"People who really want to get into the weeds on the case" = people who already have their mind made up about what happened? Because that's what those threads look like to me.

Still have to look back over the other links you posted, but so far I really don't see anything that contradicts what was presented in the doc, nothing that can't be explained, or anything that would really put the nail in the coffin for Avery's or Dassey's conviction anyways. People are trying to make this guy seem like a monster and I'm just not buying it. They are also trying to paint him as a crime scene genius with the way he cleaned up all the DNA/blood, but made the most simple mistakes with some of the most crucial pieces of evidence. I appreciate the links though. I figured this whole thing can't be so one-sided.

Whether they are guilty or not, I still don't understand how the prosecutors can say the murder happened in 2 different ways for Averys and Dasseys cases but they both get charged for murder. Am I missing something? Can a NT lawyer or someone with knowledge about these things chime in? How is that even allowed?

And about Anonymous' message: that's cool and everything but we will see if they actually do anything. They used to seem hardcore to me but they are seeming more and more like computer nerds that have a lot of bark and no bite.
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"People who really want to get into the weeds on the case" = people who already have their mind made up about what happened? Because that's what those threads look like to me.

Still have to look back over the other links you posted, but so far I really don't see anything that contradicts what was presented in the doc, nothing that can't be explained, or anything that would really put the nail in the coffin for Avery's or Dassey's conviction anyways. People are trying to make this guy seem like a monster and I'm just not buying it. They are also trying to paint him as a crime scene genius with the way he cleaned up all the DNA/blood, but made the most simple mistakes with some of the most crucial pieces of evidence. I appreciate the links though. I figured this whole thing can't be so one-sided.

Whether they are guilty or not, I still don't understand how the prosecutors can say the murder happened in 2 different ways for Averys and Dasseys cases but they both get charged for murder. Am I missing something? Can a NT lawyer or someone with knowledge about these things chime in? How is that even allowed?

And about Anonymous' message: that's cool and everything but we will see if they actually do anything. They used to seem hardcore to me but they are seeming more and more like computer nerds that have a lot of bark and no bite.

Haven't gone through those other threads yet. I know that is the site where people will have the most info. This kinda of stuff is all they do. And yeah no one is gonna "put nail in the coffin for a conviction". But we can sit back and say yeah, he probably did it. Or I think her Ex did it or whatever theories people have come up with.
How did they find the car so fast? They found the car in like 15 mins :lol:

That's what the lawyer was saying. She was talking about God led her to it.

All those cars what would make her start there. And then putting tree branches over it, when you could have just crushed it

I don't see how he was found guilty. She was killed in the house, but all the blood is in the car. And a random bullet and key. Much less someone obviously planting blood. :smh:
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Crazy how Kratz got caught up with the sexting scandal. Dummy.

Add Kachinskey and the guy working with him, to get Brenden's confession. Fake *** cry because of the ribbon.
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