MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
It's even worse for them to be playing his confession video and the lawyer basically say, I think we've seen enough, we get the gist of it. :smh:

Didn't understand why the rest of the video wasn't played. The defense should've played the last hour of it.
yeah i get what you're saying...

i'm a dateline fanatic...i've seen this story from the jump...had no idea it was this deep though...

the forensic lady was a disaster...she contaminated the dna should have never been brought into evidence...and didn't the defense bring somebody in claiming that it couldn't have been teresa's...

i think that scott did it...have no proof on that claim though...he was just a sketchy scum bag...

No. I agree with the idea it shouldn't have been allowed in court though. The defense had some points there. But in the court of common sense the DNA was there. It was found. You would have to believe she accidentally got some of th DNA on it. Unless you think the frame job isn't just two people I guess. I don't have any doubt th DNA was on it. Either did the court or jury, but I can understand being up in arms about it being allowed.

Everyone has right to come to own opinions. I just find it funny ppl get so upset when people think Steve did it and say "your talking about a mans life ". Then they offer other suspects with even less evidence lol. Not saying you are one of those people though ... With that being said. Many ppl in that family were concicted of sexual crimes and Steve was accused of multiple ones in children, which is why the town hated the family (doc doesn't really explain that). So I have hard time feeling for them. (Other than the wrongful conviction of firs rape. )

Just wanted to clear up another thing. The bullet did not contain DNA from the lab tech. Not sure if people were thinking that. The test trial sample did. Just so we are clear.
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Very many people who referrence all evidence, not just stuff in doc think he did it. Threads online made specially about the documentry is not a real sample of opinions on the cases. People have done research on the case way before this show.
I'm personally torn. However, whether he did it or not is moot as it pertains to law and the the burden of proof. Reminds me of the OJ case. They had a pretty solid case until they went and played with the physical evidence.
I'm personally torn. However, whether he did it or not is moot as it pertains to law and the the burden of proof. Reminds me of the OJ case. They had a pretty solid case until they went and played with the physical evidence.

Completely agree. I feel pretty much the same as oj case. Think he did it. And there was possibly some planted evidence. (EDTA in his case was found in the blood at the crime though which makes it interesting ) (also proves you can find it if it is there )
If Avery were a cop the DA would convene a grand jury for 1 year and even if Avery did murder that lady, the DA would argue that there wasn't enough probable cause for an indictment or that Avery feared for his life. Disgusting double standard.
The guys that did it were the two eye witnesses who went "hunting" ,  they went hunting all right....
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Brendan's older brother and Uncle.

His Uncle straight up said he was happy Steven Avery was locked up. Smh.
Would that surprise you if Steve had been accused by the kids of that family of sexual abuse. Because he was. Doesn't matter if he did it for this point. He was accused and his family knew that. Wouldn't that make you happy someone is locked up? A little ? If your children said he touched them sexually ?
Would that surprise you if Steve had been accused by the kids of that family of sexual abuse. Because he was. Doesn't matter if he did it for this point. He was accused and his family knew that. Wouldn't that make you happy someone is locked up? A little ? If your children said he touched them sexually ?
accusations are accusations though...was he charged with a crime...? his cousin said he ran out to the street to masturbate while she drove past...that is an accusation as well...obviously the averys were disliked for whatever reason...but that doesn't mean he did everything he was accused of...

on a another note though...i thought it was disgusting how the judge kept saying at the sentencing that steve was becoming more dangerous...first a sexual assualt then murder...but dude didn't even commit the sexual assault...the judge was already convinced that he did it...

is it normal to face the same judge that sentenced you to hear out your appeal...? that doesn't seem fair to me at all..
Would that surprise you if Steve had been accused by the kids of that family of sexual abuse. Because he was. Doesn't matter if he did it for this point. He was accused and his family knew that. Wouldn't that make you happy someone is locked up? A little ? If your children said he touched them sexually ?

Aren't you bored at this point of being the thread's contrarian? You aren't really adding anything new in any of your posts, it's the same post in different words for the past 4 pages. We get it., you think Avery is guilty.
accusations are accusations though...was he charged with a crime...? his cousin said he ran out to the street to masturbate while she drove past...that is an accusation as well...obviously the averys were disliked for whatever reason...but that doesn't mean he did everything he was accused of...

on a another note though...i thought it was disgusting how the judge kept saying at the sentencing that steve was becoming more dangerous...first a sexual assualt then murder...but dude didn't even commit the sexual assault...the judge was already convinced that he did it...

is it normal to face the same judge that sentenced you to hear out your appeal...? that doesn't seem fair to me at all..

He was going to be charged with sexual assault of underage female family member before the murder. Due to murder trial they held off to try him on murder. Maybe this is what he was speaking about. Not the case in the 80s. And yes we all know he wasn't convicted of this. But he was accused by the members parents a year and then again months before murder. He wasn't charged the first time because the child refused to talk. Eventually she admitted they slept together. This was known, and was in the media during the time of the trial. I think it would be silly to completely ignore this when comming up with an opinion about him committing a sexually inspired act. In our opinions not In court obviously. That is something that would be argued back and forth
Aren't you bored at this point of being the thread's contrarian? You aren't really adding anything new in any of your posts, it's the same post in different words for the past 4 pages. We get it., you think Avery is guilty.

No because some people are being open minded about it. And I'm very interested in this case obviously. I enjoy talking about it.
^I didn't understand why the judge stated he was becoming more and more dangerous. He was wrongfully accused of raping a woman and was put in jail for 18 years. What else has he done other than working with legislatures to make sure no one else is wrongfully accused again? It's even sad how Brenden was thrown into this entire situation.

Curious to see if there will be an update from Anonymous.
He was going to be charged with sexual assault of underage female family member before the murder. Due to murder trial they held off to try him on murder. Maybe this is what he was speaking about. Not the case in the 80s. And yes we all know he wasn't convicted of this. But he was accused by the members parents a year and then again months before murder. He wasn't charged the first time because the child refused to talk. Eventually she admitted they slept together. This was known, and was in the media during the time of the trial. I think it would be silly to completely ignore this when comming up with an opinion about him committing a sexually inspired act. In our opinions not In court obviously. That is something that would be argued back and forth

you have links to these crimes on underage family...i honestly can't find any...everything is about penny...
you have links to these crimes on underage family...i honestly can't find any...everything is about penny...

I have posted many links in this thread. More info is not hard to find honestly. But here are a couple to get you started.

That is a article talking about delaying his abuse charge.

Here is full transcript of
That phone call between Brendan and his mom.
Doc leaves out part where he talks about how steve has been sexually abusing many people. His mom acknowledges this is know to have been going on
More info was hard to find that's why I asked for links. .everything I've seen was about Teresa and penny...

Kratz needs to be framed for murder...he was accused of sexual assault as well...
This story makes absolutely zero sense. Even if by chance Steven did do it (which I don't believe he did), there wasn't enough to convict. 
More info was hard to find that's why I asked for links. .everything I've seen was about Teresa and penny...

Kratz needs to be framed for murder...he was accused of sexual assault as well...

Haha. Was he the last one known to have contact with someone who was murdered? Then her body found burned in his back yard?

There isn't enough tin foil in the world for some of the people in this thread
Ok last reply then I'm done...

It is possible that someone else seen her and deleted the voicemails...The Cingular employee testified to that

The saddest part with the documentary is

that some people spent all weekend watching this because they have no life...
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Homie posts links but doesn't give the circumstances. That phone transcript is from after he meets with the special investigator and his whole story changes. Nothing he says can be taking at face value because it alters from day to day.

Avery's brothers actually had more run ins with the law and have documented violent behavior. You don't see possibly motive in their part?
Homie posts links but doesn't give the circumstances. That phone transcript is from after he meets with the special investigator and his whole story changes. Nothing he says can be taking at face value because it alters from day to day.

Avery's brothers actually had more run ins with the law and have documented violent behavior. You don't see possibly motive in their part?

So let me get this straight so we are clear. The kid who we say is so mentally limited that detectives were able to talk him into admiting he raped and killed someone then say he was able to come up with numerous stories of Steve sexually abusing others on his own to his mom. When the detectives didn't talk him into that info anywhere in the interview. Is that what we are saying ? If so ok.. If that's what you truly believe.

But then you have to explain why his mom seemed to know exactly what he was talking about on most of the instances and seemed not surprised at all on the others. Is that cause she is dumb too??

Also, that is just in the second link. First link is a totally different occasion.
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