Making your first student loan payment unappreciation


Nov 13, 2009
I know there have been some questionable unappreciation posts this week, but this one is really unappreciated.

Seeing your hard-earned money go to lenders FTL.
name me something that is Free

dont even say peace of mind either.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

name me something that is Free

dont even say peace of mind either.
exactly. Its not like you just payin them off for nothing. You received a good or service in return, and now you gotta pay it back. Such islife.

just a tip. If you can afford to, pay more than your monthly payment amount. The way they amortize that thing is balls man. You gonna be payin a ton ofinterest, especially on the front end, if you continue to make those payments for 10+ years. I wish I realized this earlier. I had it setup to draw out thepayments automatically each month and then one day I went to check my remaining principal balance and it was under $5K. Had I continued on the payment planthey established for me I woulda ended up paying atleast a G or more in interest when I had the cash sittin in my savings account. Paid that thing off andwent out the bar and got S-faced to celebrate being debt free for the first time since I was 18. Such a liberating feeling.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Al Audi

name me something that is Free

dont even say peace of mind either.
exactly. Its not like you just payin them off for nothing. You received a good or service in return, and now you gotta pay it back. Such is life.

just a tip. If you can afford to, pay more than your monthly payment amount. The way they amortize that thing is balls man. You gonna be payin a ton of interest, especially on the front end, if you continue to make those payments for 10+ years. I wish I realized this earlier. I had it setup to draw out the payments automatically each month and then one day I went to check my remaining principal balance and it was under $5K. Had I continued on the payment plan they established for me I woulda ended up paying atleast a G or more in interest when I had the cash sittin in my savings account. Paid that thing off and went out the bar and got S-faced to celebrate being debt free for the first time since I was 18. Such a liberating feeling.

Damn I'm jealous of this feeling...debt free??? Sounds nice...
I'm looking forward to paying it off, Don't wanna have that monkey on my back for 10+ years after receiving my degree
I'm rewarding myself with a vacay or something to celebrate but getting s-faced sounds
Originally Posted by dope like louboutins

I'm looking forward to paying it off, Don't wanna have that monkey on my back for 10+ years after receiving my degree
I'm rewarding myself with a vacay or something to celebrate but getting s-faced sounds
hahahaha after paying it off in 1 lump sum all I could afford was a big bar tab. No money left for a vacay.
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