Man Killed Wife Over FaceBook Status


Jul 18, 2003
[h1]British Man Sentenced to Prison for Hacking Wife to Death Over Facebook Status[/h1]
Friday, October 17, 2008

A British man who killed his wife with a meat cleaver because she changed her Facebook status to "single" was sentenced to at least 14 years in a U.K. prison Friday, the Daily Mail reported.

Wayne Forrester, 35, was under the influence of alcohol and cocaine when he drove to their family home and murdered his wife, Emma, as she slept in her bed. The couple had recently separated and Forrester felt humiliated when Emma changed her relationship status to single on Facebook.

The police were called amid Emma's screams for her life. Wayne emerged from the house, drenched in blood and gripping a carton of juice when the police arrived. Holding his stained hands out for handcuffs, the Mail Online reports he told police, "Who called you? My wife is in there. I killed her."

When the police found Emma's butchered body, the Mail reports she had multiple head and neck wounds, her arms badly bruised from defending her husband's blows. Clumps of her hair were trailing the hall outside the bedroom and two banister rails had been broken off.

"The whole incident seemed a blur. I felt I was watching somebody else attacking Emma," the Mail reports Forrester said in his defense.

"Your wife ended the relationship. Your reaction was one of anger and resentment," said Common Serjeant of London Brian Barker QC, reports the Mail Online. "There is no possible excuse or justification.",2933,439961,00.html,2933,439961,00.html,2933,439961,00.html

Internetzz...serious bitness

Edit - Her Pic


A British man who killed his wife with a meat cleaver because she changed her Facebook status to "single" was sentenced to at least 14 years in aU.K. prison Friday, the Daily Mail reported.

I remember my ex did that..I went to go break up with her but she said we could work it out....on my way back to my dorm I saw on facebook mobile we were nolonger in a excuse for killing people though...
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Wayne emerged from the house, drenched in blood and gripping a carton of juice when the police arrived.
Like it was nothing..
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

I remember my ex did that..I went to go break up with her but she said we could work it out....on my way back to my dorm I saw on facebook mobile we were no longer in a excuse for killing people though...
Is it that serious!!?????!!!
Originally Posted by ness

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Wayne emerged from the house, drenched in blood and gripping a carton of juice when the police arrived.
Like it was nothing..
He was like, yea I killed me wife. Big whoop, what to fight about it.???
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

I remember my ex did that..I went to go break up with her but she said we could work it out....on my way back to my dorm I saw on facebook mobile we were no longer in a excuse for killing people though...
Is it that serious!!?????!!!

a minimum of 14???????
Dude kills another human being and gets possibly 14 years for it?
the hell is that?
MenBoys these days... disgrace to being male and human in general. I was wondering why and then cameacross "alcohol and cocaine"

On another note, facebook is crazy. College students in their 20s, my (girl)friend got asked out by her current boyfriend VIA FACEBOOK! That's how heasked her out... facebook is just life for ppl. I do have to give major props to facebook for a) my current girl found me on facebook and b) can up your swagon facebook

Back to the subject, RIP
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