Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Dec 13, 2004

Teaser coming out with TDKR.




In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El (Henry Cavill) is a young twenty-something journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond his imagination. Transported years ago to Earth from Krypton, a highly advanced, distant planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question 'Why am I here?' Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Diane Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), Clark discovers having extraordinary abilities means making difficult decisions. When the world is in dire need of stability, an even greater threat emerges. Clark must become a Man of Steel, to protect the people he loves and shine as the world's beacon of hope - Superman.
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Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Does this have anything to do with that last Super Man that came out?

Nope, they are completely ignoring any other Superman film ever made.
Vid description they showed at the SDCC panel:

We see flashes of Smallville. The farm house. Clark running in a red cape as a child.

An older, bearded Clark walks a snowy road in an arctic town.

We hear Russell Crowe's voice talking about children being inspired to greater things

It sounds like it's cut with Kevin Costner's voice. Both fathers are giving Clark/Kal advice on how to become who he wants to be

We see Clark being brought to the Kent barn and shown the spaceship that has been hidden there

 Clark holds a small piece of metal with the S logo on the end

We're jumping back and forth through time periods

 Clark, as a teen, saved a bus of kids

 The bus crashed in the water and we see him swimming, pulling the door off.

 "People are afraid of what they don't understand," says Costner

 We see Clark talking to Jor-El. They're standing right in front of one another, but I think it's a holographic projection (though it looks live)

 We see Superman in the suit. First from a distance and then walking across a snowy plain

 There are flashing of Superman flying and one of him catching someone falling off a building

 A single flash of Amy Adams' Lois Lane

 One flash has Superman (in costume) -- seemingly in handcuffs -- being led down a hallway by a security force

 We see Clark (without seeing his face) stepping into an elevator and begin to lift glasses to his face

 There's a flash of Clark, shirtless, with his whole body on fire

 Another of him crashing into the bank vault we saw in the first still. It looks like he's been thrown.

Two big shots that I didn't see before...

Superman climbing out of a pile of skulls

And the military turning their weapons on Superman

We also hear a woman's voice saying "My son saw what Clark did on that bus."
Zack Snyder: the past, Superman has been a big blue boy scout on throne.

 I want to make it so he can beat the s--t out of people.
I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.

OG film came out 34 years ago and no reboot has been made since then. 
looks like joe pesci playing superman

superman's my favorite , can't help but feel like they'll f*ck this one up too .....
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.

OG film came out 34 years ago and no reboot has been made since then. 

2006 ?

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.

OG film came out 34 years ago and no reboot has been made since then. 

2006 ?


Not a reboot and not an origins story. That film took place after Superman 2.
This one is going all the way back to Krypton and whatever happens that sends him to earth. A complete and true reboot. Liek if you've never heard of Superman for some reason, this is the film to see to see what happened to him and how he became to be.
So if this movie sucks too will they just reboot it again?
I'm not really excited for this.  I'd rather have another Superman cartoon movie or a new cartoon series.  The Superman cartoon on the WB and the JLA one on Cartoon Network were great.  They should've just kept those going.

Michael Shannon as General Zod

Antje Traue as Faora

My Wife:

Amy Adams as Lois Lane
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.

OG film came out 34 years ago and no reboot has been made since then. 

2006 ?

Just goes to show you how forgettable it was 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

I just can't get hyped for this. This reboot seems to jump the gun moreso than Spider-Man in some weird way. He's such a cheap "hero" overall.

OG film came out 34 years ago and no reboot has been made since then. 

2006 ?


Not a reboot and not an origins story. That film took place after Superman 2.
This one is going all the way back to Krypton and whatever happens that sends him to earth. A complete and true reboot. Liek if you've never heard of Superman for some reason, this is the film to see to see what happened to him and how he became to be.

got it ......
the last Superman was dreadful my friend actually fell asleep and was snoring...people were getting mad at me 

I remember Brandon Routh more for this than Superman

Originally Posted by shogun

So if this movie sucks too will they just reboot it again?
I'm not really excited for this.  I'd rather have another Superman cartoon movie or a new cartoon series.  The Superman cartoon on the WB and the JLA one on Cartoon Network were great.  They should've just kept those going.

Have faith, Nolan is grand fathering the film, his brother (the guy who co-wrote TDK & TDKR) is co-writing it with Snyder. 
Also, if there is one thing Snyder knows, it's to make great action sequences so we will get to see Superman kick a**.
I'm excited for this movie
.  I can see how people don't like his costume or the fact that he has almost every super power, but Chris Nolan and David Goyer are doing the story, so that should be solid.  I'm sure Nolan wouldn't even put his name on the movie if he didn't think it'd be any good...
Brandon Routh wasn't the problem with Superman Returns. The story was awful. Luthor with another land/real estate scam. Kate Bosworth. Lois giving birth to Superman's son. Superman not throwing a single punch in the entire film.

And I'm still skeptical on why they moved the film's release. True, the original release date was very close to The Hobbit (another WB release), but I just hope they don't CGI the film to death. And as much faith as I have in Nolan & Co., according to him (a couple months ago), once the script and development was completed, he handed the reigns over to Snyder. And really, he has yet to direct a film that's close to the caliber of Dawn of the Dead (even though I personally thought Watchmen had its' moments).
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