Man stays in a room for 5 days straight (live)

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

/b/ has gotten ahold of this so 100000 comin soon
will prolly 404 soon
Originally Posted by mistah majestic

wait, it's only been like 1 day? What is he gonna do for the next 4 days, if he cuts off his arm?

Someone said earlier that if he stays for 5 days he gets 5000euros, so if he leaves early he going home empty handed(literally)
Why do I have a feeling he's not gonna cut his hand off and instead it's gonna be a big marketing ploy.
I think he is just going to cut his arm maybe, not cut anything off. "On lui coupe un bras", google translates into "he cuts an arm"
Originally Posted by mistah majestic

I think he is just going to cut his arm maybe, not cut anything off. "On lui coupe un bras", google translates into "he cuts an arm"

shady $+@%
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