Man/Woman Arrested at Iowa vs. Minnesota Game for Public Sex...LOOOOL

Dec 16, 2003
Posted by Michael David Smith on November 26, 2008, 11:13 a.m. EST

Iowa beat Minnesota 55-0 Saturday, and a couple of Iowa fans decided to celebrate.

The fans, a 38-year-old woman and a 26-year-old man, both from Iowa, were arrested in a restroom at the Metrodome for indecent conduct, a misdemeanor, because they were having sex in a stall.

University of Minnesota Police Chief Greg Hestness said it was the first time in his six years that one of his officers has broken up a sex act at a game. He added that citations for indecent conduct at the Metrodome usually involve public urination. Good to know.

The woman had to be picked up by her husband and the man had to be picked up by his girlfriend. That must have made for an interesting drive back to Iowa.
at them getting picked up by there partners lmao

in iowa local news "man murders wife for having sex with fellow iowa state fan at a game"

id kill my partner, i wouldnt even of picked em up real talk.
Apparently, the action on the field during the Minnesota Gophers' last game at the Metrodome, a 55-0 loss to Iowa, wasn't nearly as exciting as the action going on inside a bathroom stall at the stadium.

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, two Iowa fans were cited with misdemeanors after they were caught allegedly having a sexual tryst inside a handicapped bathroom stall while a crowd inside the restroom cheered them on.

The police report says the lovers were discovered when a Metrodome security guard noticed two sets of feet with underwear on the ground inside the stall. The man, 26, was released to his girlfriend and the woman, 38, released to her husband.

at partner going to pick them up. What a shame. How does that even happen. Where were their partners while this was happening
they said 15 people were cheering them on as they noticed 2 pairs of underwear laying on the floor

I wanna go to their thanksgiving festivities and see how that is
According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, two Iowa fans were cited with misdemeanors after they were caught allegedly having a sexual tryst inside a handicapped bathroom stall while a crowd inside the restroom cheered them on.
That's the best part (well outside of being releasedto your significant others)

Crowd just cheerin them on, you have to if you root for the Gophers
Originally Posted by Apples28

at partner going to pick them up. What a shame. How does that even happen. Where were their partners while this was happening
Doing each other?They just better at what they do.Getting bagged ftl

the crowd cheering them on + they had to be picked up by their partners.

that's MN standard though
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