Man's greatest inventions vol. your top 5

1. wheel
2. elevator, people now live upwards, not sidewards; this helps with landmass and population
3. car
4. typewriter/newspress so ideas got by faster
5. sewer system
1. Internet
2. Automobile
3. Light Bulb
4. Waste Collection System
5. Appliances (microwave, washer, dryer, etc.)
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i dunno man this thread's probably up there
dude put microwaves #1. just wow.
All posts somehow related to "swangaz" lol Edit: Also I want to change my name to Dank Roofus so I can rhyme with Crank Lucas and Frank Mucus.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

1. porn
2. tv to watch the porn
3. internet to download the porn
4. fleshlight to enhance your experience watching the downloaded porn on the tv
5. lube for the fleshlight to enhance your experience watching your downloaded porn on the tv
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