Marketing Heads Check in!!! Please :)

Jul 11, 2007
Right now, im in my 3rd year of college and its time to choose a concentration. I am a Marketing major and wanted to know if there was anyone in that fieldthat could give me some insight on what they do. What industrys are growing ect... I have no idea which one i should choose so your educated opinions would beappreciated.
Here are my options:
Marketing Communications/ Advertising
E- commerce
Entertainment Marketing
General Marketing
Interactive Marketing
Internation Marketing
Professional Sales/ Sales Management
Market Research
Product Brand Management
Retail Management
Well, sis... I'm no marketing major, so I can't help you out here.
But I expect this thread to offer you no insight. Not here... It's already looking bad.
First serious post?

In all honesty, I'd recommend Entertainment Marketing, and try to shoot towards international television/media.

American Television is growing more and more popular daily, especially in Latin America. Within the next couple years everyone will be watching MTV down there.Believe that.
Originally Posted by soltheman

First serious post?

In all honesty, I'd recommend Entertainment Marketing, and try to shoot towards international television/media.

American Television is growing more and more popular daily, especially in Latin America. Within the next couple years everyone will be watching MTV down there. Believe that.

First serious post? uhhh no.
Yeah thats what i'm leaning towards but it doesnt seem stable and hard to get into... Im not against hard work but i want something thats gonna guarntee mea job and that not solely based on who you know.
Marketing huh. 90% of the time you're going to start off doing personal selling which is professional selling. If I could go back, I would probably changemy major. Since you can choose which concentration I would say go with entertainment or advertising.
I'm a older cat doing marketing work for Microsoft (no, I do not work on the I am PC ads..)

My only advice to you regarding marketing is to get some sort of experience while your in school because once you graduate, it will be hard to get into theindustry unless you start off doing some sort of promo/sales bs.

Plus stay out of print advertising..that field is pretty much dying, while online (interactive) advertising is growing.
Originally Posted by odog4eva

I'm a older cat doing marketing work for Microsoft (no, I do not work on the I am PC ads..)

My only advice to you regarding marketing is to get some sort of experience while your in school because once you graduate, it will be hard to get into the industry unless you start off doing some sort of promo/sales bs.

Plus stay out of print advertising..that field is pretty much dying, while online (interactive) advertising is growing.
cool... thanks for the advice... im trying to hunt down internships right now

How is it working for Microsoft... whats the salary like in marketing?
I can probably help you out, just shoot me your number and we"ll set up a lunch where i can provide you with priceless insight and get you on the insidetrack
You can sell knowledge(teaching), but you rather to work for the man and sell his garbage.

But I can't hate, Marketing is pretty interactive, its fun.....

I didn't realize the video had cursing....
Sales is ALWAYS hiring

Marketing Comm/Advertising pays peanuts at first (because everyone wants to do it), but if you stick it out you will make bank

Market Research: If you enjoy data/numbers/looking up stuff. Coming out of school this pays the best
davidisgodly... cant u get banned for posting a video with profanity? i almost got in trouble at work trying to listen to it.
davidisgodly... cant u get banned for posting a video with profanity? i almost got in trouble at work trying to listen to it.
research (specifically data mining) will pay the best but it is extremely boring to most
sales is always hiring and has unlimited earning potential as long as you can keep up the hustle.
im a double major in mktg and sales and i initially thought that i wanted to do marketing but im probably gonna do sales. its alot more lively and engaging.all the glamorous stuff (advertising, ent. mkting etc) is cool to say but its very cut-throat and unsecure. usually the first place to get funds cut duringlean times although it can be argued that they contribute most to revenue.

if youre more reserved and cool with having to sit in a cube all day try research
if you like to generate ideas with others and can handle being very accountable for your job try the advertising stuff
if you like travel and are a hustler try sales
Eterntainment Marketing makes alot of easy money.

E-commerce does too but it takes more I believe.
I got into Marketing 2 years ago, so I'm still fairly new.

Indeed, print advertising is dying down. More people are using the social networking sites more often now than ever to get their word across.
Companies are looking for ways to cut corners.

Currently I work in the Entertainment Industry as a Promotions Coordinator.
I enjoy my job (70% night, 30% day) but it's very cut throat and second chances are slim.
Honestly, go out and mingle. Create contacts, maybe they'll let you shadow them and keep hunting down those internships.
Best Marketing jobs go to those in the know.
I also want to do something in marketing but Im not down to sale stuff.... like door to door

I dont think ill be good at that.

Im interested in advertisement and stuff. Like who chooses comercials and ad placement
Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

Sales is ALWAYS hiring

Marketing Comm/Advertising pays peanuts at first (because everyone wants to do it), but if you stick it out you will make bank

Market Research: If you enjoy data/numbers/looking up stuff. Coming out of school this pays the best
pretty much sum it all

if you want to get into advertising, get an internship. the hrs are brutal and it is a fast paced job
sales doesn't take any experience, just perseverance. commission based
a lot of engineering and math grads go into market research
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