Marlins/Hanley Ramirez working on 6 year/70 million dollar deal

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

i don't see hanley finishing out this contract playing for the fish.

if that deal goes thru, it won't be hard to trade him and get fair value in return.

well, maybe it won't...depending on how it's paid out.
uncharacteristic move by the marlins. the fish have a bright future with ramirez as their foundation. he's already the sickest shortstop in the game andthe 2nd best young player in baseball...zimmerman's big pay day is on the horizon.
If only the people in Florida would realize the team they got out there and COME OUT TO WATCH A FREAKIN' GAME. I would love to watch Hanley play 81 gamesa year....
hanley is such a stud, but not that many people know about him cuz of the team he plays on... if he played on a bigger named team, people would be talkingabout him as an MVP candidate, top 10 player in the game, etc etc.....glad to see he is getting rewarded
but I def do not see the Marlins being in first place all season long. Its a feel good story though.
I agree and being a Phils fan I don't care about it being a feel good story. Nobody got killed or anything like that to my knowledge soforget em. I'll think the Marlins are more for real once they play the harder teams more consistently. Beating up on the bumbs and scrubs don'timpress me. I would like to thank them again though for beating the Mets last year
I love this move!!!

Lets hope Olson and the boys can keep the wins coming!

Let's go Fish!!!

Opening Day 2011, I'll be there

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

uncharacteristic move by the marlins. the fish have a bright future with ramirez as their foundation. he's already the sickest shortstop in the game and the 2nd best young player in baseball...zimmerman's big pay day is on the horizon.
Who's the best? If you say Zimmerman I'll never stop laughing. Zim isn't even the best player in the Baltimore/DC Area
Yesss!! For all the HATIN FANS AKA METS, PHILS, NATS keep your comments to yourself!! Next up is Danny Uggla!! Go FISH
Originally Posted by ScoopEm

Originally Posted by J RAIN 23

uncharacteristic move by the marlins. the fish have a bright future with ramirez as their foundation. he's already the sickest shortstop in the game and the 2nd best young player in baseball...zimmerman's big pay day is on the horizon.
Who's the best? If you say Zimmerman I'll never stop laughing. Zim isn't even the best player in the Baltimore/DC Area

man just ignore him and he will go away, the same i do to myannoying 8 year old nephew who won't stop poking me ..... dude constantly makes ridiculous comments like this.

JRAIN, lemme put it to you like this.....YOU... CANNOT.. BE.. THE..SICKEST.. SHORTSTOP...IN..THE..GAME...WHEN.. YOU...MAKE...A...ERROR..EVERY...TEN..ATTEMPTS..YOU..GET....

Hanley is 1 of my fave. players in the game, but to say he's theSICKEST or BEST is out of line
Well *%#%%! deserved.
he's the youngest brightest star in the Bigs.

Glad to see El Nino Get that $$$$$$

It's about time that we made a commitment to one of our young players. Hanley's a stud. I'll enjoy watching him play in south florida for years tocome
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