Married NTers and those living with their girls please chime in Vol. Women Vs Shoes

its not like she doesn't work cuz she's just lazy...if she's working towards graduating and getting a decent paying job that will benefit both of you i don't see how you could hold it over her head that you're paying for everything for now...

at the end of the year you would have spent 12gs if you were to be consistent and really spend 500 every 2 weeks...that adds up even when your savings account is still looking nice right now...

i don't think it should be hard to cut back a little
its not like she doesn't work cuz she's just lazy...if she's working towards graduating and getting a decent paying job that will benefit both of you i don't see how you could hold it over her head that you're paying for everything for now...

at the end of the year you would have spent 12gs if you were to be consistent and really spend 500 every 2 weeks...that adds up even when your savings account is still looking nice right now...

i don't think it should be hard to cut back a little
i think you guys are taking the 500$ every two weeks too literal, and thats my fault i should have said an average of 2 pairs every 2 weeks and sometimes that adds up to 500$ but most of the tie it doesn't...
i think you guys are taking the 500$ every two weeks too literal, and thats my fault i should have said an average of 2 pairs every 2 weeks and sometimes that adds up to 500$ but most of the tie it doesn't...
dude cop your kicks.  we all got our hobbies.  sounds like you're living good, got money in the bank.  you deserve to spend some money on kicks. .
dude cop your kicks.  we all got our hobbies.  sounds like you're living good, got money in the bank.  you deserve to spend some money on kicks. .
My girlfriend of 4 years did not care. I had about 30 pairs when I first met her. About a year after I was with her I got a bad %** job. I made what I got in a week in one day. Started collecting alot more & started storing them at my parents house. Went from 30 pair to around 400 in three years. She is more concerned now than anything but knows I manage money well. I have all my bills paid for 2 years in advance and all 3 cars paid in full. BUT now that we are having TWINS! I have been more selective when I splurge. I spoke to her about selling some of my shoes if god forbid we ever get in a bind and she hit me with a stoneface. She says if it makes me happy then she is happy. She tells me not to get rid of any with all the time I have invested and that I'm young(23) and if I got it now why not? If you got it now WHY NOT? Though she is a bit salty about me wanting a shoe/game room in our new She has a full time job and doesn't fully understand my addiction. I tell her she doesn't have to work but she is a paper chaser too. Lol.Babies are not due till november but I got the dr. paid off. Everyone has a vice. For a minute there I was spending a grand every week or two. I have never sold a shoe I have bought. Sell because you have to not because you want to like you did with your wedding. I work my %** off waking up at 4:30 everyday so I dont mind spending cash on what makes me happy. Do the same. My .02
My girlfriend of 4 years did not care. I had about 30 pairs when I first met her. About a year after I was with her I got a bad %** job. I made what I got in a week in one day. Started collecting alot more & started storing them at my parents house. Went from 30 pair to around 400 in three years. She is more concerned now than anything but knows I manage money well. I have all my bills paid for 2 years in advance and all 3 cars paid in full. BUT now that we are having TWINS! I have been more selective when I splurge. I spoke to her about selling some of my shoes if god forbid we ever get in a bind and she hit me with a stoneface. She says if it makes me happy then she is happy. She tells me not to get rid of any with all the time I have invested and that I'm young(23) and if I got it now why not? If you got it now WHY NOT? Though she is a bit salty about me wanting a shoe/game room in our new She has a full time job and doesn't fully understand my addiction. I tell her she doesn't have to work but she is a paper chaser too. Lol.Babies are not due till november but I got the dr. paid off. Everyone has a vice. For a minute there I was spending a grand every week or two. I have never sold a shoe I have bought. Sell because you have to not because you want to like you did with your wedding. I work my %** off waking up at 4:30 everyday so I dont mind spending cash on what makes me happy. Do the same. My .02
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I met my wife 11 years ago, as long as she's known me i have always been into sneakers....over the years due to lack of extra cash i had to prioritized and well my obsession with shoes had to take a backseat to other more important things, anyhow we got married a year ago and around that same time i landed a second part time job, this brings in at least an extra 1600$ every two weeks to play with. Since then my drive to buy shoes kicked into full gear, bill are still getting paid, she still gets laced, we still go out and vacation and food is always on the table and our savings still growing, not as fast as it would if i didn't spend 500$ every two weeks on shoes but still. Now she happens to have a huge issue with my spending on this habit, she thinks is immature and that at 28 years of age i should focus on other things, thing is i feel i got our lives covered anyways. I mean is she right? do you guys balance your wives/girlfriends with your collecting hobby?? or do they fully understand and don't care??.....just curious...depending on the answers ill probably show her this thread so that maybe she can understand a bit better 

she thinks NT is responsible for this habit to have resurfaced now that im older.

BTW I told her about this dude i saw at the release of the YOTRs with his girl and two little daughters on line and said thats when she sees me doing some +%@@ like that, then she should be concerned...

1. what kind of second job you got where you can bring in $1600 every two weeks?


2. i hate when people try to tell others what's mature and what isnt. if you're handling all of your business, and its no financial burden, then why not? who's to say what's mature or not for the next person...

that really angers me when people do that... my girl always try to tell me i'm immature cuz i play call of duty, download porn, and cop jays every now and again... if i cop my game, buy my internet, pay my bills AND HER BILLS sometimes, and not struggling, i can do what the ***@ i want w/ my extra money...

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I met my wife 11 years ago, as long as she's known me i have always been into sneakers....over the years due to lack of extra cash i had to prioritized and well my obsession with shoes had to take a backseat to other more important things, anyhow we got married a year ago and around that same time i landed a second part time job, this brings in at least an extra 1600$ every two weeks to play with. Since then my drive to buy shoes kicked into full gear, bill are still getting paid, she still gets laced, we still go out and vacation and food is always on the table and our savings still growing, not as fast as it would if i didn't spend 500$ every two weeks on shoes but still. Now she happens to have a huge issue with my spending on this habit, she thinks is immature and that at 28 years of age i should focus on other things, thing is i feel i got our lives covered anyways. I mean is she right? do you guys balance your wives/girlfriends with your collecting hobby?? or do they fully understand and don't care??.....just curious...depending on the answers ill probably show her this thread so that maybe she can understand a bit better 

she thinks NT is responsible for this habit to have resurfaced now that im older.

BTW I told her about this dude i saw at the release of the YOTRs with his girl and two little daughters on line and said thats when she sees me doing some +%@@ like that, then she should be concerned...

1. what kind of second job you got where you can bring in $1600 every two weeks?


2. i hate when people try to tell others what's mature and what isnt. if you're handling all of your business, and its no financial burden, then why not? who's to say what's mature or not for the next person...

that really angers me when people do that... my girl always try to tell me i'm immature cuz i play call of duty, download porn, and cop jays every now and again... if i cop my game, buy my internet, pay my bills AND HER BILLS sometimes, and not struggling, i can do what the ***@ i want w/ my extra money...

That's a ridiculous amount of cash to spend on kicks.  Your wife is right.  Even though you are taking care of business, you are wasting a whole lot of money that could be saved to put kids through college, nicer house, etc, etc.

at thinking buying kicks is an "investment" with Nike/JB's pathetic declining quality. 
That's a ridiculous amount of cash to spend on kicks.  Your wife is right.  Even though you are taking care of business, you are wasting a whole lot of money that could be saved to put kids through college, nicer house, etc, etc.

at thinking buying kicks is an "investment" with Nike/JB's pathetic declining quality. 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.
I wonder how she'll feel if you cut down on her louboutin and LV purchases...

She pays no bills, yet you got he draped up in LV and other high end +%$+..and you can't buy sneakers?
I wonder how she'll feel if you cut down on her louboutin and LV purchases...

She pays no bills, yet you got he draped up in LV and other high end +%$+..and you can't buy sneakers?
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.

When did I say I spend 1600$ on shoes every two weeks?...
But I know what you are saying, marriage takes alot of effort and being very open minded and I'm sure I'm not the first or the last dude struggling with how to handle finances with his wife, that #@*! takes practice and patience.
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