Married NTers and those living with their girls please chime in Vol. Women Vs Shoes

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.

When did I say I spend 1600$ on shoes every two weeks?...
But I know what you are saying, marriage takes alot of effort and being very open minded and I'm sure I'm not the first or the last dude struggling with how to handle finances with his wife, that #@*! takes practice and patience.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.

When did I say I spend 1600$ on shoes every two weeks?...
But I know what you are saying, marriage takes alot of effort and being very open minded and I'm sure I'm not the first or the last dude struggling with how to handle finances with his wife, that #@*! takes practice and patience.
I went back and edited; I misread and thought you said $1,600. I think you meant $500 every 2 weeks? Either way, my bad!
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i'm going to be the voice of dissent out of all you kids...
when you are's not my(yours) money and your(hers)'s OUR money.

the fact that you're bringing home most the proverbial bacon doesn't both should have an EQUAL say on your HOUSEHOLD's budget.
You're being the equivalent of a financial bully b/c you're the bigger breadwinner.. the whole "might is right"

Your household income is not just yours anymore... it belongs to both of you...
it's not your money, and then whatever's leftover after the bills and after I spend on what I want...then the rest is "ours"

..that's what being married is.
ITA. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to say this straight up.

At the end of the day, what you do with the money brought into the household affects not only you, but your wife, and your children (if you have any). If any man  (or woman) who is the breadwinner resorts to 'it's MY money, I can do as I please even if it causes friction in my marriage', they have no reason getting/staying married, imo.
The 'what's your is yours and what's mine is mine' does not work with marriage. It just doesn't. $1,000 on sneakers is insane to me; at 28, you should be focusing on padding your savings (which you admit is not where it should be) and your retirement/investments. Maybe it's because I'm engaged and have seriously begun planning my future with my SO, but I know I would be very, very upset if he spent that much money on anything material just because he 'could'. I could drop a few thousand on handbags, but I wouldn't do that because I know saving that money would only benefit us in the long run.

When did I say I spend 1600$ on shoes every two weeks?...
But I know what you are saying, marriage takes alot of effort and being very open minded and I'm sure I'm not the first or the last dude struggling with how to handle finances with his wife, that #@*! takes practice and patience.
I went back and edited; I misread and thought you said $1,600. I think you meant $500 every 2 weeks? Either way, my bad!
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I met my wife 11 years ago, as long as she's known me i have always been into sneakers....over the years due to lack of extra cash i had to prioritized and well my obsession with shoes had to take a backseat to other more important things, anyhow we got married a year ago and around that same time i landed a second part time job, this brings in at least an extra 1600$ every two weeks to play with. Since then my drive to buy shoes kicked into full gear, bill are still getting paid, she still gets laced, we still go out and vacation and food is always on the table and our savings still growing, not as fast as it would if i didn't spend 500$ every two weeks on shoes but still. Now she happens to have a huge issue with my spending on this habit, she thinks is immature and that at 28 years of age i should focus on other things, thing is i feel i got our lives covered anyways. I mean is she right? do you guys balance your wives/girlfriends with your collecting hobby?? or do they fully understand and don't care??.....just curious...depending on the answers ill probably show her this thread so that maybe she can understand a bit better 

she thinks NT is responsible for this habit to have resurfaced now that im older.

BTW I told her about this dude i saw at the release of the YOTRs with his girl and two little daughters on line and said thats when she sees me doing some +%@@ like that, then she should be concerned...
first off congrats for still putting a little savings on the side and putting your priorities. i personally dont think ill ever get married cause i focus on my kids and self to much to be worried about what my gf or wife says. so that makes me what
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I met my wife 11 years ago, as long as she's known me i have always been into sneakers....over the years due to lack of extra cash i had to prioritized and well my obsession with shoes had to take a backseat to other more important things, anyhow we got married a year ago and around that same time i landed a second part time job, this brings in at least an extra 1600$ every two weeks to play with. Since then my drive to buy shoes kicked into full gear, bill are still getting paid, she still gets laced, we still go out and vacation and food is always on the table and our savings still growing, not as fast as it would if i didn't spend 500$ every two weeks on shoes but still. Now she happens to have a huge issue with my spending on this habit, she thinks is immature and that at 28 years of age i should focus on other things, thing is i feel i got our lives covered anyways. I mean is she right? do you guys balance your wives/girlfriends with your collecting hobby?? or do they fully understand and don't care??.....just curious...depending on the answers ill probably show her this thread so that maybe she can understand a bit better 

she thinks NT is responsible for this habit to have resurfaced now that im older.

BTW I told her about this dude i saw at the release of the YOTRs with his girl and two little daughters on line and said thats when she sees me doing some +%@@ like that, then she should be concerned...
first off congrats for still putting a little savings on the side and putting your priorities. i personally dont think ill ever get married cause i focus on my kids and self to much to be worried about what my gf or wife says. so that makes me what
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

..I think ppl giving advice should disclose their relationship/living status and age.

soon to be wife

have a son and been living together about 4 years.

i pay majority of the bills on my own, she handles the cable and her phone bill since she only works PT with her sis in law.

the only gripe she has is that we dont have alot of space, we have a rather large walk in closet and my stuff dominates most of it (sneaker wise)

she cant complain, she doesnt pay for my @%%$ and she no say what i do with my money, all our bills our taken care of, we live comfortable and have some cash aside.

she also doesnt lead a spoiled liftstyle
  very simple.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

..I think ppl giving advice should disclose their relationship/living status and age.

soon to be wife

have a son and been living together about 4 years.

i pay majority of the bills on my own, she handles the cable and her phone bill since she only works PT with her sis in law.

the only gripe she has is that we dont have alot of space, we have a rather large walk in closet and my stuff dominates most of it (sneaker wise)

she cant complain, she doesnt pay for my @%%$ and she no say what i do with my money, all our bills our taken care of, we live comfortable and have some cash aside.

she also doesnt lead a spoiled liftstyle
  very simple.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by oidreez

at 28 i wouldn't be collecting shoes like you are

Yeah... 34 and married.  There are a TON of better things you can do with that money than buy shoes.
put it in your future kids college savings, let it grow.

$500 every few weeks?  That has to be exaggerated a little right?  Man, just think if you'd invested that money in Chevron shares before the price of gas shot up.  or in shares of Google or Amazon... then set your mind to not withdraw/sell for 10 years.  10 years from now you'd be 
.... OR.... you can have a closet full of shoes that no one really desires and aren't worth the box they're stored in.

quoting NT'er Shapeshiftah ~ "now I am stuck with 175+ pairs of kicks that I don't even wear anymore. "
i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by oidreez

at 28 i wouldn't be collecting shoes like you are

Yeah... 34 and married.  There are a TON of better things you can do with that money than buy shoes.
put it in your future kids college savings, let it grow.

$500 every few weeks?  That has to be exaggerated a little right?  Man, just think if you'd invested that money in Chevron shares before the price of gas shot up.  or in shares of Google or Amazon... then set your mind to not withdraw/sell for 10 years.  10 years from now you'd be 
.... OR.... you can have a closet full of shoes that no one really desires and aren't worth the box they're stored in.

quoting NT'er Shapeshiftah ~ "now I am stuck with 175+ pairs of kicks that I don't even wear anymore. "
i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.
Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Yeah... 34 and married.  There are a TON of better things you can do with that money than buy shoes.
put it in your future kids college savings, let it grow.

$500 every few weeks?  That has to be exaggerated a little right?  Man, just think if you'd invested that money in Chevron shares before the price of gas shot up.  or in shares of Google or Amazon... then set your mind to not withdraw/sell for 10 years.  10 years from now you'd be 
.... OR.... you can have a closet full of shoes that no one really desires and aren't worth the box they're stored in.

quoting NT'er Shapeshiftah ~ "now I am stuck with 175+ pairs of kicks that I don't even wear anymore. "
i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.

Can you sell or withdraw your money at any given time??...Thank you so much, you definately handed me info that I find extremely useful.
Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Yeah... 34 and married.  There are a TON of better things you can do with that money than buy shoes.
put it in your future kids college savings, let it grow.

$500 every few weeks?  That has to be exaggerated a little right?  Man, just think if you'd invested that money in Chevron shares before the price of gas shot up.  or in shares of Google or Amazon... then set your mind to not withdraw/sell for 10 years.  10 years from now you'd be 
.... OR.... you can have a closet full of shoes that no one really desires and aren't worth the box they're stored in.

quoting NT'er Shapeshiftah ~ "now I am stuck with 175+ pairs of kicks that I don't even wear anymore. "
i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.

Can you sell or withdraw your money at any given time??...Thank you so much, you definately handed me info that I find extremely useful.
Are you satisfied with your life? Is she? Does she want to one day own a bigger home, have better cars, etc.? You? Maybe y'all need to talk about long-term goals because that's another reason she might be speaking up.
Are you satisfied with your life? Is she? Does she want to one day own a bigger home, have better cars, etc.? You? Maybe y'all need to talk about long-term goals because that's another reason she might be speaking up.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by ksteezy

i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.

Can you sell or withdraw your money at any given time??...Thank you so much, you definately handed me info that I find extremely useful.
Yup, with the click of a button online.  (As long as the stock doesn't go to 0 because of bankruptcy or you have a halt in trading) 

Most accounts allow you to write checks with them.  So you can sell your stock and then write a check using the cash from the stock you sold.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by ksteezy

i need to educate myself on investments....SERIOUSLY.

it's not hard at all.  There's actually not much educating that you need. 
If you have an account with WellsFargo, they can open up a stock/brokerage account for you.  WellsFargo will move $1000 into that new account for you to buy whatever shares you want.

Ameritrade I think also has the same $1000 minimum needed to open an account.  E-Trade is $2500 if I'm not mistaken.
The point is, once you get an account open, you can buy/sell online EASY.  Just follow billionaire Warren Buffet's advice and "buy what you know".
If you eat at McDonalds, buy McDonalds stock.  If you are a fan of Chevron gasoline, then buy Chevron stock... Apple shares are an incredible investment at any price... there's Amazon, Coca~Cola stock, Pepsi stock.

If I'm not mistaken, Pepsi Corp owns other brands like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut... but don't quote on the exact brands.
Plus if you buy good and STABLE companies like Johnson & Johnson or Proctor & Gamble, you get quarterly dividends paid to you straight depending on the number of shares you own.
I personally own J&J because we use a lot of baby products with my kids.  Plus you KNOW everyone is going to buy baby products.

If you look at your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, stuff that you use everyday, you'll be surprised that you use stuff made by the same corporation (ie. Proctor & Gamble)

  I mean, you support the company enough by buying their shoes, might as well get some other returns from your investment.  right?  Good Luck man.

Can you sell or withdraw your money at any given time??...Thank you so much, you definately handed me info that I find extremely useful.
Yup, with the click of a button online.  (As long as the stock doesn't go to 0 because of bankruptcy or you have a halt in trading) 

Most accounts allow you to write checks with them.  So you can sell your stock and then write a check using the cash from the stock you sold.
I think women as a whole get jealous when a man has any vice that doesn't involve them. Like whatever you're spending money on for yourself is a treat for themselves that they lost out on.
I think women as a whole get jealous when a man has any vice that doesn't involve them. Like whatever you're spending money on for yourself is a treat for themselves that they lost out on.
Steezy-I went through the same thing with my girl. But I told her flat at if you dont accept me for me then why are we together? She will learn in time that its who you are, but may never fully understand the reasoning behind. I can honestly say being with my girl has slowed my game down a bit. But not in a bad way. If you are keeping up with your finances then you shouldnt trip man keep doing you.
Steezy-I went through the same thing with my girl. But I told her flat at if you dont accept me for me then why are we together? She will learn in time that its who you are, but may never fully understand the reasoning behind. I can honestly say being with my girl has slowed my game down a bit. But not in a bad way. If you are keeping up with your finances then you shouldnt trip man keep doing you.
How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.
How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.

Im sure thats another thread in the making.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.

Im sure thats another thread in the making.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.

Im sure thats another thread in the making.

Nah bro, I don't go to jcrew often, when I do go it's a BIG purchase though....for us both.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

How much do you spend on clothes steezy? Eff sneakers, I wish I could stockpile my wardrobe with J. Crew like you do. I would imagine that amounts to more than you spend on kicks.

Im sure thats another thread in the making.

Nah bro, I don't go to jcrew often, when I do go it's a BIG purchase though....for us both.
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