MAX | Out Now |

Maybe it's because I've always been a HBO/HBO Go subscriber and have seen a vast majority of their original content already...but I find myself scrolling thru a ton of BS in HBO Max just like I do in Netflix.

They're the same to me right now....but I look forward to more original content from HBO Max which should be stronger than Netflix's.
Maybe it's because I've always been a HBO/HBO Go subscriber and have seen a vast majority of their original content...but I find myself scrolling thru a ton of BS in HBO Max just like I do in Netflix.

They're the same to me right now....but I look forward to more original content from HBO Max which should be stronger than Netflix's.

It's a lot of older HBO shows that I never watched(6 feet Under) or intend to go back and binge on.
What a mess, no way did I imagine they just did this without speaking to everyone and coming to a decision. Stupid.

There are going to be books written about how poorly Warner Brothers handled this. Putting all of their 2021 movies on HBO Max reeks of desperation and short-term, headline grabbing moves as opposed to well thought out decision making. From the backlash we've seen from their biggest creates like Nolan and Villeneuve, it seems like they made this decision without consulting their filmmakers.

You also noticed that no other movie studio has made such a sweeping change. This is going to look especially bad if theaters do indeed bounce back in 2021. I can see Warner Bros pulling a 180 and allowing some of their smaller films to be on HBO Max but keeping the larger ones for theaters. He'll get some backlash but I think that would be the right move.
while stuff happened that could set up a 2nd season.. dont think that is what should happen
Oh I agree, but I'm in, show is definitely in the guilty pleasure/soap opera queue. I just hope it doesnt get TOO ridiculous, but thats wishful thinking at this point.
The way they presented that S2 bit already had me thinking they gonna try to do some comedic version of
ALIAS, with her in different disguises
They had some great character development stuff but the execution was all over the place.
I'm also really diggin Kaley. HATED big bang, and her character on it, but so far she's 2/2 in my book with this and Harley Quinn
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