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Started binging Euphoria and finally caught up. Great TV. A24 rarely ever misses.
Station Eleven giving me light Leftovers vibes, bro.

I haven't watched Leftovers yet but I hope Station Eleven picks up. I just finished the 4th episode and so far its ehh.
I've been mostly watching at work, so that might make it seem more exciting from my desk.:lol:

It does pick up and get a bit more interesting, though.

If you like the overall premise of this, I would definitely suggest watching The Leftovers. It’s this kind of storytelling at its pinnacle in my book.

Feels really similar with a lot of the music and camerawork sometimes.
I hated those fools in the cult who only wore white, never talked, and chainsmoked. That one scene with liv tyler though.
Hell in the Heartland is good 4 part true crime documentary. I had just finished the book, it was like reading a script to a season of True Detective. Didn't even know a series existed until last night. Recommend.

Starting Peacemaker.
Jennifer Holland is kind of fine.
I’ve never seen her before Suicide Squad.
I don’t remember her from Brightburn either.
This is the absolute worst functioning app in existence.
It’s really not good.
I still think PRIME is worse.
When it comes to streaming apps and overall interface in General, it’s either good or bad it seems. No in between.
It really seems like ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, to make a decent and functional App, is make the FF/RW functions super easy, and make it easy to jump between scenes. As long as I can get back to the 36min mark of a 60minute show with ease and quickly, app is pretty much delivering.

If I have to watch 2minutes of me Fast forwarding through scenes to get back to my 36minute mark, app is trash
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I know this thread is mainly about HBO originals, but the TCM hub is pretty awesome, even if they have a pretty loose definition of "Classic". There was an 80th anniversary celebration of Casablanca this past week, so I was able to see it in a theater for the first time (if you've never seen it, I highly suggest doing so). It kind of inspired me to dive into some other things this weekend. Really excellent stuff on there if you're looking for something different.
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