Meanwhile in Oakland.... (Sideshow on I-880) Vol. seriously? still?!

Feb 20, 2004

"A few cretins took to 880 North in Oakland, Calif.yesterday to do donuts in the middle of the day, in the middle of the road. In a video titled "Out here shuttin **** down," Crick Filippi posted the following video to Facebook that, according to Jalopnik, "shows some Mustangs, a Camaro and 240SX doing some spins on the highway." That is "until someone announces that the Five-Oh are comin'," prompting the drivers to flee the scene. Ugh. Behold:"

:smh: i thought this was played out years ago.
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:lol: :smokin

Saw a car the other day doing "donuts" in the snow..but it was a station wagon..:smh:..I wanted them to crash
I would have driven right through that non-sense. 
no you wouldn't have
I would have driven right through that non-sense. 
yeah right
Blee dat bros. 

@ being able to see the Oakland Coliseum in the background. HOME TOWN, word to dis is for my haterz
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