Meditative Thought #4 - Do we micro-manage too much of our life, too much of the time? Flow with it

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

We are talking about fashion. Not psychological expression or personal assessments.

How can a man express his sense of fashion to himself GrimLock?

You are taking my statement out of context. Stay on topic. Fashion. How can you express FASHION to yourself?
Have you never looked in the mirror and said, "Damn, I look good?" It's really not that hard to understand that some people dress well for themselves.
Again, if everyone told you that you didn't look good would you really be saying this. The clothes that you decide to wear because they are in style, aren't what you perceive to look good, it is what people like and your quest to please others and be considered a great dresser.

What you mentioned is still a reflection of outside influences. I don't buy the people dress well for themselves because you don't dictate what is well and what isn't. The world does.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

We are talking about fashion. Not psychological expression or personal assessments.

How can a man express his sense of fashion to himself GrimLock?

You are taking my statement out of context. Stay on topic. Fashion. How can you express FASHION to yourself?
Have you never looked in the mirror and said, "Damn, I look good?" It's really not that hard to understand that some people dress well for themselves.
Again, if everyone told you that you didn't look good would you really be saying this. The clothes that you decide to wear because they are in style, aren't what you perceive to look good, it is what people like and your quest to please others and be considered a great dresser.

What you mentioned is still a reflection of outside influences. I don't buy the people dress well for themselves because you don't dictate what is well and what isn't. The world does.
DCAllAmerican wrote:

Example, if I was on a farm, and I played basketball with myself up until the age of 15. I don't think I truly have confidence in my game. Why? Because I have yet to test it on anyone. I can feel good about myself and I can know that I can make shots on my farm hoop, but that isn't confidence. To trust in my abilities, I need some sort of measurement, because without it, I am just competing against my own mirror.
What if I was your estranged cousin from Antarctica and didnt know jack about what basketball was....I come to your house and you just tell me what the rules and concepts are...I play my first game ever of this said basketball and demolish you ...what did i have? 

- and no; im not 7'1 in this scenario.
DCAllAmerican wrote:

Example, if I was on a farm, and I played basketball with myself up until the age of 15. I don't think I truly have confidence in my game. Why? Because I have yet to test it on anyone. I can feel good about myself and I can know that I can make shots on my farm hoop, but that isn't confidence. To trust in my abilities, I need some sort of measurement, because without it, I am just competing against my own mirror.
What if I was your estranged cousin from Antarctica and didnt know jack about what basketball was....I come to your house and you just tell me what the rules and concepts are...I play my first game ever of this said basketball and demolish you ...what did i have? 

- and no; im not 7'1 in this scenario.
I agree DC...the way I look at material goods in terms of what we's like a path to maturity moreso for myself. While we are young we live this "pleasing ourselves by pleasing others" the style we wore in high school, the looks it got us and we continued along this path until some of us get to a point like myself where the style we adopted in h.s. or early college or continue to adopt because of styles we see on other people in the streets or in magazines or on t.v. are actually things we like and don't care if other people like it or not and we matured to a point where what we wear now is just basically what we like to wear.

I go to the gym - I bought a nice pair of adidas track pants, my v-neck t-shirt, my old @*@ dunks I do lifting in and i'm out.

I go to class - wear my polo jacket in my favorite army green color, some jeans and some clarks if its a nice day or some sneakers

Now when I'm going out to eat, or a night out, or a date, or a wedding...i'm gonna dress for the occasion...not because i'm looking to get attention...I get what I can get through personality. If I get compliments then that always welcomed and appreciated...if someone outright tells me what i'm wearing is stupid or whatever I just say...well when I left my house i was confident and comfortable in what I chose so point blank thanks for your opinion but if all you have to say to me is "I don't like what your wearing" then you sir/madam can #!%@ off. Who would go up to another person and ragg on them for what their wearing if they weren't doing it because their either jelly, don't understand, or are looking for co-signers to feel better about themselves, or more importantly looking to look down on someone with some sort of elitist attitude.

I mean really...I could see one of my homegirls in the street wearing a trash bag...and of course i'm gonna be like "why are you wearing a trash bag" and laugh a bit cuz its out of the norm but right now in my life I could really care less what your wearing...unless its a girl in fishnets...just something about a girl in fishnets in heels...probably "programming" earlier in life to have a fetish for those things.
I agree DC...the way I look at material goods in terms of what we's like a path to maturity moreso for myself. While we are young we live this "pleasing ourselves by pleasing others" the style we wore in high school, the looks it got us and we continued along this path until some of us get to a point like myself where the style we adopted in h.s. or early college or continue to adopt because of styles we see on other people in the streets or in magazines or on t.v. are actually things we like and don't care if other people like it or not and we matured to a point where what we wear now is just basically what we like to wear.

I go to the gym - I bought a nice pair of adidas track pants, my v-neck t-shirt, my old @*@ dunks I do lifting in and i'm out.

I go to class - wear my polo jacket in my favorite army green color, some jeans and some clarks if its a nice day or some sneakers

Now when I'm going out to eat, or a night out, or a date, or a wedding...i'm gonna dress for the occasion...not because i'm looking to get attention...I get what I can get through personality. If I get compliments then that always welcomed and appreciated...if someone outright tells me what i'm wearing is stupid or whatever I just say...well when I left my house i was confident and comfortable in what I chose so point blank thanks for your opinion but if all you have to say to me is "I don't like what your wearing" then you sir/madam can #!%@ off. Who would go up to another person and ragg on them for what their wearing if they weren't doing it because their either jelly, don't understand, or are looking for co-signers to feel better about themselves, or more importantly looking to look down on someone with some sort of elitist attitude.

I mean really...I could see one of my homegirls in the street wearing a trash bag...and of course i'm gonna be like "why are you wearing a trash bag" and laugh a bit cuz its out of the norm but right now in my life I could really care less what your wearing...unless its a girl in fishnets...just something about a girl in fishnets in heels...probably "programming" earlier in life to have a fetish for those things.
Now this is a good thread 

Maybe some of you guys can help break down my persona to me cause I don't know much about psychology and personality (directed at Grimlock, DC, etc.)

I'm not going to front, there are times where I do things to impress others. I don't go out of my way and spend cash or waste time doing so, but if I am turning heads, I feel pretty good. With that said, for the most part I try not to do so. Usually I do things very inconspicuously and quietly, and if you didn't look closely you wouldn't know I was there.

Now about what I enjoy in life: I'm like many other humans, I love fast cars, pretty women, nice homes, lots of cash. But while that is my number 1 motivator, in my heart I still know what will make me happy. I just think back to the days before I got caught up in studying, and what classes to take, what tests to study for, I remember when I was young and innocent and I lived everyday for fun. And what I loved to do then is what I love now: I love basketball and I love cars.

I don't do either of these two things to impress other people. Almost all of the time when I play basketball I'm practicing by myself in an empty gym at a late hour on the weekends when everyone else is out partying and such. And cars, I like high-performance cars, while I like Lamborghinis and Paganis my favorite car is still the Nissan GTR, just cause it's such a performance beast. Most people don't even know what it is, it wouldn't turn as many heads as even a V6 Challenger.

I noticed the original post is how a lot of what we live for is based on other people.

And I can honestly say that for me is not very much. I love shoes, and I agree with DC that to a certain extent most of the shoe purchases one makes can be attributed to impressing others. While I'd love to rock the latest Nikes, I just don't want to spend that cash. I really wanted a pair of Texas KD3s earlier this week, but I realized that $90 isn't cheap change and that I should just save the money. I already have plenty of shoes, I don't need more.

I don't do many things to impress people, but when the things I do impress people I feel pretty good. I guess that's my view of my life in a nutshell.
Now this is a good thread 

Maybe some of you guys can help break down my persona to me cause I don't know much about psychology and personality (directed at Grimlock, DC, etc.)

I'm not going to front, there are times where I do things to impress others. I don't go out of my way and spend cash or waste time doing so, but if I am turning heads, I feel pretty good. With that said, for the most part I try not to do so. Usually I do things very inconspicuously and quietly, and if you didn't look closely you wouldn't know I was there.

Now about what I enjoy in life: I'm like many other humans, I love fast cars, pretty women, nice homes, lots of cash. But while that is my number 1 motivator, in my heart I still know what will make me happy. I just think back to the days before I got caught up in studying, and what classes to take, what tests to study for, I remember when I was young and innocent and I lived everyday for fun. And what I loved to do then is what I love now: I love basketball and I love cars.

I don't do either of these two things to impress other people. Almost all of the time when I play basketball I'm practicing by myself in an empty gym at a late hour on the weekends when everyone else is out partying and such. And cars, I like high-performance cars, while I like Lamborghinis and Paganis my favorite car is still the Nissan GTR, just cause it's such a performance beast. Most people don't even know what it is, it wouldn't turn as many heads as even a V6 Challenger.

I noticed the original post is how a lot of what we live for is based on other people.

And I can honestly say that for me is not very much. I love shoes, and I agree with DC that to a certain extent most of the shoe purchases one makes can be attributed to impressing others. While I'd love to rock the latest Nikes, I just don't want to spend that cash. I really wanted a pair of Texas KD3s earlier this week, but I realized that $90 isn't cheap change and that I should just save the money. I already have plenty of shoes, I don't need more.

I don't do many things to impress people, but when the things I do impress people I feel pretty good. I guess that's my view of my life in a nutshell.
Well scshift I'm going to use the examples you've given and give you my take on your situation. The important thing to consider is neither myself nor others can give you what your really looking for, you can use some of our advice or whatever you learn from you yours to show you how to get to an answer yourself. Actually I don't think you really asked a question

I look at life in stages...what we learn 5 years ago we might look back and say how we were soo off with what we were doing to try and attain happiness but without that experience you wouldn't be in the position your in now. You can't deny who you are and what you like. If you like to break necks then do just that...but realize that somedays you might now break anyones neck and somedays you might...but you shouldn't put a majority of your confidence in yourself whether you break necks or you don't....think of if you did that would just be an extra good thing to add on top of your day.

What happens if you go a whole month not stunting and no one gives you any props on your wear...sometimes this could make you go out and buy something you really weren't into but know people would look at you and comment on your recent purchase. If you put a majority of who you are and what you call identity in external objects/people...I feel like they will be determining who you are for you. It shouldn't be like that. Of course our world is set up to where it's the easier road to travel when you don't need to create your own identity but instead place it in different clothes or objects or jewels.

There is a difference in rocking an ill chain, some dope kicks and some fly wear and letting it accentuate your personality, and wearing the same things only to look/fish for compliments/reactions from people.

The before is gonna go home probably happy regardless because he felt good, looked good and probably didn't care too much if someone made a snide comment about what he had on, the latter is more likely to get butt hurt if he didn't get the recognition he felt he deserved....not saying this is you at all just saying it as an example.

I feel at this moment that we can like all the material possessions we want to...because like I said before we have only this one life to live for all we know so if theirs something you like go get it if you want it. But when your just getting things in order to keep up with certain people or live a lifestyle that you feel is just not naturally yours then instead of "living the life" your wasting your own living someone else's dream.

I think 90% of the world will agree with you and me when we say that impressing other people does feel good, but when you make it a priority in life your gonna end up with a bunch of regrets.

These feelings of recognition from your peers and such should really be secondary to personal achievement like when your hooping. You can't take these things to the grave with you but what you end up accomplishing in life lives on past your death.
Well scshift I'm going to use the examples you've given and give you my take on your situation. The important thing to consider is neither myself nor others can give you what your really looking for, you can use some of our advice or whatever you learn from you yours to show you how to get to an answer yourself. Actually I don't think you really asked a question

I look at life in stages...what we learn 5 years ago we might look back and say how we were soo off with what we were doing to try and attain happiness but without that experience you wouldn't be in the position your in now. You can't deny who you are and what you like. If you like to break necks then do just that...but realize that somedays you might now break anyones neck and somedays you might...but you shouldn't put a majority of your confidence in yourself whether you break necks or you don't....think of if you did that would just be an extra good thing to add on top of your day.

What happens if you go a whole month not stunting and no one gives you any props on your wear...sometimes this could make you go out and buy something you really weren't into but know people would look at you and comment on your recent purchase. If you put a majority of who you are and what you call identity in external objects/people...I feel like they will be determining who you are for you. It shouldn't be like that. Of course our world is set up to where it's the easier road to travel when you don't need to create your own identity but instead place it in different clothes or objects or jewels.

There is a difference in rocking an ill chain, some dope kicks and some fly wear and letting it accentuate your personality, and wearing the same things only to look/fish for compliments/reactions from people.

The before is gonna go home probably happy regardless because he felt good, looked good and probably didn't care too much if someone made a snide comment about what he had on, the latter is more likely to get butt hurt if he didn't get the recognition he felt he deserved....not saying this is you at all just saying it as an example.

I feel at this moment that we can like all the material possessions we want to...because like I said before we have only this one life to live for all we know so if theirs something you like go get it if you want it. But when your just getting things in order to keep up with certain people or live a lifestyle that you feel is just not naturally yours then instead of "living the life" your wasting your own living someone else's dream.

I think 90% of the world will agree with you and me when we say that impressing other people does feel good, but when you make it a priority in life your gonna end up with a bunch of regrets.

These feelings of recognition from your peers and such should really be secondary to personal achievement like when your hooping. You can't take these things to the grave with you but what you end up accomplishing in life lives on past your death.
Yeah that sounds about right, I don't own anything "fly" besides some technology and a couple nice shoes, but those are things I'd wear/use whether I was making a trip to the ATM or walking through school. If someone says my shoes look stupid I won't even consider what they just said, I always like what I buy cause I rarely buy expensive things.

All of this is speculation because I'm not old or wealthy enough to even try living a lavish life, so it's all what I feel like I'd do in my head.

Going through this thread really made me realize I don't really even know what I want in my life. I'm almost never satisfied, if I accomplish something I'll be happy for a couple days and proud, but then I'll start looking for something more. Like I always want to one up myself. Whether it's lifting weights, or doing well in school, or talking to girls, after every little "victory" or success I find myself trying to push it to the next level.

I don't know. Right now my idea of happiness is so simple, I feel like that can't be it
I just want a fast car, some music, cool girl and I'll cruise into the sunset. But I feel like I'll always try and pursue something more. Just for the fun of it, like I'll invest and save for a nicer car, try and buy a bigger home, etc. I guess I'll be happy searching for happiness
Yeah that sounds about right, I don't own anything "fly" besides some technology and a couple nice shoes, but those are things I'd wear/use whether I was making a trip to the ATM or walking through school. If someone says my shoes look stupid I won't even consider what they just said, I always like what I buy cause I rarely buy expensive things.

All of this is speculation because I'm not old or wealthy enough to even try living a lavish life, so it's all what I feel like I'd do in my head.

Going through this thread really made me realize I don't really even know what I want in my life. I'm almost never satisfied, if I accomplish something I'll be happy for a couple days and proud, but then I'll start looking for something more. Like I always want to one up myself. Whether it's lifting weights, or doing well in school, or talking to girls, after every little "victory" or success I find myself trying to push it to the next level.

I don't know. Right now my idea of happiness is so simple, I feel like that can't be it
I just want a fast car, some music, cool girl and I'll cruise into the sunset. But I feel like I'll always try and pursue something more. Just for the fun of it, like I'll invest and save for a nicer car, try and buy a bigger home, etc. I guess I'll be happy searching for happiness
The way I look at happiness is through human nature. We as a species are never content with where we are in this moment so we continually do new things and achieve greater heights. Our striving for excellence is a great part of our happiness. We also take happiness in the little breaks we take between our accomplishments by taking vacations or go sky diving and buying nice things.

Happiness is all around us but when we are at our lowest, or struggling to get by, or doing hard work to achieve something...with the right mindset this is also happiness.

"Process over product."
The way I look at happiness is through human nature. We as a species are never content with where we are in this moment so we continually do new things and achieve greater heights. Our striving for excellence is a great part of our happiness. We also take happiness in the little breaks we take between our accomplishments by taking vacations or go sky diving and buying nice things.

Happiness is all around us but when we are at our lowest, or struggling to get by, or doing hard work to achieve something...with the right mindset this is also happiness.

"Process over product."
what is the whole point of this fashion discussion? that we wear fashion explicitly for other people? what happened to "well if that's what makes him happy"?
what is the whole point of this fashion discussion? that we wear fashion explicitly for other people? what happened to "well if that's what makes him happy"?
Yeah truth man.

I always wondered about the fascination with how people just want to be "happy" in this world. Whenever people say that, they make it sound like their life is terrible, a bore and every day is a grind. I hate my situation right now but I still find time to do fun things and have a blast... I don't let my environment dictate how happy I am.

Like damn, it's like people need to be on a sunny beach with lots of cash and cocktails and bad women to be "happy". I don't get it. I can call up some friends and we can take the train into the city later tonight, have a blast and I'll be happy for a good couple days
I needa real through the whole thread, but fashion and material things mean nothing to me if you look like crap an aren't healthy.
I needa real through the whole thread, but fashion and material things mean nothing to me if you look like crap an aren't healthy.
Yeah truth man.

I always wondered about the fascination with how people just want to be "happy" in this world. Whenever people say that, they make it sound like their life is terrible, a bore and every day is a grind. I hate my situation right now but I still find time to do fun things and have a blast... I don't let my environment dictate how happy I am.

Like damn, it's like people need to be on a sunny beach with lots of cash and cocktails and bad women to be "happy". I don't get it. I can call up some friends and we can take the train into the city later tonight, have a blast and I'll be happy for a good couple days
Everyone cares about what others think of them to an extent. (some more than others). Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves; but if you let other people's potential opinions of you dictate your life, you're a clown. There's nothing wrong with wanting nice things. There is something wrong with trying to keep up with the Joneses as they say. Life is all about moderation. If you have a job, bills paid, and money in the bank, and want to spend some money on yourself by copping (insert material object here) who's to say otherwise?
Everyone cares about what others think of them to an extent. (some more than others). Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves; but if you let other people's potential opinions of you dictate your life, you're a clown. There's nothing wrong with wanting nice things. There is something wrong with trying to keep up with the Joneses as they say. Life is all about moderation. If you have a job, bills paid, and money in the bank, and want to spend some money on yourself by copping (insert material object here) who's to say otherwise?
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