Messed Up ot Not: Teaching Your Kids About Santa Clause (At All)

My family is atheist and Christmas is always the biggest holiday for us

I'm agnostic, my girl is catholic though she swear she's nothing :lol:.

she's putting up a tree, and that's fine by me.

I got no issue with celebrating a holiday so long as there is no religious connotation involved.

I can give others gifts, say happy holidays, i see it as just a reason to get together and spread some love.

but when my kid is at school, and is coming home yelling "merry x-mas" and talmbout santa and ****, I need to know what his teacher is putting in that boys brain.

I don't need my son having any religious talk forced upon him.

hell, I don't even talk to my mom anymore because every time I pick up the phone she want to start talking about Islam. Like bruh :lol:.

one sure fire way to get me out of my comfort zone is forcing religion on me or my kids. i don't take kindly to that from nobody.
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Gotta keep it 100 with the kids. They'll respect you alot more if you don't insult their intelligence. Kids are actually pretty smart at a young age
I'll let my kids be kids and do the Santa thing but I'm gonna spin the story. Christianity gets no play in my ride.
There really isn't much Christianity in the basic Santa story

I don't think elves are in the bible
Not celebrating x-mas and having your kids believe in a lie like Santa Claus delivering gifts to all good kids around the world doesn't mean you can't foster your children's imagination.

If anything you're making it sound like floating that lie to kids is the lazy way for them to have an imagination.

I mean I dunno how about have your children read some good fiction? Watch some good tv/movies? Pretty sure there's just as much quality outlandish material on par or better than flying reindeer, talking snowmen, and grinches.
Jesus some of you dudes are curmudgeons. :lol:

Let the kids be kids and do kid things. There's absolutely zero harm in Santa Claus. Like seriously, who here holds it against their parents for pretending like Santa existed when you were young? Hell, most of us can't even remember what the hell we thought that far back.

Dudes in here acting like your kid is gonna grow up to be like Buddy the Elf if you go along with the Santa thing at a young age. Unless your child is slow, they'll eventually grow to learn that Santa isn't real and that you really bought them all that stuff.
My parents never raised me to believe in that bull **** so I naturally having nothing to hold against them in that regard.

GOD on the other hand......

I grew up doing kid things and have a vast imagination. I believe it's directly related to my interest and love for philosophy. I don't see anything wrong raising kids the way you want if it aint harming them. Especially when it comes to something like this.

This is just a case of doing things differently than you're use to and because of your culture and customs any sort of rejection or resistance to it is frowned upon. Crazy how this is a matter of choice and yet suddenly ppl want their kids to have no imagination or are curmudgeons but if I was Jewish or Muslim it'd be completely understandable and beyond reproach to even criticize raising your kids not to believe in Santa.
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I knew at a fairly young age Santa wasn't real.

I remember when I was ~ 5 - 7 years old, I told my best friend at the time that Santa wasn't real...

I didn't know his sucka *** actually believed in ol' St. Nick :lol:

His mom was so tight when she found out I let him know who really ate those cookies & milk he'd leave out every year :lol:
My parents never raised me to believe in that bull **** so I naturally having nothing to hold against them in that regard.

GOD on the other hand......

I grew up doing kid things and have a vast imagination. I believe it's directly related to my interest and love for philosophy. I don't see anything wrong raising kids the way you want if it aint harming them. Especially when it comes to something like this.

This is just a case of doing things differently than you're use to and because of your culture and customs any sort of rejection or resistance to it is frowned upon. Crazy how this is a matter of choice and yet suddenly ppl want their kids to have no imagination or are curmudgeons but if I was Jewish or Muslim it'd be completely understandable and beyond reproach to even criticize raising your kids not to believe in Santa.

I guess I don't understand why God is even being discussed. OP asked about Santa, who last time I checked, wasn't God, Jesus, etc. :lol:

So back to the topic at hand, there is zero harm in the Santa story. If your kids hold it against you or call you a liar later in life, your kids are most likely a-holes with mental issues.
My parents never raised me to believe in that bull **** so I naturally having nothing to hold against them in that regard.

GOD on the other hand......

I grew up doing kid things and have a vast imagination. I believe it's directly related to my interest and love for philosophy. I don't see anything wrong raising kids the way you want if it aint harming them. Especially when it comes to something like this.

This is just a case of doing things differently than you're use to and because of your culture and customs any sort of rejection or resistance to it is frowned upon. Crazy how this is a matter of choice and yet suddenly ppl want their kids to have no imagination or are curmudgeons but if I was Jewish or Muslim it'd be completely understandable and beyond reproach to even criticize raising your kids not to believe in Santa.

I guess I don't understand why God is even being discussed. OP asked about Santa, who last time I checked, wasn't God, Jesus, etc. :lol:
Cuz given the religion this holiday is closely attached to and the fact that one is a lie and when you get to a certain age you can interpret another as a lie as well.

Just an obvious comparison.

So back to the topic at hand, there is zero harm in the Santa story.
There's no harm in your kids not believing the Santa story.

So like I said it comes down to the choice of the parents if they're gonna play along with the lie or not.

If your kids hold it against you or call you a liar later in life, your kids are most likely a-holes with mental issues.
This whole holding it against you stuff is a weird thing to even bring up. It's really just about whether you down with the lie or not and if you're even celebrating x-mas.

To me when it comes to something like this it's more important imo that children know their parents worked hard to pay for any gifts they get but ppl got other more lighthearted views on this stuff.
I enjoyed the whole Christmas Santa thing as a kid so I'm going to pass it on

Nothing wrong with not doing it though
My parents never raised me to believe in that bull **** so I naturally having nothing to hold against them in that regard.

GOD on the other hand......

I grew up doing kid things and have a vast imagination. I believe it's directly related to my interest and love for philosophy. I don't see anything wrong raising kids the way you want if it aint harming them. Especially when it comes to something like this.

This is just a case of doing things differently than you're use to and because of your culture and customs any sort of rejection or resistance to it is frowned upon. Crazy how this is a matter of choice and yet suddenly ppl want their kids to have no imagination or are curmudgeons but if I was Jewish or Muslim it'd be completely understandable and beyond reproach to even criticize raising your kids not to believe in Santa.

I guess I don't understand why God is even being discussed. OP asked about Santa, who last time I checked, wasn't God, Jesus, etc. :lol:
Cuz given the religion this holiday is closely attached to and the fact that one is a lie and when you get to a certain age you can interpret another as a lie as well.

Just an obvious comparison.

So back to the topic at hand, there is zero harm in the Santa story.
There's no harm in your kids not believing the Santa story.

So like I said it comes down to the choice of the parents if they're gonna play along with the lie or not.

If your kids hold it against you or call you a liar later in life, your kids are most likely a-holes with mental issues.
This whole holding it against you stuff is a weird thing to even bring up. It's really just about whether you down with the lie or not and if you're even celebrating x-mas.

To me when it comes to something like this it's more important imo that children know their parents worked hard to pay for any gifts they get but ppl got other more lighthearted views on this stuff.

I'm sorry but Christmas as it stands today is in no way tied to religion at all. The Santa story with Rudolph and all that has nothing to do with Christianity in today's society. Santa = presents to kids. Now if you're taking about baby Jesus in the manger, then yes, you're right.

But celebrating the Santa story isn't indoctrinating kids with religious views. I'm willing to bet that most kids coming up these days don't even connect the dots with "Christ" being in the word Christmas. As a society, we're so far removed from the old days of it being a religious holiday

edit: And no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to not do the Santa thing. But we gotta stop acting like parents are doing their kids such a huge disservice by telling them "lies". It just seems like fake outrage over something that benefits kids (i.e. They get to have fun and get toys!).
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The whole beauty of teaching your kids this is the magic it instills in them at such a young age. I cn understand why people might not teach their kids but I'm glad I taught mine. Why ruin her fun?
kids are gonna have an active imagination regardless yall act like they need santa claus for that 
Santa is basically a real life cartoon, and I'm sure kids think cartoons are real too. Just something fun to see innocent children buy into and get excited about.

Cats in this thread sound like they'll go to Disney world and snatch mickey's head off to keep it 100 with their child. On some "i can't let my child think a mouse can afford a majestic Palace like this'.

Thin line between keeping it real and being ridiculous.
My family is atheist and Christmas is always the biggest holiday for us

I'm agnostic, my girl is catholic though she swear she's nothing :lol:.

she's putting up a tree, and that's fine by me.

I got no issue with celebrating a holiday so long as there is no religious connotation involved.

I can give others gifts, say happy holidays, i see it as just a reason to get together and spread some love.

but when my kid is at school, and is coming home yelling "merry x-mas" and talmbout santa and ****, I need to know what his teacher is putting in that boys brain.

I don't need my son having any religious talk forced upon him.

hell, I don't even talk to my mom anymore because every time I pick up the phone she want to start talking about Islam. Like bruh :lol:.

one sure fire way to get me out of my comfort zone is forcing religion on me or my kids. i don't take kindly to that from nobody.

Public or private school?
Santa is basically a real life cartoon, and I'm sure kids think cartoons are real too. Just something fun to see innocent children buy into and get excited about.

Cats in this thread sound like they'll go to Disney world and snatch mickey's head off to keep it 100 with their child. On some "i can't let my child think a mouse can afford a majestic Palace like this'.

Thin line between keeping it real and being ridiculous.

Kids aren't dumb so we shouldn't treat them like they are
Santa is basically a real life cartoon, and I'm sure kids think cartoons are real too. Just something fun to see innocent children buy into and get excited about.

Cats in this thread sound like they'll go to Disney world and snatch mickey's head off to keep it 100 with their child. On some "i can't let my child think a mouse can afford a majestic Palace like this'.

Thin line between keeping it real and being ridiculous.

Kids aren't dumb so we shouldn't treat them like they are

They'll figure things out eventually, but why not let them enjoy the allure of things like santa/cartoons for as long as it's real to them?
Santa is basically a real life cartoon, and I'm sure kids think cartoons are real too. Just something fun to see innocent children buy into and get excited about.

Cats in this thread sound like they'll go to Disney world and snatch mickey's head off to keep it 100 with their child. On some "i can't let my child think a mouse can afford a majestic Palace like this'.

Thin line between keeping it real and being ridiculous.
"Son, let me tell you who is really wearing this mouse suit and what systematic bureaucracy made him do it." Just gotta be factual and realistic in every aspect of life
They'll figure things out eventually, but why not let them enjoy the allure of things like santa/cartoons for as long as it's real to them?


There are grown men who believe in things that arent real.
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