Feb 9, 2007
Does anyone no where i can get a pair at. I heard in another forum that they have restocked. I called Pit Crew and they said they havent got anymore. Anyother spots around the area!!
Doubt they will restock something limited like the dooms. Your best bet would be ebay at this point. But IMO not worth the 220+ they are going for. IMO onceNIKE SB releases something that creates a lot of hype again then the prices on the dooms will go down since the attention of the hypebeasts will be elsewhere.
A lot of shops have gotten restocks but I haven't heard of any shops in the DC area getting them.
I've heard that East Coast shops will be getting restocks sometime this week. If anyone knows anything I would be very appreciative since I was out of theUnited States during the initial release.
Ima hit up pitcrew sumtime this week to see if they get them!! I slept on this shoe and im def. tryin to cop the second time around
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