Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Blasted Mike all day today and will continue blasting it until he is buried. His music is so timeless and the way his voice intertwined with the beat isunparalled. Dude was certainly a true gift from the lord above, best artist we'll ever see in our lifetime, just unbelievable talent. Pisses me off themusic that we have to listen to in today's age compared to when I was a kid, considering how much better technology is today. No effort or passion.
Kickmatic23 wrote:
am i the only person outa the 10s of thousands on here who still doesn't give a damn? just curious?

btw was anyone on here ever one of his victims? if so did you like it? was it worth the payout of hush money? just curious

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someone make this into an avy with the word pedo over it! thanks

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One response is enough man, we know you don't like him. That's your opinion, noproblem. But, you wouldn't want for us to be clowning on someone who passed that you cared about, so just let us be and find something more positivelyconstructive to do.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Everyone loved black Michael.

We tolerated white Michael cuz we loved black Michael so much.

This new information to you or something?

So upon death he turned back into black Michael?

Wouldn't he have needed all this support while he was alive?
You know......so he could live a bit longer.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

"but his death affect me as much as my Grandmothers"
Here's the thing, I didn't really knew my grandmother. She lives in another country, which I'm not going to say.

I've only seen her about... maybe 3-5 times in my life, idk I can't remember because it was way too long ago when I was a little kid.

I saw my grandmother last year around this time of the year, and three months later she died. When she died, I mourned, but I didn't totally burst into tears.

I shed some tears, but it wasn't Niagara Falls type of tears. Get me? That's what I'm trying to compare, maybe I should have worded my words right. lol

oh alrite..i was like
when i first saw that


if you want the TRUE .PNG to put on shirts at Cafepress.com or Zazzle.com send me a PM. FLOOD THESTREETS WITH MJ LOVE!

Warning: Dont put it on black shirts! I might re-do it to where it will fit on black tees but I dunno yet. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and dont pm for request to change anything on it.[/color]

-The Juice
If you were born in the last 100 years then MJ or his music has been a part of your life...Hate him personally for whatever reason you may but if you hate onhis art, then shame on you! THE BEST ENTERTAINER EVER!!!!! Rest In Peace.
Man, some of you cats on here, just want to make a name for yourself on NT or want some God damn attention. You already know people really truly love MJ inhere, so you can sit back like a coward on the internet and say things, you know damn well you wouldn't say in public around MJ fans. I appreciate allNTers that are posting MJ tributes and positive comments even negative comments in a respectful way. You just have some of these cats ODing for the lulz makingthemselves look stupid and lame.
Anyone ever seen this? This made me cry a little. 3 different versions of an MJ Pepsi commercial. Watch it untill the end. My favourite version is the firstone. This actually made me cry. Just seeing all that footage..Then you also see adult Mike looking back and smiling while playing the piano and seeing youngMike there singing with him....Send shivers up my spine. Again, sorry if already posted.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Blasted Mike all day today and will continue blasting it until he is buried. His music is so timeless and the way his voice intertwined with the beat is unparalled. Dude was certainly a true gift from the lord above, best artist we'll ever see in our lifetime, just unbelievable talent. Pisses me off the music that we have to listen to in today's age compared to when I was a kid, considering how much better technology is today. No effort or passion.
That's why he's was a great as he was, he put 100% into all of his work. He was probably one of the most continuously hard workingentertainers of our time. Whether you like his music or not, you have to at least respect him for his endless effort and dedication.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

was dangerous michaels worst album?
HUH!? thats like my favorite album.

In The Closet
Remember The Time.......(the video
Heal The World
Who Is It
Will You Be There
Gone Too Soon

^^^Those were ALL on that album. They were all number one hits .....and what I just posted was almost the entire album.

The Dangerous album alone sold 32 MILLION UNITS! If that was his WORST album that, has to be the greatest worstalbum in the entire history of music.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Anyone ever seen this? This made me cry a little. 3 different versions of an MJ Pepsi commercial. Watch it untill the end. My favourite version is the first one. This actually made me cry. Just seeing all that footage..Then you also see adult Mike looking back and smiling while playing the piano and seeing young Mike there singing with him....Send shivers up my spine. Again, sorry if already posted.


Can't believe hes gone, damn.....

No celebrity death has ever hit me this hard...Real @@*%%!' talk.

For everyone posting negative comments and arguing why people on this board are sad/crying, fall back...MJ might not have touched you or inspired you, buti'm sure SOMEONE in this world has, whether you know them personally or not, and when that person dies, you will feel this EXACT feeling.....So let usmourn and let us show our emotions.. Just let us be. You can make your ignorant comments and make your jokes, just DON'T tell us how we should feel..Thatsone thing i will never let somebody do is tell me how the *+@% i should be feelin'...

Once again, REST IN PARADICE MICHAEL J JACKSON...Gone too soon....Smh�

*wipes tear*
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

was dangerous michaels worst album?
HUH!? thats like my favorite album.

In The Closet
Remember The Time.......(the video
Heal The World
Who Is It
Will You Be There
Gone Too Soon

^^^Those were ALL on that album. They were all number one hits .....and what I just posted was almost the entire album.

The Dangerous album alone sold 32 MILLION UNITS! If that was his WORST album that, has to be the greatest worst album in the entire history of music.

-The Juice
It wasn't just his music, it was his persona. He had the life of Benjamin Button A young kid who carried himself with the persona of a 50 year old, and aman who acted as if he was 12 year old.

Mike consoled me when my Mother wasn't there, who hasn't been grateful when listening to MJ belt out "I'll be there"...I mean not a timehave I heard that song, and not believed Mike to actually be there, in death is no different. As I listen to the song while typing this, it seems only ironicthat Mike himself had nobody there for him. He was gone before he left. No medicine could have helped him, and no "treatment"...Sure he could havelived longer, but Mike had issues that far surpassed physical treatment. It seems that God has a thing for those with too much talent for this world.

Music is the soundtrack to life, and Mike was the soundtrack to mine. So many times as a young child, I sat in my bed crying through things I went throughwhich I will spare you the details of, regardless I had Mike in the Back chanting "you are not alone" He was ALWAYS with me...I can barely finish totype this as I am literally balling. To those of you who can't see the impact fine. Nobody is forcing you to cry, or even care about his death. Just letthose of us who were affected have our moment. I can still remember my Mom balling when Princess Diana died, did I care? No, but I sure didn't ask her whyshe cared so much. You don't get it.....Fine.

As a fan who never left Mikes side, through the speculation and all of the corny jokes made by comedians who ran out of things to talk about. I love him. Hehad more than just 7 brothers, he had millions. I never met MJ, but I knew him, as I am sure so many out here on NT can relate to as well. I was born aftermost of his work so Age has nothing to do with it. Certain people transcend boundaries, MJ was one of em.

From the kid who couldn't stop smiling, to the man who couldn't grow up. MJ was my hero.

His escape was music, and his music was my escape.
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

am i the only person outa the 10s of thousands on here who still doesn't give a damn? just curious?

btw was anyone on here ever one of his victims? if so did you like it? was it worth the payout of hush money? just curious
your not alone. Never met dude. he aint fam or a close friend or a friend so i dont care bout him like that lol
Damn these videos are great, it's amazing on how many fans he has EVERYWHERE, he's going to be a future Beethoven, his music may live on for centuries.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

As I sat in my backyard taking in the scenery and all I can think about is Michael Jackson singing "Human Nature' and 'Gone too Soon".

As I watch the leafs of my tree blow gently with the wind, my eyes started to shed tears. It was an indescribable feeling, I know that I have never met the man

in my life, but his death affect me as much as my Grandmothers and my dog's death. I love the man, and to see him gone hurts me man.

Knowing that your hero growing up just die just like that and I couldn't do sh.. about it. I wanted to fly to California so bad, but I couldn't, all I could do was watch stupid CNN babbling

about his criminal issues. Smh.

Yo, Rest In Peace MJ.... naw..... Rest in Paradise man.

As long as your music and fans are still here, you will forever be remembered.
Are you for real?

As stated before, people are ODing.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

It wasn't just his music, it was his persona. He had the life of Benjamin Button A young kid who carried himself with the persona of a 50 year old, and a man who acted as if he was 12 year old.

Mike consoled me when my Mother wasn't there, who hasn't been grateful when listening to MJ belt out "I'll be there"...I mean not a time have I heard that song, and not believed Mike to actually be there, in death is no different. As I listen to the song while typing this, it seems only ironic that Mike himself had nobody there for him. He was gone before he left. No medicine could have helped him, and no "treatment"...Sure he could have lived longer, but Mike had issues that far surpassed physical treatment. It seems that God has a thing for those with too much talent for this world.

Music is the soundtrack to life, and Mike was the soundtrack to mine. So many times as a young child, I sat in my bed crying through things I went through which I will spare you the details of, regardless I had Mike in the Back chanting "you are not alone" He was ALWAYS with me...I can barely finish to type this as I am literally balling. To those of you who can't see the impact fine. Nobody is forcing you to cry, or even care about his death. Just let those of us who were affected have our moment. I can still remember my Mom balling when Princess Diana died, did I care? No, but I sure didn't ask her why she cared so much. You don't get it.....Fine.

As a fan who never left Mikes side, through the speculation and all of the corny jokes made by comedians who ran out of things to talk about. I love him. He had more than just 7 brothers, he had millions. I never met MJ, but I knew him, as I am sure so many out here on NT can relate to as well. I was born after most of his work so Age has nothing to do with it. Certain people transcend boundaries, MJ was one of em.

From the kid who couldn't stop smiling, to the man who couldn't grow up. MJ was my hero.

His escape was music, and his music was my escape.

Brought a tear to my eye reading this, i feel you my dude, 100%.
Pics I found on ONTD.

These pics are from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tonight his fans gathered in Obelisco (a typical place where fans go to celebrate soccer championships) tocommemorate him:

I truly wonder if Michael knew his death would have this much of an impact on a global scale. The whole world is mourning the loss of a legend. I am still sosaddened and shocked by all of this.

I'm out for the night. I will contribute some more tomorrow.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames



if you want the TRUE .PNG to put on shirts at Cafepress.com or Zazzle.com send me a PM. FLOOD THE STREETS WITH MJ LOVE!

Warning: Dont put it on black shirts! I might re-do it to where it will fit on black tees but I dunno yet. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and dont pm for request to change anything on it.[/color]

-The Juice

For those who missed it

-The Juice
Growing up to Michael Jackson's music was very memorable. It's amazing how much he touched people with his music. As a music lover, and producer ofmusic his whole style incorporated with Quincy Jones production was embarked into the people of many, the album thriller was very ahead of it's time, infact MJ was ahead of his time. In different nitches in music you can find a lick of him here, or there, or even the flavor of quincy during that time intoday's influences.
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