Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

It finally hit me that MJ is no longer here. It's still tough to believe. Like most have said, it feels like a part of my childhood is gone.

I remember the days when my eyes would be glued to the TV whenever "Beat It" or "Smooth Criminal" came on,
Or how my sister and I used to mimic the dances Mike and Janet did in the "Scream" video
And how I used to irritate my parents by always asking them if they could take me to Disneyland just to be able to watch Captain EO in 3-D

I could go on and on ..

It's beyond amazing what this man has accomplished in his career. Simply the greatest entertainer of all time. He will be greatly missed.

Rest in Peace MJ
RIP again Mike. Its finally starting to hit me

There will never be another entertainer ever who did what Mike did. Mike isnt the King of Pop, Mike is the King of Music.

God Bless your soul Mike, you had a rough life but thank you for giving us endless joy through music and dance. You will never beforgotten.
Originally Posted by segagenesis510

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

am i the only person outa the 10s of thousands on here who still doesn't give a damn? just curious?

btw was anyone on here ever one of his victims? if so did you like it? was it worth the payout of hush money? just curious

correction: instead of thousands replace that with MILLIONS!


Originally Posted by kix4kix

It wasn't just his music, it was his persona. He had the life of Benjamin Button A young kid who carried himself with the persona of a 50 year old, and a man who acted as if he was 12 year old.

Mike consoled me when my Mother wasn't there, who hasn't been grateful when listening to MJ belt out "I'll be there"...I mean not a time have I heard that song, and not believed Mike to actually be there, in death is no different. As I listen to the song while typing this, it seems only ironic that Mike himself had nobody there for him. He was gone before he left. No medicine could have helped him, and no "treatment"...Sure he could have lived longer, but Mike had issues that far surpassed physical treatment. It seems that God has a thing for those with too much talent for this world.

Music is the soundtrack to life, and Mike was the soundtrack to mine. So many times as a young child, I sat in my bed crying through things I went through which I will spare you the details of, regardless I had Mike in the Back chanting "you are not alone" He was ALWAYS with me...I can barely finish to type this as I am literally balling. To those of you who can't see the impact fine. Nobody is forcing you to cry, or even care about his death. Just let those of us who were affected have our moment. I can still remember my Mom balling when Princess Diana died, did I care? No, but I sure didn't ask her why she cared so much. You don't get it.....Fine.

As a fan who never left Mikes side, through the speculation and all of the corny jokes made by comedians who ran out of things to talk about. I love him. He had more than just 7 brothers, he had millions. I never met MJ, but I knew him, as I am sure so many out here on NT can relate to as well. I was born after most of his work so Age has nothing to do with it. Certain people transcend boundaries, MJ was one of em.

From the kid who couldn't stop smiling, to the man who couldn't grow up. MJ was my hero.

His escape was music, and his music was my escape.

I love that first line. It hit home for me.
word this is one of the best things i've read since michael's passing. you summed up how a lot of people are feeling and we thank you forthat. R.I.P MJ
^Shut the *$%% up already

How can one man question another man on how he should be feeling???

Read kix4kix post, he said it perfectly
Originally Posted by Pill Clinton

^Shut the *$%% up already

How can one man question another man on how he should be feeling???

Read kix4kix post, he said it perfectly
it was a simple question and statement. i never said his death wasn't unfortunate and it was clearly premature.

emotional internet thugs FTL.
God....Yesterday was amazingly emotional.

Went down to the Apollo figuring We would be there for about an hour....stayed for about 8..... I miss you so much Michael....

I'll throw up pics soon
People here on NT are actually seriously thinking that the US Gov't is gonna make a Michael Jackson day?????
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Anyone ever seen this? This made me cry a little. 3 different versions of an MJ Pepsi commercial. Watch it untill the end. My favourite version is the first one. This actually made me cry. Just seeing all that footage..Then you also see adult Mike looking back and smiling while playing the piano and seeing young Mike there singing with him....Send shivers up my spine. Again, sorry if already posted.

Thanks girl as the days progress the tears start to fall I have never seen this before
" People never get the flowers while they can still smell them' K.West
dudes like u just need to leave the thread

im 19 n while i wasnt alive during thriller or the J5 days my parents and family still had me up on Michael Jackson and when i was little my parents would haveme do shows at the age of 8 because i could imitate Mike to the T the moonwalk and all! I can remeber watching black or white and begging my dad to make me atape of it so i can learn the dance moves when he was on the statue of liberty. It just saddens me that the people my age n the younger gerneration dont knowwhat they missed cause they wasnt born or there peers never put them on to some Mike n his prime so all they see is the Mike that we know today n they think heis weird n so they make slick n stupid comments not knowing that if it wasnt for Mike there wouldnt b a Lil Wayne, a Kanye West or anybody like that. So justdo your research b4 u make the slick comments towards the King. N this is coming from the biggest lil wayne fan there is but Mike will always be #1 in my book.

just my 2 cent for my generation n younger!
i didnt realize just HOW MUCH mike influenced me until i was watching his videos ... i can dance my @%# off and its all because of mike ... damn
I'm a casual listener of Michael Jackson's music.

Not acting like I'm this big huge fan when he died, but I listened to his stuff occasionally.

He was the best at what he did and it showed.

People say they have "swag" but Michael Jackson invented it!

From his hair, to the clothes he wore, to the dances he created/remade into his own, to his voice on songs...the man was a genius and was VERY passionate inwhat he did in his career.

There will NEVER be another person on this Earth who will do what M. Jackson did in 50 years.

Rest In Peace and hopefully you're in a better place where you're not judged by what people see you as, but rather by what you've accomplished andthe people you've helped.

We miss you, Michael Jackson.
You'd think I'd be tired of all these videos on a continuous loop...

...you'd be wrong.

From barbershop to cover bands sellin' out shows and every bar I went in last nite and car passing - this _'s +!#* is ringin' so loud thru thestreets right now.

We were kickin' out our legs and dancin' like fools last nite.

All the shorties did the "Thriller"...we did the "Beat It."

Didn't realize 'til last nite how everybody my age (28) doesn't have one time in their life when he wasn't alive.

We grew up on him

Man I hope this MJ fever doesn't die down for a while and the same thing is done every year...

He deserves all of the love he's getting...
Originally Posted by boxer

some of y'all are actually crying?

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Pill Clinton

^Shut the *$%% up already

How can one man question another man on how he should be feeling???

Read kix4kix post, he said it perfectly
it was a simple question and statement. i never said his death wasn't unfortunate and it was clearly premature.

emotional internet thugs FTL.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

People here on NT are actually seriously thinking that the US Gov't is gonna make a Michael Jackson day?????
QFT. All of it.

Dudes are getting out of hand with these comments.
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